
2020-04-23 03:18蒲泓宇李大海
光电工程 2020年4期

蒲泓宇,李大海,罗 鹏,章 辰


蒲泓宇1,2,李大海1*,罗 鹏1,章 辰1

1四川大学电子信息学院,四川 成都 610065;2中国空气动力研究与发展中心高速所,四川 绵阳 621000

在附面层测量中,需对微小尺度的高速气流变化场进行瞬态测量。数字化的干涉测量方法能定量地解算出流场的密度场,是一种重要的应用。介绍了一种共路干涉的环路剪切干涉方法,对震动不敏感,无需参考面,适合附面层测量使用。采用基于空间位相调制的快速算法,配以脉冲激光器和同步控制系统,可实时地对扰流密度场进行定量测量。该系统采集分辨率200 pixels × 200 pixels,采集频率可达每秒1000帧以上。系统的波前重构方法经过计算机仿真,检测结果优于1/20。在0.6 m风洞对圆柱体尾部附面层进行测量试验,结果表明,在一定风速下,该系统能抑制振动干扰,显著地区分出圆柱体尾部扰流信号和振动噪声,具有良好的应用前景。


1 引 言




环路径向剪切干涉仪(Cyclic radial shearing interferometer,CRSI)作为一种高精密干涉计量技术不需要专门设置参考光路[5],采用共光路结构,路径相同,振动对其影响一致[6],因此其具有对振动不敏感的特点,适合在附面层测量中使用。利用基于空间位相调制的方法改进其结构,配合脉冲激光器和同步控制系统,对附面层密度场实现瞬态高精度的检测。分析其在高风速振动环境下的数据有效性,在一定马赫数以下的环境中显著区分出扰流信号和随机噪声,具有良好的应用前景。

2 国内外概况



图1 剪切层气动光学效应测量原理图

3 测量原理

3.1 环路径向剪切干涉系统


图2 环路径向剪切干涉测量风洞流场原理

3.2 基于空间位相调制的密度场重建算法




4 系统设计

4.1 光学系统设计指标

为风速与音速的比值,即马赫数。若很小,则密度变化可以忽略,属不可压缩流动范畴,密度场测量意义不大;若较大,则密度变化较大,属可压缩流动。一般取=0.4为其边界,另因超音速流动振动较大,本次试验针对马赫数0.4~1.0亚音速进行设计。附面层尺寸普遍在10 mm以下,基于冗余设计,本次设计光斑尺寸20 mm。

1) 动态范围、测量精度



将各参数代入式(8)计算,湍流密度相对当前密度的波动为1.85´10-3kg/m3,代入式(6)得到光程差的动态范围为1575 nm。本装置光源波长为560 nm,湍流平均波动相位在2.8,即仪器测量动态范围需大于2.8,测量精度应小于其动态范围一个以上数量级,才认为有区分度,因此需在0.1以下。

2) 采样时间、分辨率

在现有粒子示踪法测量设备中,中国空气动力研究中心PIV技术采样时间在1 ms,分辨率64×64;国防科大NPLS技术,其采样时间1 ms,分辨率200×200。参照其设定,本设备设计采样时间1 ms,分辨率200×200。

4.2 同步采集系统设计

如图3所示,该采集系统以基于开普勒望远系统的环路径向剪切干涉仪为核心,包括了脉冲激光光源、环路剪切干涉系统部分、相机及数据处理系统。光束直径为20 mm,采样分辨率200×200。



4.3 数据处理系统设计及其仿真结果



图3 同步采集系统控制图

图4 数据处理流程图


图5 第一类波前仿真。(a) 原始波前;(b) 扩大波前;(c) 相位差波前;(d) 重建波前;(e) 残差

图6 第二类波前仿真。(a) 原始波前;(b) 扩大波前;(c) 相位差波前;(d) 重建波前;(e) 残差

5 实验及数据分析

系统在中国空气动力研究与发展中心0.6 m风洞进行了附面层测量的实验,该风洞是当前国内流场品质最好的亚跨超声速风洞之一,流场均匀性良好,可认为在无模型条件下,风洞流场密度值近似均匀。

在同一马赫数下,分别对空风洞和倾斜圆柱体侧后方附面层进行测量。光斑与圆柱体的相对位置如图7所示,测量区域边缘处距圆柱体1 mm,处于附面层影响范围内。

图8与图9分别展示了在马赫数0.4的条件下,在同一测量位置加装模型和不加装模型时10 s内连续测得的相对密度分布图,加装模型时测得的为附面层湍流,不加装模型时测得的是风洞自由流。可以直观地看到,有模型时测得图像中湍流黄色扰动较多,未加装模型时相位分布较为平滑,其波动为风洞振动给系统带来的扰动。附面层湍流叠加于该扰动之上,位置与尺度可分辨。

