罗亚进,唐健民,蒋 强,刘 演,韦 霄,黄伯高**
(1.广西雅长兰科植物国家级自然保护区管理中心,广西百色 533209;2.广西壮族自治区中国科学院广西植物研究所,广西喀斯特植物保育与恢复生态学重点实验室,广西桂林 541006)
广西雅长兰科植物国家级自然保护区(以下简称雅长保护区)是全国第一个以“兰科植物”命名并以其为重点保护对象的国家级自然保护区,是全国野生兰科植物的重要分布区及基因库。据初步考察统计,保护区内现分布有野生兰科植物59属156种,物种数量约占中国物种数的10%(1 600多种),位居全区第一,也是全球兰科植物热点分布区。其中带叶兜兰(Paphiopedilumhirsutissimum(Lindl.ex Hook.) Stein)、莎叶兰(CymbidiumcyperifoliumWall.ex Lindl.)和台湾香荚兰(VanillasomaiHayata)3大野生兰花居群是目前全球已知的最大野生居群。雅长保护区还是极度濒危兰科植物贵州地宝兰目前唯一已知分布区。
雅长保护区野生兰科植物资源自保护区成立以来,物种不断被挖掘,属、种的数量不断增加。2004年保护区科学综合考察、记录兰科植物44属115种[1],2012年文献记录了49属135种[2],2017年维管束植物物种多样性研究调查结果记录了57属149种(含2变种)[3]。综合保护区2017年至今一直开展的维管束植物多样性调查,近期发现保护区新兰科植物物种有小花阔蕊兰(Peristylusaffinis(D.Don) Seidenf.)、鞍唇沼兰(Crepidiummatsudae(Yamamoto) Szlach)、虎舌兰(Epipogiumroseum(D.Don) Lindl.)、华西蝴蝶兰(PhalaenopsiswilsoniiRolfe)、缘毛鸟足兰(SatyriumciliatumLindl.)、香花羊耳蒜(Liparisodorata(Willd.) Lindl.),目前保护区野生兰科植物记录有59属156种,属数占广西的45.9%(122属),物种数为广西的35.3%(442种),具体兰科植物物种特性见表1。
表1 广西雅长保护区兰科植物及其特性
Table 1 Orchids and their characteristics in Guangxi Yachang Orchidaceae Nature Reserve
序号No.种名Name of species生活型Life form海拔Altitude (m)生境Habitat1坛花兰Acanthephippium sylhetense附生Attached living540-800密林、沟谷Thick forests,valleys2多花指甲兰Aerides rosea附生Attached living320-1 530树干On the trunk3金线兰Anoectochilus roxburghii地生Ground living50-1 600常绿阔叶林下、沟谷Under the evergreen broad leaved forest,valley4无叶兰Aphyllorchis montana 腐生Saprophytic700-1 500林下、疏林Under the forest and sparse forest5竹叶兰Arundina graminifolia地生Ground living400-2 800草坡、溪谷旁、灌丛下或林中Grass slope,beside the valley,under the shrub,or in the for-est6小白及Bletilla formosana地生Ground living600-3 100山坡疏林下、草丛Under the sparse forest on the hillside,in the grass7黄花白及Bletilla ochracea地生Ground living300-2 350山坡疏林下、草丛Under the sparse forest on the hillside,in the grass8白及Bletilla striata地生Ground living100-3 200山坡疏林下、草丛Under the sparse forest on the hillside,in the grass9短距苞叶兰Brachycorythis galeandra地生Ground living400-1 800山坡灌丛下、山顶草丛中或沟边阴湿处Under the hillside shrub,in the grass on the top of the mountain,or at the wet place of the ditch edge10梳帽卷瓣兰Bulbophyllum andersonii附生Attached living400-2 000山地林中树干上、林下岩石上On the trunk of mountain forest or on the rocks under the forest11广东石豆兰Bulbophyllum kwangtungense附生Attached living800山坡林下岩石上On the rocks under the hillside forest12长臂卷瓣兰Bulbophyllum附生Attached living1 300-1 600山地林中树干上On the trunk of mountain forest13密花石豆兰Bulbophyllum odoratissimum附生Attached living200-2 300混交林中树干上或山谷岩石上On the trunk of a mixed forest or on the rocks of a valley14天贵卷瓣兰Bulbophyllum tianguii附生Attached living900-1 100岩石上On the rocks15等萼卷瓣兰Bulbophyllum附生Attached living700山地林中树干上On the trunk of mountain forest16泽泻虾脊兰Calanthe