赵萍 郑军 刘洁 焦娜娜 杨琨 邢凤梅
摘要 目的:探討构建急性冠脉综合征患者居家安全风险评价指标体系,为有效评价提供依据。方法:在查阅相关文献、质性访谈的基础上,经小组讨论,充分分析急性冠脉综合征患者居家安全风险因素,以“风险管理理论”和“知信行理论”作为理论框架,形成急性冠脉综合征患者居家安全风险评价指标体系的条目池。于2019年1月-2月,通过德尔菲法进行专家函询,采用目的抽样选取心血管内科医疗及护理领域专家19名,进行2轮咨询确定评价指标体系。结果:两轮专家的积极系数分别为100%和95%,经过第一轮专家函询,增加指标6项、修改5项、删除7项;第二轮函询后,一二三级指标均未增减,修改2项,一、二、三级指标的Kendall's W分别为0.229、0.356、0.295(P<0.001),变异系数为0.065-0.138,根据筛选标准,综合专家函询意见后,最终形成急性冠脉综合征患者居家安全风险评价指标体系包括一级指标4个、二级指标10个、三级指标54个。结论:本研究构建的急性冠脉综合征患者居家安全风险评价指标体系专家意见的协调程度好,具有科学性和实用性。
关键词 急性冠脉综合征;居家安全风险;德尔菲法
中图分类号 R541.4 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1671-0223(2020)06-061-05
STUDY ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF HOME SAFETY RISK EVALUATION INDEX SYSTEM FOR PATIENTS WITH ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME Zhao Ping,Zheng Jun,Liu Jie,et al.Nursing and Rehabilitation College of North China University of Science and Technology,Hebei Tangshan 063210;Tangshan People's Hospital,Tangshan 063000,China
Abstract Objective To explore the establishment of home safety risk assessment index system for patients with acute coronary syndrome .Methods On the basis of consulting relevant literature and qualitative interviews, the risk factors of home-based safety for patients with acute coronary syndrome were fully analyzed through group discussion, and an entry pool of home-based safety risk assessment index system for patients with acute coronary syndrome was formed with "risk management theory" and "knowledge, faith and behavior theory" as the theoretical framework.From January to February 2019, expert consultation was conducted through the Delphi method, and 19 experts in the field of cardiovascular medicine and nursing were sampled by purpose to determine the evaluation index system through two rounds of consultation.Results The positive coefficients of the two rounds of experts were 100% and 95% respectively. After the first round of expert consultation, 6 indicators were added, 5 indicators were modified and 7 indicators were deleted.After the second round of enquiry, just a little three indexes did not increase or decrease, modify the two, one, two, three indicators of Kendall 's W were 0.229, 0.356, 0.295 (P < 0.001), the variation coefficient is 0.065 ~ 0.138, according to the screening criteria, after comprehensive enquiry for experts, eventually form home security risk evaluation index system in patients with acute coronary syndromes including indicators 4, 10, three-level index 54 secondary indicators.Conclusion The evaluation index system of home safety risk for patients with acute coronary syndrome constructed in this study has a good degree of coordination of expert opinions, which is scientific and practical.
2.5.2 第2轮函询结果 第2轮函询结束后,一、二、三级指标均未增减,结合专家意见,修改三级指标2项,“A3.3了解如何预防急性冠脉综合征复发和其他的心血管事件吗”修改为“了解如何预防急性冠脉综合征复发及相关的心血管事件吗”,“B1.4应该控制体重增长”修改为“应该控制体重”。最终形成急性冠脉综合征患者居家安全风险评价指标体系一级指标4个、二级指标10个、三级指标54个,见表1。
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