
2020-04-10 07:56四川双流中学蒋建平特级教师
疯狂英语·新策略 2020年2期

四川双流中学 蒋建平(特级教师)

感知 素养解读









探究 专题技巧





第二步:确定文章的主题句。主题句通常具有以下一些特征:1.举例子的句子不是主题句,前后句可能是主题句;2.问句不是主题句,回答句可能是主题句;3.首段转折处常为文章的主题句;4.主题句常包含文章的主题词;5.主题句常包含主次之分的表达(A rather than B 等);6.主题句常包含时间提示词 (recently、today 等);7.定义型的句子 (be called as、be known as、is 和are等);8.强调型的句子(stress、 focus 等);9.总结型的句子(research indicates、study suggests 等)。



(2019·全国乙卷)During the rosy years of elementary school(小学),I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes,which allowed me to keep my high social status.I was the queen of the playground.Then came my tweens and teens,and mean girls and cool kids.They rose in the ranks not by being friendly but by smoking cigarettes,breaking rules and playing jokes on others,among whom I soon found myself.

Popularity is a well-explored subject in social psychology.Mitch Prinstein,a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories:the likable and the status seekers.The likables' plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships,jump-start interpersonal skills and,when tapped early,are employed ever after in life and work. Then there's the kind of popularity that appears in adolescence:status born of power and even dishonorable behavior.

Enviable as the cool kids may have seemed,Dr.Prinstein's studies show unpleasant consequences.Those who were highest in status in high school,as well as those least liked in elementary school,are “most likely to engage(从事)in dangerous and risky behavior.”

In one study,Dr.Prinstein examined the two types of popularity in 235 adolescents,scoring the least liked,the most liked and the highest in status based on student surveys (调查研究). “We found that the least well-liked teens had become more aggressive over time toward their classmates. But so had those who were high in status.It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment,high status has just the opposite effect on us.”

Dr.Prinstein has also found that the qualities that made the neighbors want you on a play date—sharing, kindness, openness—carry over to later years and make you better able to relate and connect with others.

In analyzing his and other research, Dr.Prinstein came to another conclusion:Not only is likability related to positive life outcomes,but it is also responsible for those outcomes,too.“Being liked creates opportunities for learning and for new kinds of life experiences that help somebody gain an advantage,”he said.35.What is the best title for the text?

A.Be Nice—You Won't Finish Last

B.The Higher the Status,the Better

C.Be the Best—You Can Make It

D.More Self-Control,Less Aggressiveness


【答案解析】主旨题。纵观全文,作者论述受欢迎度对青少年的影响。本题A 选项学生理解起来较困难,可通过排除法去做;B 选项“地位越高越好”,显然违背文章主旨;C 选项“成为最好的自己,你可以的”,有一定干扰性,但文中没有提到成为最好的,而是要成为最受欢迎的;D 选项“多一些自我控制,少一些攻击性”,文中没有提到自我控制。再根据最后一段中的Being liked creates opportunities for learning and for new kinds of life experiences that help somebody gain an advantage 可推知,正确选项为A“友善一点(讨人喜欢),你将不会排在最后(你不会完蛋/你会笑到最后)”。finish 获得(名次),如finish first/second etc.。









(2019·全国乙卷)For Canaan Elementary's second grade in Patchogue, N.Y., today is speech day,and right now it's Chris Palaez's turn.The 8-year-old is the joker of the class.With shining dark eyes,he seems like the kind of kid who would enjoy public speaking.

But he's nervous. “I'm here to tell you today why you should...should...”Chris trips on the “-ld,”a pronunciation difficulty for many non-native English speakers.His teacher,Thomas Whaley,is next to him,whispering support.“...Vote for...me...”Except for some stumbles,Chris is doing amazingly well.When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion,Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him.

A son of immigrants,Chris started learning English a little over three years ago.Whaley recalls(回想起)how at the beginning of the year,when called upon to read,Chris would excuse himself to go to the bathroom.

Learning English as a second language can be a painful experience.What you need is a great teacher who lets you make mistakes.“It takes a lot for any student,”Whaley explains,“especially for a student who is learning English as their new language, to feel confident enough to say, ‘I don't know,but I want to know.’”

Whaley got the idea of this second-grade presidential campaign project when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they thought they could never be a president.The answer broke his heart.Whaley says the project is about more than just learning to read and speak in public.He wants these kids to learn to boast(夸耀)about themselves.