alismaefolia地生Ground living600-1 000山地林下Under the mountain forest17无距虾脊兰Calanthe tsoongiana地生Ground living450-1 450常绿阔叶林下Under the evergreen broad leaved forest18银带虾脊兰Calanthe argenteo striata地生Ground living500-1 200常绿阔叶林下Under the evergreen broad leaved forest19剑叶虾脊兰Calanthe davidii Franch地生Ground living500-3 300常绿阔叶林下Under the evergreen broad leaved forest20细花虾脊兰Calanthe mannii地生Ground living1 300-2 400常绿阔叶林下Under the evergreen broad leaved forest21镰萼虾脊兰Calanthe puberula地生Ground living250-2 450常绿阔叶林下Under the evergreen broad leaved forest
Continued table 1
序号No.种名Name of species生活型Life form海拔Altitude (m)生境Habitat22反瓣虾脊兰Calanthe reflexa地生Ground living600-2 500常绿阔叶林下Under the evergreen broad leaved forest23长距虾脊兰Calanthe sylvatica (Thouars)地生Ground living800-2 000常绿阔叶林下Under the evergreen broad leaved forest24三褶虾脊兰Calanthe triplicata (Willemet)地生Ground living1 000-1 200常绿阔叶林下Under the evergreen broad leaved forest25中华叉柱兰Cheirostylis chinensis 地生Ground living200-800山谷密林下腐殖质土壤中In the humus soil under the dense forest in the valley26美脉叉柱兰Cheirostylis marmorifolia地生Ground living200-1 200山谷密林下腐殖质土壤中In the humus soil under the dense forest in the valley27云南叉柱兰Cheirostylis yunnanensis地生Ground living200-1 100山坡或沟旁林下阴处地上或覆有土的岩石上On the ground or rocks covered with soil in the shade under the forest beside the hillside or ditch28长帽隔距兰Cleisostoma longiopeculatum附生Attached living700-1 200山地杂木林内树干上On the trunk of mountain miscellaneous forest29勐海隔距兰Cleisostoma menghaiense附生Attached living700-1 150山地林缘树干上On the trunk of mountain forest edge 30南贡隔距兰Cleisostoma nangongense附生Attached living1 700常绿阔叶林中树干上On the trunk of evergreen broad leaved forest31大序隔距兰Cleisostoma paniculatum附生Attached living240-1 240山谷密林下树干上On the trunk under the dense forest in the valley32尖喙隔距兰Cleisostoma rostratum附生Attached living350-500山谷密林下树干上On the trunk under the dense forest in the valley33红花隔距兰Cleisostoma williamsonii附生Attached living300-2 000山地杂木林内树干上On the trunk of mountain miscellaneous wood forest34流苏贝母兰Coelogyne fimbriata附生Attached living500-1 200溪旁岩石上或林中、林缘树干上On the rock beside the stream or in the forest or on the trunk at the edge of the forest35栗鳞贝母兰Coelogyne flaccida附生Attached living1 600溪旁岩石上或林中、林缘树干上On the rocks beside the stream or in the forest or on the trunk at the edge of the forest36菱唇蛤兰Conchidium rhomboidalis附生Attached living700-1 300林下岩石上On the rocks under the forest37杜鹃兰Cremastra appendiculata地生Ground living500-2 900林下湿地或沟边湿地上On the wetland under the forest or beside the ditch38纹瓣兰Cymbidium aloifolium附生Attached living100-1 100疏林中或灌木丛中树上或溪谷旁岩壁上In the sparse forest or on the trees in the shrub or on the cliff beside