图7 测量区域

图8 有模型扰流时密度图(单位:kg/m3)。(a) 1.2 s;(b) 3.6 s;(c) 4.5 s;(d) 6.3 s;(e) 7.8 s



表1 多幅图像相位RMS比值对比

图9 空风洞时密度图(单位:kg/m3). (a) 1.3 s;(b) 3.4 s;(c) 4.7 s;(d) 6.9 s;(e) 7.7 s


6 结 论



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Measurement of flow density field by cyclic radial shearing interferometer

Pu Hongyu1,2, Li Dahai1*, Luo Peng1, Zhang Chen1

1School of Electronics and Information, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610065, China;2High Speed Institute, China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, Mianyang, Sichuan 621000, China

Principle diagram of cyclic radial shearing interferometry

Overview:"Boundary layer" refers to a thin flow layer with a non-negligible viscous force close to the aircraft surface. Its thickness is only a few millimeters of the model surface in the wind tunnel test. It shows typical characteristics of small scale random disturbance, small size and fast change.

The current methods of boundary layer flow display include particle tracer method, oil flow display method and optical measurement method, but they all have their own shortcomings. Particle tracer method is to add smoke generator into the air and show the flow track by observing the density of smoke particles in the flow field. As the size of the smoke particles is much larger than that of the gas molecules, this method will change the composition of the gas. Oil flow display technology is the reaction of the flowing air in the boundary layer to the friction stress on the wall surface. The optical measurement method has no contact and can directly reflect the integral of density difference along the optical path, but the schlieren and shadow methods can only display and cannot calculate the density field quantitatively.

Based on phase difference, the density field of flow field can be calculated quantitatively. However, the traditional interferometry method based on time phase modulation cannot detect a transient change field the interference image is easily interfered due to the influence of vibration generated by high-speed airflow, which is difficult to solve, so it cannot be applied in the boundary layer measurement.

This paper proposed a measurement system based on loop radial shear interference, with high wavefront detection accuracy, good anti-noise and anti-interference performance, and suitable for use in boundary layer measurement. The system adopts the fast transform method based on spatial phase modulation, which loads the information of shear wave surface onto the carrier, and an image can quickly recover the wavefront by using the fast Fourier transform method, avoiding the influence of dynamic changes of measured wavefront and realizing real-time dynamic detection. For the complex wavefront of the boundary layer, the iterative method is used to improve the wavefront reconstruction accuracy. The simulation results show that the residual root mean square (RMS) value is better than 1/20. This paper introduces the realization of hardware system and software process in detail. The principle of the algorithm is also presented. The experimental results in a 0.6 m wind tunnel show that the system can restrain the vibration interference and distinguish the disturbance signal and the vibration noise remarkably. The proposed method has broad application prospects in real-time boundary layer measuring.

Citation: Pu H Y, Li D H, Luo P,. Measurement of flow density field by cyclic radial shearing interferometer[J]., 2020,47(4): 190390

Measurement of flow density field by cyclic radial shearing interferometer

Pu Hongyu1,2, Li Dahai1*, Luo Peng1, Zhang Chen1

1School of Electronics and Information, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610065, China;2High Speed Institute, China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, Mianyang, Sichuan 621000, China

Transient measurements of high-speed airflow field are needed in the measurement of boundary layer. Digital interferometry can measure flow field quantitatively to obtain density information, which is very necessary in flow field measurement. In this paper, a common-path shearing interferometry method is introduced. It is insensitive to vibration and does not need a reference plane. It is suitable for flow field measurement. A fast algorithm based on spatial phase modulation, coupled with a pulse laser and a synchronous control system, is used to measure the disturbance density field quantitatively in real time. The acquisition resolution of the system is 200 pixels × 200 pixels, and the acquisition frequency can reach more than 1000 frames per second. The wavefront reconstruction method of the system has been simulated by computer, and the detection result is better than 1/20. The experimental results in a 0.6 m wind tunnel show that the system can restrain the vibration interference and distinguish the disturbance signal and the vibration noise remarkably. It has good application prospects.

radial shear interferometry; density field; flow field; dynamic measurement

National Natural Science Foundation of China (11732016, 11402286)

* E-mail: lidahai@scu.edu.cn



蒲泓宇,李大海,罗鹏,等. 环路剪切干涉术测量附面层密度场[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(4): 190390

: Pu H Y, Li D H, Luo P,Measurement of flow density field by cyclic radial shearing interferometer[J]., 2020, 47(4): 190390