“Boasting about yourself, and your best qualities,”Whaley says, “is very difficult for a child who came into the classroom not feeling confident.”

26.We can infer that the purpose of Whaley's project is to.

A.help students see their own strengths

B.assess students'public speaking skills

C.prepare students for their future jobs

D.inspire students'love for politics

27.Which of the following best describes Whaley as a teacher?

A.Humorous. B.Ambitious.

C.Caring. D.Demanding.


【答案解析】推断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Whaley says the project is about more than just learning to read and speak in public.He wants these kids to learn to boast about themselves.”和最后一段的Boasting about yourself,and your best qualities 可推知,Whaley 老师发起总统竞选活动是为了帮助学生建立自信,看到自己的优点。strength 意为“优点”。


【答案解析】推断题。本文主要介绍了Canaan Elementary 二年级老师Thomas Whaley 发起一项总统竞选演讲活动,帮助孩子们建立自信,看到自己的优点,由此可推知Whaley 老师是一位很有爱心、关心学生的老师。




议论文 文者的章态的度论立点场往往会直接或间接地表明作说明文 作者往往采取中立的态度作者往往不直接提出观点,但常常有某种记叙文 倾向性,读文时要细心捕捉表达或暗示情感态度的词或短语

2.不要掺杂自己的观点。要学会区分不同的观点,尤其要善于找出作者的观点。考生要注意文中出现的直接引语和间接引语,出现的观点一般是当事人的观点,而不是作者的观点。 作者的观点一般用in my opinion/view、personally、I think、I hold 等词语引出。


4.牢记常见有关作者观点态度的词语。①表示支持或肯定:appreciative 欣赏的,approving 赞成的,favorable 赞同的,positive积极乐观的,supportive 支持的,optimistic 乐观的,hopeful 充满希望的。 ②表示中立:ambiguous 模棱两可的,cautious 谨慎的,uncaring 冷漠的,unconcerned 不关心的,uninterested 不感兴趣的,objective 客观的,neutral中立的。③表示反对或否定:disgusted憎恶的,critical 批评的,negative 消极的,disappointed 失望的,disapproving 不赞成的,doubtful 怀疑的。


(2017·全国丙卷)After years of heated debate,gray wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park.Fourteen wolves were caught in Canada and transported to the park.By last year,the Yellowstone wolf population had grown to more than 170 wolves.

Gray wolves once were seen here and there in the Yellowstone area and much of the continental United States,but they were gradually displaced by human development.By the 1920s,wolves had practically disappeared from the Yellowstone area.They went farther north into the deep forests of Canada,where there were fewer humans around.

The disappearance of the wolves had many unexpected results.Deer and elk populations—major food sources (来源)for the wolf—grew rapidly.These animals consumed large amounts of vegetation (植被),which reduced plant diversity in the park.In the absence of wolves,coyote populations also grew quickly.The coyotes killed a large percentage of the park's red foxes, and completely drove away the park's beavers.

As early as 1966,biologists asked the government to consider reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone Park.They hoped that wolves would be able to control the elk and coyote problems.Many farmers opposed the plan because they feared that wolves would kill their farm animals or pets.

The government spent nearly 30 years coming up with a plan to reintroduce the wolves.The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service carefully monitors and manages the wolf packs in Yellowstone.Today,the debate continues over how well the gray wolf is fitting in at Yellowstone.Elk,deer,and coyote populations are down,while beavers and red foxes have made a comeback.The Yellowstone wolf project has been a valuable experiment to help biologists decide whether to reintroduce wolves to other parts of the country as well.

31.What is the author's attitude towards the

Yellowstone wolf project?

A.Doubtful. B.Positive.

C.Disapproving. D.Uncaring.


【答案解析】观察四个选项可以看出是四种不同的态度:A 项为怀疑;B 项为积极;C 项为不赞成;D 项为不关心 (中立)。 根据“The Yellowstone wolf project has been a valuable experiment to help biologists decide whether to reintroduce wolves to other parts of the country as well.”这句话中的a valuable experiment 可知,作者认为这项工程很有价值,因此作者的态度应当是积极肯定的。










(2019·全国甲卷)“You can use me as a last resort (选择),and if nobody else volunteers,then I will do it.”This was an actual reply from a parent after I put out a request for volunteers for my kids'lacrosse(长曲棍球)club.