the valley 39莎叶兰Cymbidium cyperifolium半附生Half attached living900-1 600疏林下多石之地或岩石缝A place full of rocks under the sparse forest or rock seam40建兰Cymbidium ensifolium地生Ground living600-1 800疏林下、灌丛中、山谷旁或草丛中Under the sparse forest,in the shrub,beside the valley or in the grass41蕙兰Cymbidium faberi地生Ground living700-3 000疏林下Under the sparse forest42多花兰Cymbidium floribundum附生Attached living100-3 300山坡密林下石上On the rocks under the dense forest on the hillside43豆瓣兰Cymbidium serratum地生Ground living300-2 200疏林下Under the sparse forest44春兰Cymbidium goeringii地生Ground living300-2 200疏林下Under the sparse forest45寒兰Cymbidium kanran地生Ground living400-2 400山谷密林下腐殖质土壤中In the humus soil under the dense forest in the valley46兔耳兰Cymbidium lancifolium半附生Half attached living300-2 200疏林下或溪谷旁的岩石上、树上On the rocks or trunk under the sparse forest or beside the valley
Continued table 1
序号No.种名Name of species生活型Life form海拔Altitude (m)生境Habitat47大根兰Cymbidium macrorhizon腐生Saprophytic700-1 500疏林下Under the sparse forest48珍珠矮Cymbidium nanulum地生Ground living100-1 250林中多石地上A place full of rocks in the forest49邱北冬蕙兰Cymbidium qiubeiense地生Ground living700-1 800疏林下Under the sparse forest50墨兰Cymbidium sinense地生Ground living300-2 000疏林下Under the sparse forest51春剑Cymbidium tortisepalum地生Ground living1 000-2 500杂木丛生山坡上多石之地A place full of rocks on the hillside with many trees52西藏虎头兰Cymbidium tracyanum半附生Half attached living1 200-1 900大树干上或树杈上,溪谷旁岩石上On the trunk or branch of a tree,on the rocks beside a val-ley53绿花杓兰Cypripedium henryi地生Ground living800-2 800疏林下、林缘、灌丛坡地上Under the sparse forest,at the edge of the forest ,on the shrub slope54钩状石斛Dendrobium aduncum附生Attached living700-1 000山谷密林下树干上On the trunk under the dense forest in the valley55兜唇石斛Dendrobium aphyllum附生Attached living400-1 500疏林中树干上或山谷岩石上On the trunk of the sparse forest or on the rocks in a valley56叠鞘石斛Dendrobium aurantiacum附生Attached living600-1 700疏林中树干上On the trunk of the sparse forest57束花石斛Dendrobium chrysanthum附生Attached living700-2 500山地密林中树干上或山谷阴湿的岩石上On the trunk of the mountain forest or on the wet rocks of the valley58流苏石斛Dendrobium fimbriatum附生Attached living600-1 700密林中树干上或山谷阴湿岩石上On the trunk of the dense forest or on the wet rocks of the valley59细叶石斛Dendrobium hancockii附生Attached living700-1 500疏林中树干上On the trunk of the sparse forest60重唇石斛Dendrobium hercoglossum附生Attached living590-1 260疏林中树干上On the trunk of the sparse forest61聚石斛Dendrobium lindleyi附生Attached living800-1 100疏林中树干上On the trunk of the sparse forest62美花石斛Dendrobium loddigesii附生Attached living400-1 500疏林中树干上On the trunk of the sparse forest63罗河石斛Dendrobium lohohense附生Attached living900-1 450疏林中树干上或山谷的岩石上On