What did I experience in English class? 我的英语课堂经历

2020-02-25 10:04湖北十堰市车城高级中学周清泉
疯狂英语·新策略 2020年9期

湖北十堰市车城高级中学 周清泉

Going back to school after working for a long time has not been easy.What makes it extra difficult is the Western liberal arts style of teaching.It emphasizes discussions,which is not wellsuited for my nature and different from the Chinese style of teaching that I am used to.

Most of my classes are small,about a dozen people.Most students who frequently speak up are from English-speaking countries.Being shy and especially reluctant to confrontation (对抗),I am usually quiet.However,I'm not the only one.In my corner of silence are students from Asia or other non-English speaking areas.

People are reluctant to speak up for different reasons.Not being able to speak fluent English,or at least being worried about embarrassing oneself for grammatical errors,might be an important one,especially in an English-taught program.

For me,not being sure of whether I am making a convincing and fresh point is the biggest factor.Having survived and thrived in the exam-oriented,right/wrong-answer-focused Chinese education system,I feel insecure not knowing the “correct answer”.

Moreover,this insecurity turns into frustration.I feel uneasy in my seat while listening to my classmates speak.On the one hand,I'm angry at myself for not being brave;on the other hand I dismiss what others are saying.But in truth,it's just an excuse to mask my feeling of inferiority(自卑)when I feel like others know so much about so many things.

Of course,over time I learned the merits of this style of teaching and learning.The biggest advantage of being in a program with people from all over the world is that everybody brings in something new.What's obvious to me,a Chinese,might not be so obvious to them.Sometimes it's important to state the obvious.

Still it is hard for me to participate in class discussions.However,that someone does not like speaking up in public doesn't mean they cannot think.That someone cannot think on their feet doesn't mean they can't do good research.And that someone is always speaking doesn't mean they always make good points.

Reading Check

1.Why is the author unwilling to speak up in class?

A.He is unable to speak fluent English.

B.He is afraid of making grammatical mistakes.

C.He shows no interest in the English-taught program.

D.He doesn't feel secure not knowing the “correct answer”.

2.Why does the author feel frustrated while listening to others'speaking up?

A.He is extremely shy.

B.He has a sense of inferiority.

C.He can't understand others'words.

D.He has no interest in their discussions.

3.What does the underlined word “merits” in Para.6 probably mean?





4.How does the author end his article?

A.By putting forward his opinion.

B.By mentioning a typical example.

C.By describing a situation.

D.By giving some advice.

Language Study

Difficult sentence

The biggest advantage of being in a program with people from all over the world is that everybody brings in something new.


【点石成金】这是一个主从复合句,that everybody brings in something new是由that引导的表语从句,that是连词,在从句中仅起连接作用,无实际意义,在句中不作任何成分,不能省略。

《宝藏》通联站展示之窗 湖北省 十堰市
新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2