
2020-03-17 04:02司马勤
歌剧 2020年6期


这段日子,我心里一直想着要喝酒。这是长期待在家中自我隔离的附属症状。还有一种可能是,就算世界各大歌剧院还没有因为疫情关门之前,这些年来家里的酒吧推车(bar cart)一直停在那个从地面到顶棚都摆满歌剧录音的架子旁。你也许会把这种念头归咎于社会心理学的接近原则(proximity principle),但我开始考虑认真地探讨下美酒与歌剧这两者之间的关系。

前两个月,我在专栏里曾半开玩笑地说过,当歌剧院重开大门举行演出,如果从指挥的第一拍起拍直至终场落幕之间,观众随时可以品尝美酒,那该多好。当然,我不是怂恿歌剧迷变酒鬼。我只是希望观众把目光聚焦于舞台上演员所喝的酒类。他们怎样喝酒、在哪里喝酒,尤其是在台上喝哪种酒,都可以让我们更透彻地了解歌剧中的人物与剧情,远比文字更为深刻。你只要随便翻开欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)或斯科特·菲茨杰拉德(Scott Fitzgerald)的著作——或者伊夫林·沃(Evelyn Waugh)、又或金斯利·艾米斯(Kingsley Amis)(我还可以列出更多更多的名字……)——你就会明白我的意思。

其实,这一目标也不必定得太高。就拿通俗小说(genre fiction)中的几位人物为例:伊恩·弗莱明(Ian Fleming)笔下的英国间谍“007”詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond),与雷蒙·钱德勒(Raymond Chandler)系列小说中的美国私家侦探菲利普·马洛(Philip Marlowe)。就算你熟知这些人物最钟爱的鸡尾酒,我也不会给你加分:马洛让琴蕾酒(gimlet,又名螺丝起子)发扬光大(“一半琴酒,一半玫瑰牌青柠檬汁,不加其他”);邦德令马丁尼(martini)风靡一时(“伏特加……摇匀,不要搅拌”)。尽管今天的调酒师对于以上两个传统的配方都不以为然,但是这两种鸡尾酒却多多少少显露了顾客的心境或背景。



我们也有很多方法,把“赏酒”与“ 赏歌剧”结合起来。我可以联想到朋友在家中一边看歌剧视频,一边有创意地创造出崭新的行酒规则:每当剧中人提到喝酒,观看者也需呷上一口;如果歌剧的某场景发生在酒馆内,就要大口喝;涉及喝酒的咏叹调或合唱曲一出现,大家就要一起干上一杯。那些志同道合、拥护“裤子喝醉了”(kalsarik?nnit,还记得我曾提到的那个待在家里、只穿内裤、喝得烂醉的芬兰传统)的朋友或已定出了一套独家“赏酒赏歌剧”的规则了。



莎士比亚笔下的约翰·法尔斯塔夫爵士是舞台上首屈一指的品酒权威。这位出身贵族但品行卑劣的武士毕生追寻多种不良嗜好、挥霍无度。这威尔第最后一部的歌剧一开幕,法尔斯塔夫就已经在喝酒。到了第三幕,约翰爵士第一句就埋怨“这个坑蒙拐骗的世界”;到了咏叹调的尾声,他的心情明显好得多,因为有酒下肚了,“心脏里每一细胞都震动,颤音般的疯狂震撼着欢乐的地球”。就在这一刻,你真想跟酒保说:“他点了什么,我也要。”可想要研究他当时喝了什么这个细节就复杂了,我们要回溯莎士比亚的文本。在《温莎的风流娘儿们》(The Merry Wives of Windsor)中,法尔斯塔夫提及过加了丁香与草药的蜂蜜酒(metheglin)。但是,他平常喝的萨克酒(sack),是干雪利酒(dry sherry)的前身,酒精度高于葡萄酒,质感与口感跟中国黄酒差不多(法尔斯塔夫更吩咐酒保要把酒加热)。我要郑重声明,法尔斯塔夫没有喝过啤酒,即便现在起码有五个美国啤酒厂的产品用上了法尔斯塔夫的肖像或名字作为宣传伎俩。




又是一位法国作曲家,把歌德最富德国色彩的文本编成歌剧。《浮士德的惩罚》在巴黎喜歌剧院首演后的多年里长期被忽略,到了最近才成为保留剧目,主要归功于现代舞台技术(尤其是高像素投影)凸显了歌剧的奇幻效果。柏辽兹与古诺节录的故事情节有不少重叠——在酒馆那一场,更安排了一个醉醺醺的学生领唱,描述老鼠在厨房寻欢作乐,最后吃错毒药而死的咏叹调——这段是一个巧妙的源自歌德原著的戏剧工具。在古老的民间传说里,浮士德在乌烟瘴气的酒馆里开启他沦落之途——说真的,除了酒馆,还能在哪里遇得上魔鬼?——歌德的原著中的酒馆,是莱比锡名副其实的地标(1498年已经开业的奥尔巴赫酒窖,Auerbachs Cellar)。歌德特意增添这点喜剧性,让本来污秽的酒馆变得更有生气。他的处理手法也影响了后世浮士德故事的定调。


