
2020-02-22 03:23曹宇泽马文礼
光电工程 2020年2期




1中国科学院光电技术研究所,四川 成都 610209;2中国科学院大学,北京 100049

为了调节视场较大的卡塞格林望远镜的次镜位置,提出了两步式灵敏度矩阵模型的计算机辅助装调方法。在分析了传统的二次模型灵敏度矩阵法的缺陷的基础上,根据灵敏度矩阵的特点加入了精调步骤,对传统的灵敏度矩阵法进行了改进。针对卡塞格林系统,分析了各项泽尼克系数与失调量之间的关系,并对300 mm口径,0.6°视场的卡塞格林系统进行了校正仿真。仿真结果显示,传统的灵敏度矩阵法校正后沿、、轴偏移及绕、轴倾斜的失调量的均值分别为:-0.0684 mm、-0.0892 mm、0.0015 mm、0.0498°和-0.0444°,全视场波像差RMS均小于0.1(=632.8 nm);两步式灵敏度矩阵法校正后的均值分别为-0.0018 mm、-0.0012 mm、0.0002 mm、0.0008°和-0.0012°,全视场RMS均小于0.03,明显优于传统的灵敏度矩阵法。


1 引 言

随着望远镜技术的发展,望远镜的口径和视场越来越大,光学系统的结构越来越复杂,加工制造和装调的难度也随之提升[1]。通过干涉仪等检测设备可以测量光学系统焦平面的光斑图,并通过光斑图计算得到各项泽尼克系数。为了得到良好的成像质量,采用计算机辅助装调技术,对光学系统进行实时检测并与理论结果进行比较,通过建立泽尼克系数与失调量之间的数学模型,精确地对元件的失调量进行校正[2-3]。应用最广泛的计算机辅助装调方法是灵敏度矩阵法。该方法是一种在分析像差特性的基础上,通过建立失调量与像差系数的数学模型来校正像差的方法[4-5]。最早的灵敏度矩阵是一阶模型[6-9],校正后可达到全视场RMS为0.1的结果。中国科学院长春光机所的顾志远改进了灵敏度矩阵法,将数学模型扩展到二阶,并用改进的灵敏度矩阵法对500 mm口径的离轴望远镜进行校正,得到了全视场RMS均小于0.1的结果[10]。

本文分析了传统灵敏度矩阵法的缺陷,通过拟合的方法构建灵敏度矩阵并加入了精调的步骤,进一步提高校正精度。使用两步式灵敏度矩阵法对300 mm口径、0.6°视场的卡塞格林试验系统进行校正仿真,得到了良好的校正结果。

2 两步式灵敏度矩阵法原理


2.1 传统的灵敏度矩阵法



2.2 两步式灵敏度矩阵法




粗调后失调量显著减小,此时粗调中使用的灵敏度矩阵与粗调后对应位置的灵敏度矩阵有较大的偏差,如果重复使用粗调的灵敏度矩阵会导致校正结果偏差很大。由于各自由度失调量的绝对值小于0.1 mm或0.1°时失调量与泽尼克系数近似线性相关,因此精调采用失调量较小时的一阶灵敏度矩阵。修正模型的表达式为



1) 选用的泽尼克系数必须能够反映所有自由度的失调量变化;

2) 泽尼克系数与失调量之间呈明显的线性或二次相关;

3) 泽尼克系数变化量不宜太小,能够确保灵敏度函数的精度。


表1 卡塞格林望远镜光学系统参数

3 卡塞格林系统校正仿真

仿真使用300 mm口径、0.6°视场的卡塞格林系统,波段范围450 nm~800 nm,设计位置的全视场波像差RMS均小于0.03,并且要求50线对/mm处的MTF值大于0.6,具体参数如表1所示。





图1 卡塞格林系统的光学结构图




粗调后的五个自由度失调量的均值分别为-0.0626 mm、-0.0594 mm、0.0005 mm、0.0513°和-0.0424°。由图2可以看出,只有受失调量影响较小的泽尼克系数才会与对应失调量二次相关。对于单一自由度,当失调量小于0.1 mm或0.1°时,二次函数和一次函数的偏差对失调量的影响小于0.0001 mm,因此失调量小于0.1 mm或0.1°时失调量与泽尼克系数近似线性相关,精调的灵敏度矩阵采用失调量为-0.0626 mm、-0.0594 mm、0.0005 mm、0.0513°和-0.0424°时的一阶灵敏度矩阵。精调后的失调量如表4所示。



