王颖君 郦惠艳 姜波 吴慧锋 史飞飞 黄连华
[摘要] 目的 探討超高分辨率眼前节OCT在结膜增生性疾病诊断中的应用效果。 方法 选取2017年1月~2018年12月浙江大学附属第一医院及北仑分院眼科门诊收治的150例(150眼)结膜增生性疾病患者作为研究组。另选同期在我院进行体检的结膜正常者80例(80眼)作为对照组。统计分析超高分辨率眼前节OCT在睑裂斑,翼状胬肉及鳞状上皮瘤等结膜增生性疾病中临床诊断与病理诊断的符合率。观察分析睑裂斑,翼状胬肉及鳞状上皮瘤等结膜增生性疾病的特征性表现。 结果 150例(150眼)结膜增生患者临床诊断为睑裂斑患者30例(30眼),翼状胬肉患者100例(100眼),以及眼表鳞状细胞瘤的患者20例(20眼)。与病理学诊断相比,UHR-OCT诊断睑裂斑诊断符合率为100.00%(30/30),翼状胬肉诊断符合率100.00%(98/98),眼表鳞状细胞瘤诊断符合率为90.91%(20/22),经统计学处理,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。睑裂斑患者图像特征:生长在角巩膜缘处停止,且角膜上未见隆起,与前弹力层间未见高反射信号,与巩膜间未见明显分界。翼状胬肉患者图像特征:结膜上皮厚度轻度增厚,上皮层表现为中等程度的高反射,角膜上皮与前弹力层间表现为较高程度的高反射信号。OSSN患者图像特征:结膜上皮增厚,呈高反射,结膜正常上皮与异常上皮转变突然,无过渡区域,深部组织间上皮内可见瘤变。 结论 超高分辨率眼前节OCT在结膜增生性疾病的诊断中具有较高的准确性,且影像特征明显,具有广阔的临床应用前景。
[关键词] 超高分辨率;OCT;结膜增生;睑裂斑;翼状胬肉;眼表鳞状上皮瘤
[中图分类号] R777.3 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2020)07-0044-03
Application of ultra-high resolution anterior segment optical coherence tomography in the diagnosis of conjunctival proliferative diseases
WANG Yingjun1 LI Huiyan1 JIANG Bo2 WU Huifeng1 SHI Feifei1 HUANG Lianhua1
1.Department of Ophthalmology, Beilun Branch, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, Ningbo 315800, China; 2.Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310003, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the application effect of ultra-high resolution anterior segment OCT in the diagnosis of conjunctival proliferative diseases. Methods A total of 150 patients(150 eyes) with conjunctival proliferative disease who were admitted to the the outpatient clinic of ophthalmology in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University and Beilun Branch from January 2017 to December 2018 were selected as the study group. 80 patients(80 eyes) with normal conjunctiva who underwent physical examination during the same period in our hospital were selected as the control group. The coincidence rate of ultra-high resolution anterior segment OCT in clinical diagnosis and pathological diagnosis of conjunctival proliferative diseases such as pinguecula, pterygium and squamous epithelioma was statistically analyzed. The characteristic manifestations of conjunctival proliferative diseases such as pinguecula, pterygium and squamous epithelioma were observed and analyzed. Results 150 patients(150 eyes) with conjunctival hyperplasia were diagnosed as 30 patients with pinguecula(30 eyes), 100 patients with pterygium(100 eyes), and 20 patients with squamous epithelioma(20 eyes). Compared with pathological diagnosis, the diagnostic coincidence rate of UHR-OCT in the diagnosis of pinguecula was 100.00%(30/30), the diagnostic coincidence rate of pterygium was 100.00%(98/98), and the diagnostic coincidence rate of squamous epithelioma was 90.91%(20/22). After statistical analysis, the differences were not statistically significant(P>0.05). Image characteristics of patients with pinguecula: Growth stopped at the edge of corneosclera, and no bulge was seen in the cornea. There was no high reflection signal between the front elastic layer and no obvious boundary between the sclera. Image characteristics of patients with pterygium: The conjunctival epithelial thickness was slightly thickened, the epithelial layer was shown moderately high reflection, and the corneal epithelium and the pre-elastic layer was shown a higher degree of high reflection signal. Image characteristics of patients with OSSN: Thickening of the conjunctival epithelium was seen, with high reflection. The transition was sudden from normal conjunctiva epithelial to abnormal epithelial, without transitional zone. Neoplasia was seen in the deep interepithelial tissues. Conclusion The ultra-high resolution anterior segment OCT has high accuracy in the diagnosis of conjunctival proliferative diseases, and the imaging features are obvious, which has broad clinical application prospects.