毫无疑问,这是歌剧世界里的头号祝酒歌,捕捉到常住巴黎最有名的交际花与她那布尔乔亚敬慕者初相识的浪漫时刻。我们大多数人都称这首歌为“祝酒歌”(Brindisi,意大利语“祝酒歌”,源自德语祝酒词“我献给你”[ich] bringe dirs)。当薇奥莱塔跟客人寒暄过后走开几步,阿尔弗莱多带领各位宾客高歌一曲,祝酒词就是“让我们高举起欢乐的酒杯”,从而吸引到薇奥莱塔那“无法抗拒的目光”。茶花女漠视阿尔弗莱多的奉承,鼓励宾客们“享受生命,因为爱的欢乐短暂易逝”。到头来,薇奥莱塔被迷住,可惜她跟阿尔弗莱多的爱情确实短暂易逝。虽然歌词字面包含言外之意,但威尔第如泡腾片般的音乐让我可以肯定,沙龙的客人的酒杯里盛载着香槟。




编剧达·蓬特的剧本从没有指定唐乔瓦尼最沉醉什么,但导演彼得·瑟勒斯(Peter Sellars)曾要求男主角在台上演绎自己打了毒品针——但是大家都明白,自然界里是没有真空的。唐乔瓦尼在第二幕唱出颂赞美酒、女人与歌舞的咏叹调,一早就被称为“香槟咏叹调”,莫扎特的音乐就像冒着气泡的美酒,更带有一点轻佻。整首咏叹调只有90秒时长,但角色的本质性格却表露无遗,绝对是歌剧历史的里程碑。




很多人都抱着怀疑,恩斯特·特奥多尔·威廉·霍夫曼(E.T.A. Hoffmann)是一位酗酒的作家,还是舞文弄墨的酒徒。奥芬巴赫的首部(也是唯一一部)歌剧两者兼并,一开幕就带我们到访路德酒馆。在那里,烈酒与葡萄酒的灵魂都自荐是作家的缪斯(这当然是被润饰的浪漫化版本,霍夫曼只活到46岁,元凶就是他的那些“缪斯”)。确实,过了几分钟,当合唱团介入的时候,酒精饮品很明显为故事情节添上动力。剩下来的问题很简单:葡萄酒还是啤酒?作曲家故意不加选择——只激励大家“把酒杯盛满,直到天亮”——做法恰当,因为作曲家在德国出生时的名字是雅各布·埃伯斯特(Jakob Eberscht),移居法国后,展开音乐生涯所用的名字是雅克·奥芬巴赫。


虽然奥芬巴赫在歌剧范畴的传承不算很重要,但对于轻歌剧的发展——延伸至音乐剧——却举足轻重。要是我们比较一下奥芬巴赫与龙伯格的合唱曲,我们就看得出歌剧与轻歌剧风格上的很大区别。《霍夫曼》的合唱曲里,音乐几乎没有停顿,说明情节甚至推动故事;《学生王子》[桃乐丝·唐纳利(Dorothy Donnelly)的剧本与歌词]大致把德语话剧《老海德伯格》(Old Heidelberg)移植至美国舞台,增添的歌曲对于故事发展没有很大的影响。尽管这样说,《学生王子》依旧是20世纪20年代百老汇最长寿的剧目,吸引观众的歌曲非“喝!喝!喝!”莫属——为什么会出现这个状况?因为该剧上演时,正是美国的禁酒令年代,无论酿酒或卖酒都违法。



Ive been thinking a lot about drinking lately. Being quarantined does that. It probably doesnt help that, even before opera houses around the world closed their doors, my bar cart was sitting beside a floor-to-ceiling shelf of opera recordings. Blame it on the proximity principle, but Ive started pondering relationships between the two.

This is not to endorse the idea—hinted halfseriously a couple of months ago—that once opera houses open again that alcohol should be available from downbeat to curtain call. Rather, its time for audiences to pay more attention to what the characters on stage are quaffing. How, where and especially what someone is drinking often reveals more than words alone can describe. Just page through any book by Ernest Hemingway or Scott Fitzgerald—or Evelyn Waugh or Kingsley Amis (I could go on…)—and youll see what I mean.

