Hackers accessed personal information of almost 30 million Facebook users 黑客访问了近三千万脸书用户的个人信息

2020-02-25 10:04四川名山中学卢俊名
疯狂英语·新策略 2020年9期

四川名山中学 卢俊名

Almost 30 million Facebook users'phone numbers and email addresses were accessed by hackers in the biggest security breach(漏洞)in the company's history.The attackers accessed even more details on 14 million of those users,including the area where they live,their relationship status,their religion,and part of their search history.

The company said that it may still not know the full extent of the attack and wasn't ruling out the possibility of other “smaller-scale attacks” linked to the breach.The company said it would continue to investigate “other ways the people behind this attack used Facebook”.

The new details come two weeks after Facebook first announced that attackers had access to 50 million users'accounts—meaning they could have logged in as those users.Facebook said on Friday, “We now know that fewer people were impacted than we originally thought,”and said that 30 million people had been impacted.

For the 14 million worst hit by the breach,Facebook said the attackers were able to access the following information:user name,gender,locale,language,relationship status,religion,hometown,birthdate,device types used to access Facebook,education,work,website,and the 15 most recent searches.

Facebook said it would send a message to the 30 million users affected in the coming days and would be posting information to its help center.

The attack prompted Facebook to take the unprecedented(空前的)step of logging out the 50 million users whose accounts were exposed and logged out another 40 million users as a precautionary measure.

The attackers exploited a series of bugs on Facebook's platform.The weakness,Facebook said,had existed since July 2017.It wasn't fixed until last month,after the company's engineers noticed some unusual activity that turned out to be the attack.Despite Friday's announcement,there are still many details about the hack that have not been made public,including who was behind it and if the attackers were targeting at particular users or countries.

Reading Check

1.What did Facebook originally think about the attack?

A.50 million users behind this attack used Facebook.

B.More Facebook users were affected.

C.It can solve the problem in a month or so.

D.Users'phone numbers and email addresses suffered much.

2.What's Facebook's key measure to deal with the attack?

A.Introducing the security breach in detail.

B.Sending a message to all the Facebook users.

C.Logging out 90 million users affected.

D.Calling on more engineers to do more research.

3.What do we know about the attack from the last paragraph?

A.The public hasn't known the details of it fully.

B.The attackers were targeting at particular users or countries.

C.It began to attack bugs on Facebook's platform from 2016.

D.Facebook's engineers noticed some unusual activity in July.

Language Study

Difficult sentence

The attackers accessed even more details on 14 million of those users,including the area where they live,their relationship status,their religion,and part of their search history.


【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。主句的主语是The attackers,其中where引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词area。

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