the trunk of the sparse forest or on the rocks of the valley64铁皮石斛Dendrobium officinale附生Attached living1 100-1 600山地半阴湿的岩石上On the semi wet rocks of the mountain65黑毛石斛Dendrobium williamsonii附生Attached living1 000疏林中树干上On the trunk of the sparse forest66白绵绒兰Dendrolirium lasiopetalum附生Attached living800-1 300林荫下或近溪流的岩石上或树干上Under the shade of forest or on the rocks near the stream or on the trunk67宽叶厚唇兰Epigeneium amplum附生Attached living1 000-1 900林下或溪边岩石上和山地林中树干上Under the forest or on the rocks beside the stream or and on the trunk of the mountain forest68火烧兰Epipactis helleborine地生Ground living250-3 600山坡林下、草丛或沟边Under the hillside forest,in the grass or beside the ditch69匍茎毛兰Eria clausa King附生Attached living1 000-1 700阔叶林中树干和岩石上Tree trunks and rocks in broad leaved forest70半柱毛兰Eria corneri附生Attached living500-1 500阔叶林中树干和岩石上Tree trunks and rocks in broad leaved forest71足茎毛兰Eria coronaria附生Attached living1 300-2 000阔叶林中树干和岩石上Tree trunks and rocks in broad leaved forest
Continued table 1
序号No.种名Name of species生活型Life form海拔Altitude (m)生境Habitat72黄花美冠兰Eulophia flava地生Ground living400-1 300溪边岩石缝中或开旷草坡In the rock crevices by the stream or open grass slope73无叶美冠兰Eulophia zollingeri腐生Saprophytic400-1 250疏林下、竹林或草坡上Under the sparse forest,bamboo forest or on the grass slope74滇金石斛Flickingeria albopurpurea附生Attached living800-1 200山地疏林中树干上或林下岩石上On the trunk of the sparse mountain forest or on the rocks under the forest75红头金石斛Flickingeria calocephala附生Attached living1 000-1 200山地疏林中树干上或林下岩石上On the trunk of the sparse mountain forest or on the rocks under the forest76毛萼山珊瑚Galeola lindleyana地生Ground living740-2 200疏林下、沟谷边腐殖质丰富、湿润、多石处A place rich in humus,moist and stony under the sparse for-est and along valleys77天麻Gastrodia elata Blume腐生Saprophytic400-3 200疏林下空地、林缘,灌丛边缘Open space under the sparse forest,forest margins,thicket margins78地宝兰Geodorum densiflorum地生Ground living0-1 500林下、溪旁或草坡Under the forest,beside the stream,or grass slope79贵州地宝兰Geodorum eulophioides地生Ground living600-800林下、溪旁或草坡Under the forest,beside the stream,or grass slope80多花地宝兰Geodorum recurvum地生Ground living500-900林下、灌丛中或林缘Under the forest,in the thicket,forest margins81莲座叶斑叶兰Goodyera brachystegia地生Ground living1 000-2 000疏林下或石上Under the sparse forest or on the rocks82大花斑叶兰Goodyera biflora地生Ground living60-2 200林下阴湿处Shady and wet place under the forest83光萼斑叶兰Goodyera henryi地生Ground living400-2 400林下阴湿处Shady and wet place under the forest84斑叶兰Goodyera schlechtendaliana地生Ground living500-2 800山坡或沟谷阔叶林下Under broad leaved forest of hillside or valley85雅长玉凤花Habenaria yachangensis地生Ground living300-600疏林下Under the sparse forest86长距玉凤花Habenaria