You dont even have to aim that high. Start with a couple of characters from middlebrow genre fiction—say, Ian Flemings British spy James Bond and Raymond Chandlers American private detective Philip Marlowe. No bonus points for naming their respective drinks: Marlowe did for the gimlet (“half gin and half Roses Lime Juice and nothing else”) what Bond did for the martini (“vodka…shaken, not stirred”). Neither recipe would pass the scrutiny of a grown-up bartender, but they do reveal a lot about the customer.

Chandlers overly sweet proportions show that perhaps Marlowes gin was not of triple-distilled quality. Bonds preference for “shaken, not stirred”meant that his ice melted faster, so his drinks were(1) much colder and (2) more diluted than usual (also making him less drunk on the job than he might appear). As for the vodka…maybe that wasnt such high quality, either. And what does it say when, during the Cold War, a government agent from a nation of gin drinkers prefers the primary export of his chief rival? Bond was certainly a man of mystery.

But I digress. Getting back to opera, references to cocktails—or liquor in any form, for that matter—are few and far between. Since the art forms two most prominent roots are in Italy and Germany, wine and beer are the usual tipples. But even within those perimeters, the range of references is quite broad.

So, too, are the ways to build these into our operatic appreciation. I can already imagine home viewing parties morphing into elaborate drinking games: a sip for every time someone casually mentions some form of alcohol, a long gulp for any scene set in a drinking establishment, an entire glass during any aria or chorus predominantly featuring a fermented beverage. Some devotees of kalsarik?nnit (or “pantsdrunk,” that Finnish tradition I cited a couple of months ago about people drinking at home wearing only their underwear) are probably doing that already.

But for the time being, since Im already sitting about halfway between the bottles and the opera recordings, lets take a deeper look at the genre and see what insights we can glean from our characters choice of beverage.

“Ehi, Taverniere!”

from Verdis Falstaff (1893)

The stage has no greater authority on drinking than Sir John Falstaff, Shakespeares high-born lowlife who squanders his knighthood on a variety of disreputable pastimes. Verdis final opera opens with Falstaff already drinking; by Act III, Sir John starts out raving about “a thieving, wicked world,” then once the wine kicks in, “every fiber in the heart vibrates, and a trilling madness rocks the joyous globe.” This is when you tell the taverner, “Ill have what hes having.” For details, though, we need to go back to Shakespeare. In The Merry Wives of Windsor Falstaff mentions metheglin, a honey wine spiced with cloves and herbs, but his most reliable drink is sack, an early form of sherry stronger than regular wine and rather similar in consistency and flavor to huangjiu (which Falstaff even asks to be warmed). For the record, he never drank beer, despite at least five American breweries using Falstaffs image or name to promote their products.

“Wine or Beer?” from Gounods Faust (1859)

The relevant question opens Act II, with a chorus of students, soldiers and locals all cheerfully agreeing that “a drunkard drinks everything.”(Tellingly, my German translation is “Wine and beer,” with no question mark.) By the standards of our drinking game, this is a clean sweep, not merely set in a tavern with a recurring drinking chorus but having substantial plot developments unfold within the very definition of a “public house,” where otherwise incompatible groups find themselves sharing the same space. Soldiers are about to head off to war, Marguerite makes her first appearance, and Méphistophélès sows seeds of discontent in all quarters, partly by plying the crowd with wine from his own cellar. The fact that the liquid bursts into flames, though, shouldve made people question the vintage.

“Certain rat, dans la cuisine”

from Berliozs Damnation of Faust (1846)

Berliozs equally French take on Goethes truly German drama premiered at Pariss Opéra-Comique but only secured a place in the opera house once modern stagecraft (particularly video projections) could illuminate the storys mystical effects. Some of the overlap with Gounods version—including the tavern scene, complete with a drunken student singing about a rats revels in the kitchen ending after eating a batch of poison—stems from essential dramatic devices in Goethes telling. Though the folkloric Fausts downward spiral had long been portrayed in a seedy tavern—really, where else would you meet the Devil?—Goethe had set the scene in Auerbachs Cellar, an actual tavern in Leipzig that had been in existence since 1498. By lightening the sordid setting for comic relief, Goethe set the tone for future adaptations.

“Libiamo nelieti calici”

from Verdis La Traviata (1853)

Without doubt the most famous drinking song in all of opera, the musical backdrop where Pariss resident party girl first meets her bourgeois admirer is known simply as The Brindisi (Italian for “drinking song,” but appropriately enough, derived from the German toast (ich) bringe dirs, or “(I) offer it to you”). Stepping away from the other guests in her salon, Alfredo leads his toast with “Drink from the joyful glass, resplendent with beauty,” drawing attention to Violettas “irresistible gaze.” Violetta brushes aside the flattery, urging all her other guests to “be joyful, for love is a fleeting short-lived joy.”Still, Violetta is hooked, and indeed her love with Alfredo is short-lived. Despite weaving its dramatic subtexts, the musics pure effervescence leaves little doubt that its champagne in the glasses.