I guess that there's probably some demanding work schedule,or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport.She may just need a little persuading.So I try again and tug at the heartstrings.I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren't even on... At this point the unwilling parent speaks up,“Alright.Yes,I'll do it.”

I'm secretly relieved because I know there's real power in sharing volunteer responsibilities among many.The unwilling parent organizes the meal schedule,sends out emails,and collects money for end-of-season gifts.Somewhere along the way,the same parent ends up becoming an invaluable member of the team.The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for another season.Handing out sliced oranges to bloodthirsty kids can be as exciting as watching your own kid score a goal.

Still,most of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close.That relief is coupled with a deep understanding of why the same people keep coming back for more:Connecting to the community (社区)as you freely give your time,money,skills,or services provides a real joy.Volunteering just feels so good.

In that sense,I'm pretty sure volunteering is more of a selfish act than I'd freely like to admit.However,if others benefit in the process,and I get some reward too,does it really matter where my motivation lies?

25.What does the underlined phrase“tug at the heartstrings”in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Encourage teamwork.

B.Appeal to feelings.

C.Promote good deeds.

D.Provide advice.


【答案解析】heartstrings 是由heart+strings组成,可知此短语与心情有关。由上文可知,作者猜测这位家长对于参与一项不熟悉的运动可能有一些顾虑, 作者需要说服她。 由“I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren't even on...”可知,作者提到了一位有四个孩子的单亲家长负责该活动,同时,一位爸爸即便自己孩子没有加入球队,也给该球队执教。由此可猜测出作者是想从感情上打动这位家长。




第一步:审读题干和选项,回到原文定位信息区间。通过题干或选项中的关键词找到定位点,开始精读文章直到下一题的定位区域出现。只有两种情况需要向上找寻信息:定位到的信息为数字串,或举例说明部分;出现了逻辑 关 系 词 (therefore、so、as a result) 或 代 词(that、these、it)。



(2019·全 国 甲卷)Marian Bechtel sits at West Palm Beach's Bar Louie counter by herself,quietly reading her e-book as she waits for her salad.What is she reading?None of your business! Lunch is Bechtel's “me”time.And like more Americans,she's not alone.

A new report found 46 percent of meals are eaten alone in America.More than half(53 percent)have breakfast alone and nearly half(46 percent)have lunch by themselves.Only at dinnertime are we eating together anymore,74 percent,according to statistics from the report.

“I prefer to go out and be out.Alone,but together,you know?”Bechtel said,looking up from her book.Bechtel,who works in downtown West Palm Beach, has lunch with coworkers sometimes,but like many of us,too often works through lunch at her desk.A lunchtime escape allows her to keep a boss from tapping her on the shoulder.She returns to work feeling energized. “Today,I just wanted some time to myself,”she said.

Just two seats over,Andrew Mazoleny,a local videographer,is finishing his lunch at the bar.He likes that he can sit and check his phone in peace or chat up the barkeeper with whom he's on a first-name basis if he wants to have a little interaction (交流). “I reflect on how my day's gone and think about the rest of the week,”he said. “It's a chance for selfreflection. You return to work recharged and with a plan.”

That freedom to choose is one reason more people like to eat alone.There was a time when people may have felt awkward about asking for a table for one,but those days are over.Now,we have our smartphones to keep us company at the table. “It doesn't feel as alone as it may have before all the advances in technology,” said Laurie Demeritt,whose company provided the statistics for the report.

29.Why does Bechtel prefer to go out for lunch?

A.To meet with her coworkers.

B.To catch up with her work.

C.To have some time on her own.

D.To collect data for her report.

30.What do we know about Mazoleny?

A.He makes videos for the bar.

B.He's fond of the food at the bar.

C.He interviews customers at the bar.

D.He's familiar with the barkeeper.


【答案解析】第3 段提到,午餐时间的休息可以让Bechtel 不受老板差遣,回到工作岗位时也能精力充沛。 第三段最后一句话表明Bechtel 想给自己一些时间,因此Bechtel 更愿意在外面吃午餐是因为她想要有自己的时间。


【答案解析】第4 段提到,Mazoleny 喜欢安静地坐着看手机,也会和酒吧老板直呼其名,亲切地聊会天。on a first-name basis 意为“关系密切直呼其名”。由此可知,Mazoleny 与酒吧老板熟识。