davidii地生Ground living800-3 200山坡林下、灌丛下或草地Under the mountain forest and thicket,or grassland87毛葶玉凤花Habenaria ciliolaris地生Ground living140-1 800山坡或沟边林下阴处Shade under hillside or ditch forest88鹅毛玉凤花Habenaria dentata地生Ground living190-2 300山坡林下或沟边Under the mountain forest or beside the ditch89线瓣玉凤花Habenaria fordii地生Ground living650-2 200山坡或沟谷密林下阴处地上或岩石上覆土中On the hillside or in the shade of the valley and dense for-est,or in the overburden soil on the rocks 90裂瓣玉凤花Habenaria petelotii地生Ground living320-1 600山坡或沟谷林下On the hillside or under the valley forest91条叶角盘兰Herminium coiloglossum地生Ground living1 660-2 800山坡林下或草地上Under the hillside forest or on the grassland92叉唇角盘兰Herminium lanceum地生Ground living730-3 400山坡林下、竹林下、灌丛下或草地中Under the hillside forest,bamboo forest,thicket,or in the grassland93尖囊蝴蝶兰Kingidium braceanum附生Attached living1 150-1 700山地疏林中树干上On the trunk of the sparse mountain forest94华西蝴蝶兰Phalaenopsis wilsonii附生Attached living800-2 150山地疏生林下阴湿的岩石上On the wet rocks under the sparse mountain forest
Continued table 1
序号No.种名Name of species生活型Life form海拔Altitude (m)生境Habitat95多花盂兰Lecanorchis multiflora腐生Saprophytic600-700石灰山林下Under the limestone forest96滇南羊耳蒜Liparis siamensis地生Ground living400-700山地疏林下Under the sparse mountain forest97小羊耳蒜Liparis fargesii地生Ground living300-1 400林中或荫蔽处的石壁或岩石上On the stone wall or rock in the forest or in shade98广西羊耳蒜Lipariis guangxiensis地生Ground living800-1 500山地疏林下Under the sparse mountain forest99齿突羊耳蒜Liparis rostrata地生Ground living900-1 300山地疏林下Under the sparse mountain forest100镰翅羊耳蒜Liparis bootanensis附生Attached living800-2 300林缘、林中或山谷阴处的树上或岩壁上On the trees or stone walls in the shade of a forest margins,forest,or valley101丛生羊耳蒜Liparis cespitosa附生Attached living500-2 400林中或荫蔽处的树上、岩壁上或岩石上On the trees or stone walls or rocks in the forest or shade102平卧羊耳蒜Liparis chapaensis附生Attached living800-2 000石灰岩山坡常绿阔叶树林中的树上或岩石上On the trees or rocks in the evergreen broad leaved forest on the limestone hillside103心叶羊耳蒜Liparis cordifolia地生Ground living1 000-2 000林中腐殖土丰富的地方,也见于岩缝或树杈积土之处A place rich in humus in the forest,also found in crevices or tree branches104大花羊耳蒜Liparis distans附生Attached living1 000-2 400林中或沟谷旁树上或岩石上On the trees or rocks in the forest or beside the ditch105长苞羊耳蒜Liparis inaperta 附生Attached living500-1 100林下或山谷水旁的岩石上On the rocks under the forest or beside the valley water106见血青Liparis nervosa地生Ground living1 000-2 100林下、溪谷旁、草丛阴处或岩石覆土上Under the forest,beside the valley,in the shade of grass,or the overburden soil on the rocks107紫花羊耳蒜Liparis nigra地生Ground living500-1 700常绿阔叶林下或阴湿的岩石覆土上或地上Under the evergreen broad leaved forest or on the wet over-burden