在其微妙的建筑形式中,这座教堂回顾了宗教建筑随时间发生的演变,从早期罗马巴西利卡平面的简单几何形式到晚期拜占庭式的曲线,以及在此基础上由壁龛的增加而形成的复杂形式。随着虔诚的教徒们在伏身朝拜再升入教堂天顶的过程中视线的移动,在长方形平面的基础上,该建筑在长向顶部形成了三叶草的形状。结构具有象征意义地以12m 作为建造模数,它宽12m、高12m、长24m。
这座建筑被视为一个“奥迹”(宗教记录中的神迹)的发生地。同斯蒂芬大帝(15 世纪中期受人尊敬的统治者)时期的修道院一样,在室内发生的“奥迹”,通过壁画传播到四面八方。教堂的采光有意地通过屋顶与檐口的缝隙来解决,这样可以避免影响墙体的连续性与隐蔽的壁画。
建筑师在2007 年接到了阿尔巴尤利亚的让·尼古拉神父的电话,于是开始了这个项目。屋檐下的水平光带从一开始就非常关键——它某种程度上重新诠释了伊斯坦布尔的圣索菲亚大教堂悬浮的穹顶。壁画由绘画家伊万·波帕接手,他曾是索兰·杜米迪斯古的学生与合作者。
为垂直结构提出的方案能够引导墙壁几何形的剧变。事实上,他们变成了一种三明治结构:中间为20cm 厚工字型材的金属结构,内侧和外侧则为砖砌管道(25cm)。墙壁整体厚度几乎达到75cm。在第一阶段,框架完全得以实现,在这之后它被逐渐地包裹在内外层之中。大约形成1m 的砌体结构以后,再倾注混凝土和其他材料。□
1 鸟瞰/Aerial view
(庞凌波 译)
2-5 结构框架/Structure frame
6 立面与剖面/Elevation and section
7 轴测示意/Axonometric diagrams
8 纵剖面/Longitudinal section
9 +12.00平面/+12.00 plan
10 ±0.00平面/±0.00 plan
11 外景/Exterior view
With its nuanced form, the church recalls the evolution in time of cult buildings, from the geometric simplicity of the Roman basilica plans to the complexity resulting later by the curving of the lines and the progressive addition of the Byzantine forms and niches. Following the gaze of the faithful subjects who lean toward the earth and then rise towards the heavens, the rectangular plan form of the base of the building takes the shape of a clover at its upper ledge. Symbolically, the construction is structured on a module of 12 metres wide, 12 metres high and 24 metres long.
The building is thought as a resonance box inside which the "mystery" takes place. As with the monasteries of the time of Stephen the Great(revered local ruler that ruled during the mid-15th century), the mystery that is performed indoors through the paintings on the walls will spread in all directions as a wave of hope. The illumination of the church is made intentionally through slits provided in the roof and in the cornice area, in order not to affect the continuity of the walls and implicit paintings.
"The front extension of the cover creates, by its smooth undulation, the wing shape of an angel. The intention was to create a meeting space where people would feel safe and secure". (Text by Irina Rotaru)
In other words, it is a metaphor that amalgamates in its structure the subtle volumetric shape with the anthropological symbolism of conversion. The cross shaped receptacle of the building becomes a vessel of light, a space of glamor and transparency of an ichnographically organised beauty, the palace of the celebrated god. The wing of the guarding angel of the church gently calls in the archetypal entrance of the porch which also carries a rich maternal, paradisiacal/protological and eschatological symbolism.
"The relationship between the strong body of the building and the floating roof seems to relay the peace within the shadow of the Holy Spirit over the Body of Christ ." (Text by Prof. Jan Nicolae)
"The idea behind this unusual erection is that the "old novelty" of Church preaching is incompatible with stereotypes of any kind, including the architectural one, and overcoming the impasse of stylistic tautology can be a sign of the transcendence of the plane of spiritual life of the right-wing church."(Text by Prof. architect Augustin Ioan)
Somehow I tried to go back to the origins, to the roots of the sacred space. In the beginning, Christianity was practiced in the family. The mystery happened at home, in that basic community. With the spread and passing under law of religion, the meeting space moved into the only type of versatile construction of the time,that is to say the basilica. The first important common place was therefore a perfectly rectangular space, and its transformation into a significant space made the cross appear in the plan.
I thought that in our proposed church, the perceived space where visitors first enter should be rectangular, then when you look up at the sky you will see the cross. This is a fundamental element of the project: the walls taper outwards and the plan transforms in height. At the meeting between the walls and the ceiling the cross was born.
In 2007, I received a phone call from the priest Jan Nicolae from Alba Iulia and thus began the project. The horizontal light line beneath the roof was very important from the beginning-it somehow reinterprets the suspension of the dome of Saint Sophia in Istambul. The painting endeavour was taken over by the painter Ioan Popa, former student and collaborator of Sorin Dumitrescu.
The solution of a vertical structure was proposed to guide the progressive changes in the geometry of the walls. In fact, they have become a kind of sandwich: in the middle a metallic structure of profiles I of 20cm, and to the interior and exterior of brick masonry pipes (25cm). The total wall reaches almost 75cm. In the first stage the frame was completely realised, after which it was progressively the cladding came in layers. It was about one metre in masonry, filled with concrete and so on.□
项目信息/Credits and Data
主持建筑师/Principal Architect: Dorin Stefan
设计团队/Design Team: Ciprian Manda, Bogdan Chipara,Anda Stefan
工程师/Engineer: Ioan Zagaican
画家/Painter: Ioan Popa
雕塑家/Sculptor: Virgil Scripcariu
创始人/Founder: Ioan Popa
教士/Priest: Jan Nicolaea
建筑面积/Floor Area: 288m2
摄影/Photos: Laurian Ghinitoiu(fig.1,11,17), Anda Stefan+Jan Nicolae(fig.2-5), Ioana Ardelean(fig.12-14), Ioan Popa(fig.15,16)
12-14 细部/Details
TAO Lei:On the top of a clearly-defined rectangular space is a detached, horizontally expanding roof.Through the intervention of a simple curved surface,the architect transforms a simple volume into a subtle cross-shaped space. The curved surface and the arch in the middle of the flat roof creates a rise in the horizontal static space. This all occurs quietly and is therefore more impressive. As we look up to the sky,the simple space produces a divine atmosphere where the church becomes a spatial installation that connects human beings with God. The most incredible thing,however, is that this contemporary building can create a harmonious whole in the same way that medieval painting does, blurring our sense of the times.(Translated by MU Zhuo'er)
MO Xiuquan:In this church project, the architect achieves a balance between modern construction methods and a traditional image. At first glance, the church seems quite conventional, but the architect's true pursuit is revealed by the construction process.Probably very few priests would accept a proposal like the Chapel at Ronchamp as Le Corbusier's client did.So, we can imagine that the architect's assignment from his client must have indicated expectations for a traditional form. Under such constraints, the architect creates compound with a rectangular outline at the bottom and a Basilican upper part. The use of light is always extraordinarily important in sacred buildings,and this church is no exception. The modern steel structure eliminates the need for the walls to support the roof. Below the ceiling, a circle of light brings a unique feeling to the interior of the building and displays a sense of sacredness. (Translated by MU Zhuo'er)
15-17 内景/Interior views