[Key words] Ultra-high resolution; OCT; Conjunctival proliferation; Pinguecula; Pterygium; Squamous epithelioma
结膜增生性疾病是眼科门诊常见的眼表疾病,其种类繁多,而临床上最为多见的有结膜变性疾病翼状胬肉和睑裂斑,以及结膜肿瘤眼表鳞状上皮瘤(Ocular surface squamous neoplasia,OSSN)[1]。目前对于这些结膜增生性疾病,术前诊断主要依据病史,裂隙灯检查。一旦遇上不典型病例时,鉴别诊断就相对困难,容易导致误诊,造成治疗延误[2]。光学相干断层成像技术(Optical coherence tomography,OCT)已被证实在眼科检查中具有非常突出的作用,起初主要用于眼后节的成像,在眼底疾病诊断和随访中显示出明显的优势[3,4]。随着光学相干断层技术的发展,超高分辨率眼前节光学相干断层成像仪(Ultra-high resolution OCT,UHR-OCT)得到研发和应用[5]。本研究通过观察不同结膜增生性疾病在前节超高分辨率OCT图像上的特征性表现,并结合病理学诊断,探讨前节超高分辨OCT在结膜增生性疾病诊断及鉴别诊断中的应用价值,现报道如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
1.3 评价指标
1.4 统计学方法
2 结果
2.1 UHR-OCT临床诊断及其病理诊断的符合率
2.2 对照组研究对象UHR-OCT图像特征
2.3 睑裂斑患者UHR-OCT图像特征
2.4 翼状胬肉患者UHR-OCT图像特征
2.5 OSSN患者UHR-OCT图像特征
3 讨论
目前国内对于眼前节OCT的研究主要集中在其在角膜、前房房角、虹膜晶状体结构的检查应用。已有研究证明,应用前节OCT技术对角膜疾病诊断的实例分析(如角膜炎、角膜营养不良、角结膜肿物、圆锥角膜及角膜移植手术等),探讨其在角膜病领域的适应证,从而指导临床医生应用该项技术[6-8]。对于前节OCT在结膜增生性疾病诊断中的应用尚未见相关报道。但有学者提出眼前节OCT在结膜增生性疾病术后随访中具有一定的应用价值[9-11]。UHR-OCT检测能够获得清晰、细微的眼表结构图像,能够精确地显示角膜、前房房角、虹膜晶状体结构并可定量检测,特别是因为其非接触的检查方式,避免了检查给患者造成的不适感, 也避免了因此造成的感染和损伤,而且操作方便,因此应用于各种角膜、青光眼、外伤、白内障等前节疾病的诊断分类和随诊[12,13]。
本研究结果表明,UHR-OCT检测在结膜增生性疾病中与病理诊断结果符合率无统计学意义,进一步证明UHR-OCT检测能够准确地进行结膜增生性疾病的诊断及鉴别诊断,正如Shousha MA等[19]研究结果表明,将前节OCT誉为“光学活检”技术,通过UHR-OCT应用于眼表新生物或肿瘤的早期诊断和治疗效果的观察,并与组织病理结果进行对比,证实UHR-OCT具有很高的临床诊断能力。另外,本研究进一步明确翼状胬肉、睑裂斑和鳞状上皮瘤三类结膜增生性疾病在UHR-OCT检测图像上的特征性改变,拓宽UHR-OCT检测在眼表增生性疾病中的适应症。Chen D等[20]应用超高分辨率眼前节OCT技术评价翼状胬肉术后绷带式角膜接触镜的治疗效果,提出作为一种非接触式检查手段,眼前节OCT是监测胬肉术后角膜上皮愈合的理想工具,可为适时取出绷带式角膜接触镜提供参考[20]。
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