soil on the rocks or on the wet land108长茎羊耳蒜Liparis viridiflora附生Attached living200-2 300林中或山谷阴处的树上或岩石上On the trees or rocks in the shade of the forest or valley109香花羊耳蒜Liparis odorata地生Ground living600-3 100林下、疏林下或山坡草丛中Under the forest and sparse forest,or in the grass on the hill-side110叉唇钗子股Luisia teres附生Attached living1 200-1 600山谷密林下石壁上或树上On the trees or stone walls under the dense forest in the val-ley111沼兰Malaxis monophyllos地生Ground living800-2 400林下、灌丛中或草坡上Under the forest,in the thicket,or on the grass slope112浅裂沼兰Malaxis acuminata地生Ground living300-2 100林下、溪谷旁或荫蔽处的岩石上On the rocks under the forest,beside the valley,or in the shade113二耳沼兰Malaxis biaurita地生Ground living800-1 350山地疏林下Under the sparse mountain forest114阔叶沼兰Malaxis latifolia地生Ground living900-2 000林下、灌丛中或溪谷旁荫蔽处的岩石上On the rocks under the forest,in the thicket or in the shade beside the valley115深裂沼兰Malaxis purpurea地生Ground living450-1 600林下或灌丛中阴湿处The damp part under the forest or in the thicket116鞍唇沼兰Malaxis matsudai地生Ground living1 000-1 600竹林中或岩石土上覆土中In bamboo forests or in the overburden soil on the rocks 117毛唇芋兰Nervilia fordii地生Ground living220-1 000山坡或沟谷林下阴湿处The damp part on the hillside or under the valley forest
Continued table 1
序号No.种名Name of species生活型Life form海拔Altitude (m)生境Habitat118毛叶芋兰Nervilia plicata地生Ground living500-1 000山坡或沟谷林下阴湿处The damp part on the hillside or under the valley forest119剑叶鸢尾兰Oberonia ensiformis附生Attached living900-1 600林下树上或石壁上On the trees or stone walls under the forest120广西鸢尾兰Oberonia kwangsiensis附生Attached living650-850林下树上或石壁上On the trees or stone walls under the forest121棒叶鸢尾兰Oberonia myosurus附生Attached living1 200-1 500林下树上或石壁上On the trees or stone walls under the forest122西南齿唇兰Odontochilus elwesii地生Ground living300-1 500山坡或沟谷常绿阔叶林下阴湿处The damp part of the hillside or under the evergreen broad leaved forest in the valley123雅长山兰Oreorchis yachangensis地生Ground living1 100-1 900山坡或沟谷常绿阔叶林下阴湿处The damp part of the hillside or under the evergreen broad leaved forest in the valley124粉口兰Pachystoma pubescens地生Ground living800山坡草丛中In the grass on the hillside125平卧曲唇兰Panisea cavalerei附生Attached living700-2 000林中或水旁荫蔽岩石上On the shaded rocks in the forest or beside water126长瓣兜兰Paphiopedilum dianthum半附生Half attached living1 000-2 250林缘或疏林中的树干上或岩石上On the trunk or rocks of the forest margin or sparse forest127带叶兜兰Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum半附生Half attached living700-1 500林下或林缘岩石缝中或多石湿润土壤上Under the forest or in the rock crevices of forest margin or on stony and wet soil128硬叶兜兰Paphiopedilum micranthum半附生Half attached living1 000-1 700林缘或疏林下或岩石上Forest margins or under