“Viva, il vino spumeggiante”

from Mascagnis Cavalleria Rusticana (1889)

Theres no doubt what Mascagnis peasants are drinking either, since the word “sparkling”is right there in the title. To be clear, Verdi wrote The Brindisi; Mascagni merely wrote “a brindisi,”but this one-act work—his first opera—essentially propelled verismo on the opera stage. Many critics have observed how this changed operatic storytelling—my favorite description is that verismo replaced adultery, seduction, murder and suicide in the highest families with adultery, seduction, murder and suicide in the lowest families—but a clear stylistic contrast is evident even in their drinking songs. As the returning soldier Toriddu leads his fellow villagers in an Easter Day toast, his girlfriends husband arrives, refuses Toriddus wine and challenges him to a duel. It doesnt end well.

“Finchhan dal vino”

from Mozarts Don Giovanni (1787)

Librettist Lorenzo Da Ponte never specifically mentions Giovannis intoxicant of choice—director Peter Sellars notoriously had the Don shooting heroin—but tradition, as they say, abhors a vacuum. Giovannis Act II paeon to wine, women and dancing has long been dubbed the “Champagne Aria,”with Mozarts music practically bubbling over with licentiousness. Running no more than 90 seconds, no aria in the history of opera has delved so aptly and efficiently into the nature of the character singing.

“Vivat Bacchus” from Mozarts

Abduction from the Seraglio (1782)

From the libertine Giovanni to the teetotal Osmin, Mozarts characters clearly run to extremes. Though the strict terms of Mozarts first imperial commission (a German-language stage work with spoken dialogue) left limited room to tell the story in purely musical term, the composer nonetheless managed to push contemporary conventions to their limits—not least the faddish appropriation of all things Turkish. Padrillos plans to free his fiancée Blonde from the clutches of Osmin, the Pashas overseer, involve incapacitating Osmin one glass at a time—despite the overseers Islamic beliefs. Allahs prohibitions soon give way, with Osmin declaring that “Bacchus is a fine fellow” and nearly shifting his allegiance to the Roman god of wine before passing out. A charming set piece, composed by a confirmed infidel.

“Drig, Drig, Drig, Ma?tre Luther”

from Offenbachs Les Contes dHoffmann (1881)

Some question still remains whether E.T.A. Hoffmann was primarily a writer who drank or a drinker who wrote. Offenbachs first (and only) true opera plays both sides, opening in Luthers Tavern with the spirits of wine and beer claiming to be the writers Muse (a romanticized version, to be sure, since Hoffmann himself died at 46, largely a victim of his “muse”). And indeed, when the chorus enters a few minutes later, it is the drinking that leads to the storytelling. The only remaining question is, well, wine or beer? Both are treated rather indiscriminately—the only exhortation being“Fill the cups till dawn”—with no obvious cultural allegience, truly befitting a composer who was born in Germany as “Jakob Eberscht” and made his musical career under the name “Jacques Offenbach”in France.

“Drink! Drink! Drink!”

from Rombergs The Student Prince (1924)

Though Offenbachs legacy in opera is negligible, his influence on operetta—and by extension, the future of musical theatre—was enormous. The difference between the two stage genres becomes apparent comparing the place of Offenbachs drinking chorus with that of Rombergs. In Hoffmann, the music runs almost continuously throughout, illustrating and often advancing the narrative; The Student Prince (with book and lyrics by Dorothy Donnelly) more or less adapted the German-language play Old Heidelberg to the American stage, its songs adding little to the story. That said, The Student Prince was the longestrunning show on Broadway in the 1920s, its popularity driven mostly on the basis of its “Drink, Drink! Drink!” chorus—a phenomenon partly explained by the fact that the United States was in the middle of Prohibition, when it was illegal to produce or sell alcohol.

“To pivecko”

from Smetanas The Bartered Bride (1866)

Amidst an admittedly wine-heavy field—stagings of Offenbach and Romberg often depict beer, but the operas themselves refuse to take sides—we finally come to a composer unafraid of commitment. Smetana, the son of a brewer, has his villagers in The Bartered Bride unambiguously declaim “Beer is a gift from heaven” at the opening of Act II. Though the operas history had a rocky start—its early incarnation, with spoken dialogue, left audiences cold—Smetana revised his score to let the music do the talking, shaping its flow to the natural rhythms and pulses in the Czech language. When two characters begin arguing that either love or money is better than beer, the other villagers simply ignore them and keep drinking—a true hallmark of authenticity from a proudly beerdrinking culture.

把第一部iPhone 6丢进啤酒