the forest or on the rocks129阔蕊兰Peristylus goodyeroides地生Ground living500-2 300山坡阔叶林下、灌丛下、山坡草地或山脚路旁Under the broad leaved forest of hillside,thicket,hillside meadow or foothill roadside130小花阔蕊兰Peristylus affinis地生Ground living450-1 800山坡常绿阔叶林下、沟谷或路旁灌木丛下或山坡草地上Under the evergreen broad leaved forest of hillside,thicket of valley or roadside or hillside meadow131黄花鹤顶兰Phaius flavus地生Ground living300-2 500山谷密林下腐殖质土壤中In the humus soil under the dense forest in the valley132鹤顶兰Phaius tankervilliae地生Ground living700-1 800山谷密林下腐殖质土壤中In the humus soil under the dense forest in the valley133贵州石仙桃Pholidota roseans附生Attached living800-1 200灌木丛下岩石上On the rocks under the thicket134细叶石仙桃Pholidota cantonensis附生Attached living200-850林中或荫蔽处的岩石上On the rocks in the forest or in shade135单叶石仙桃Pholidota leveilleana附生Attached living500-900疏林下或稍荫蔽的岩石上On the rocks under the sparse forest or in shade 136尖叶石仙桃Pholidota missionariorum附生Attached living1 100-1 700林中树上或稍荫蔽的岩石上On the trunk in the forest or on the rocks in shade137文山石仙桃Pholidota wenshanica附生Attached living800-1 400山坡疏林下岩石上On the rocks under the sparse forest on hillside 138云南石仙桃Pholidota yunnanensis附生Attached living1 200-1 700林中或山谷旁的树上或岩石上On the trees or rocks in the forest or beside the valley139粗茎苹兰Pinalia amica附生Attached living900-2 200山坡林中树上或河谷林下的岩石上On the trees in the forest on hillside rock or on the rocks un-der the valley forest140密花苹兰Pinalia spicata附生Attached living800-2 800山坡林中树上或河谷林下的岩石上On the trees in the forest on hillside rock or on the rocks un-der the valley forest
Continued table 1
序号No.种名Name of species生活型Life form海拔Altitude (m)生境Habitat141云南独蒜兰Pleione yunnanensis附生Attached living1 100-3 500林下、林缘和草坡稍荫蔽的砾石地上Gravel fields in shade under the forest,forest margins,and grass slope142毛唇独蒜兰Pleione hookeriana附生Attached living1 600-3 100树干上,灌木林缘苔藓覆盖的岩石上或岩壁上On tree trunks,moss covered rocks or walls of shrub margins143朱兰Pogonia japonica地生Ground living400-2 000山顶草丛中、山谷旁林下、灌丛下湿地或其他湿润之地In the grass on the top of the mountain,under the forest be-side the valley,wetland under the thicket,or other wet place144艳丽菱兰Rhomboda moulmeinensis地生Ground living800-1 650山坡或沟谷密林下Under the dense forest of hillside or valley145苞舌兰Spathoglottis pubescens地生Ground living380-1 700山坡草丛中或疏林下In the grass or under the sparse forest of hillside146绶草Spiranthes sinensis地生Ground living200-3 400山坡疏林中或路边In the sparse forest of hillside or roadside147狭叶带唇兰Tainia angustifolia地生Ground living1 050-1 200山坡疏林中或路边In the sparse forest of hillside or roadside148矮柱兰Thelasis pygmaea附生Attached living200-1 100树干上、山崖树枝上或林中石上On the trunk,on a cliff branch,or on the rocks in the forest149白点兰属植物一种Thrixspermum sp.附生Attached living800-1 500山谷密林树干上On the trunk of the dense forest in valley150琴唇万代兰Vanda concolor附生Attached living800-1 200山地林缘树干上或岩壁上On the trunk stony wall of mountain forest edge151拟万代兰Vandopsis gigantea附生Attached living800-1 700山地林缘或疏林树干上On the trunk of mountain forest edge or sparse forest152台湾香荚兰Vanilla somai附生Attached living200-1 200林下、溪边林下或岩壁上Under the forest or forest beside the stream or on stony wall153芳线柱兰Zeuxine nervosa地生Ground living200-800林下阴湿处The damp part under the forest154兰科植物一种Orchidaceae sp.地生Ground living500-850林下Under the forest155虎舌兰Epipogium roseum腐生Saprophytic500-1 600林下或沟谷边荫蔽处In the shade under the forest or beside the valley156缘毛鸟足兰Satyrium nepalense地生Ground living1 800-4 100草坡上、疏林下或高山松林下On the grass slope,under the sparse forest or the pine forest on the high mountain
雅长保护区位于云贵高原向广西丘陵过度的山原地带,同时隶属北热带与南亚热带的过渡地带,这里保存着大量的兰科植物,这里的兰科植物物种高度集中且居群之大,是其他相同气候带区域难以比拟的。就兰科植物种的分布样式而言,保护区的兰科植物以热带亚洲、中国特有及东亚分布构成当地兰科植物区系的主体,在保护区兰科植物区系构成中,兰属、香荚兰属、兜兰属、石斛属、沼兰属、贝母兰属、毛兰属等为该区域植物群落的重要组成部分。保护区内兰科植物的垂直分布格局也呈现一定的规律:在海拔400-1 971 m的盘古王山,几乎均有兰科植物分布,其中海拔800-1 200 m梯度内分布的种类最多且居群较大,如春剑、带叶兜兰、长瓣兜兰、流苏贝母兰、平卧曲唇兰、足茎毛兰,以及石斛属、沼兰属、石仙桃属等绝大部分物种。同时其生活类型多样,囊括了兰科植物的全部生活型,主要以地生型和附生型为主,地生兰78种,附生兰65种,半附生兰6种,腐生兰6种。值得一提的是,该保护区还是消失了近一个世纪的珍稀濒危物种贵州地宝兰目前已知的唯一野外分布区。
雅长保护区野生兰科植物区别于其他区域兰科植物的最大特征是,部分兰科植物呈现密集分布,小区域内兰科植物物种呈现集中分布。其种的生活特性:地生、附生及腐生的比例为 71∶80∶5,说明保护区内以地生兰和附生兰为主。从石山到土山,从海拔300 m的南盘江河谷到海拔1 971 m的盘古王山,几乎每座山头均有兰科植物分布。经我国兰花专家罗毅波和郎楷永研究员实地考察后确认:店子上分布面积约 6 000 m2,约有12 000个基株的莎叶兰野生居群;拉雅峡谷覆盖面积达5 000 m2,约有2 000余株的越南香荚兰野生居群,是目前已知全球最大的野生居群[1];风岩洞、黄猄洞天坑和店子上3个区域,每个区域内均分布有20余种兰科植物,且风岩洞400 m2范围内带叶兜兰与长瓣兜兰的数量均十分丰富,这是极其少见的。此外,保护区内有数量高达数十万株的带叶兜兰野生居群,分布之广、密度之大、数量之多,是全球极为罕见的。兰科植物种质基因园13.33 ha范围内分布有野生兰科植物40余种,且物种呈集中分布,最密集区域高达8种/m2,常见为莎叶兰、带叶兜兰、梳帽卷瓣兰、兔耳兰、足茎毛兰、平卧羊耳蒜、棒叶鸢尾兰、紫花羊耳蒜、美花石斛、密花石豆兰、流苏贝母兰等,其中带叶兜兰、足茎毛兰和平卧曲唇兰等种的密度可达100株/m2。
雅长保护区主要开展兜兰属、地宝兰属及石斛属兰科植物相关的菌根真菌多样性研究。孙晓颖[14]利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察野生成年兜兰属植物真菌的形态及结构,并通过菌丝团分离法,对包括分布于雅长保护区的带叶兜兰、长瓣兜兰及硬叶兜兰在内的5种兜兰属植物菌根真菌进行分离鉴定,开展其菌根真菌的多样性研究。结果显示,所分离得到的16株类丝核菌(Rhizoctonia-like fungi)均属于胶膜菌属(Tulasnella),分属8个类群(Type1-8),其中,石灰岩地的长瓣兜兰和带叶兜兰菌根真菌属于Type1、 Type2、 Type7,能与3种菌根真菌类型的真菌共生;石灰岩地生长的硬叶兜兰有自己独特菌根真菌类群,即Type5和Type6。张武凡[15]以雅长保护区3种地宝兰属植物为研究对象,通过菌丝团分离法,从地宝兰成年植株根段中的菌丝团培养获得其共生真菌,经形态鉴定和分子鉴定得知,这些真菌分属于瘤菌根菌属(担子菌纲胶膜菌属)和镰刀菌属,其中瘤菌根菌属与参考序列的亲缘关系极为接近,且具有强烈的专一性;而贵州地宝兰与多花地宝兰较之地宝兰菌根真菌的专一性更强,这可能是限制其分布范围的因素之一。王娅妮[16]利用3种方法及3种分离培养基对12种野生石斛属植物根部内生真菌进行分离培养,获得内生真菌152株,经鉴定分别归属3门9纲22个分类单元。研究结果显示,同种石斛属植物的内生真菌多样性,广西雅长保护区生境显著高于贵州生境,同时将优良兰科植物菌根真菌制成单一液体菌剂,对铁皮石斛组培苗进行移栽接菌试验,经接菌处理过的铁皮石斛组培苗移栽的成活率、新根、新芽、茎粗、株高及鲜重增长量显著高于未接菌的组培苗。林少芳[17]对美花石斛内生真菌进行研究,结果表明,不同植株间真菌分离率异性大,差异区间在66.7%;附生不同宿主根段的真菌分离率差异性不大。