表2 粗调后的各自由度失调量

表3 初始状态的灵敏度矩阵

表4 精调后的各自由度失调量





4 结 论

本文在分析灵敏度矩阵的特点以及失调量对泽尼克系数影响的基础上,从更换选用的泽尼克系数、用拟合的方法构建灵敏度矩阵和增添精调步骤这三个方面对传统的灵敏度矩阵法进行了改进。对300 mm口径、0.6°视场的卡塞格林望远镜进行了多次校正仿真。仿真结果显示,传统的灵敏度矩阵法校正后沿、、轴偏移及绕、轴倾斜的失调量的均值分别为:-0.0684 mm、-0.0892 mm、0.0015 mm、0.0498°和-0.0444°,全视场波像差RMS均小于0.1;两步式灵敏度矩阵法校正后的均值分别为-0.0018 mm、-0.0012 mm、0.0002 mm、0.0008°和-0.0012°,全视场RMS均小于0.03,校正后的光学系统接近设计位置,明显优于传统的灵敏度矩阵法,说明了两步式灵敏度矩阵法对卡塞格林望远镜的装调具有很好的实用价值。

表5 粗调后的灵敏度矩阵

表6 精调采用的一阶灵敏度矩阵

表7 传统的灵敏度矩阵法校正后的失调量

表8 校正前后的泽尼克系数

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Application of two step sensitivity matrix method in Cassegrain telescope alignment

Cao Yuze1,2, Ma Wenli1*

1Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610209, China;2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Layout of Cassegrain system

Overview:With the development of telescope technology, the aperture and field of view of telescope are becoming larger and larger, the structure of optical system is becoming more and more complex, and the difficulty of fabrication and assembly is also increasing. The speckle pattern of the focal plane of the optical system can be measured by interferometer and other testing equipment, and the Zernike coefficients can be calculated by the speckle pattern. For Cassegrain telescope, in order to obtain good imaging quality, it is necessary to correct the position of its secondary mirror. By using computer-aided alignment technology, the optical system can be real-time detected and compared with the theoretical results. By establishing a mathematical model between Zernike coefficient and misalignment, the misalignment of the components can be corrected accurately. The most widely used computer-aided alignment method is the sensitivity matrix method. Sensitivity matrix method is a method of correcting aberration by establishing mathematical model of misalignment and Zernike coefficient on the basis of analyzing aberration characteristics. The traditional sensitivity matrix method only carries out single correction. According to the meaning of Zernike coefficient,3、4、5、6、7and8are chosen to construct the sensitivity matrix. Based on the analysis of the shortcomings of the traditional sensitivity matrix method of the two order model, a fine tuning step was added based on the characteristics of the sensitivity matrix. The calculation method of sensitivity is improved. According to the relationship between misalignment and Zernike coefficient, the selection principle of Zernike coefficient for constructing sensitivity matrix is proposed. The traditional sensitivity matrix method is improved. For the Cassegrain system, the relationship between the Zernike coefficients and the misadjustment was analyzed, and the calibration simulation of Cassegrain system with 300 mm aperture and 0.6° field of view was carried out. The simulation results show that after correction by traditional sensitivity matrix method, the mean values of offset along,,axes and tilt around,axes are -0.0684 mm, -0.0892 mm, 0.0015 mm, 0.0498° and -0.0444°, respectively, and the full field wavefront aberration RMS is less than 0.1(=632.8 nm). After correction by two step sensitivity matrix correction method, the mean values are -0.0018 mm, -0.0012 mm, 0.0002 mm, 0.0008° and -0.0012°, respectively, and the full field wavefront aberration RMS is less than 0.03. The corrected optical system reaches the diffraction limit and approaches the design position, which is obviously superior to the traditional sensitivity matrix method.

Citation: Cao Y Z, Ma W LApplication of two step sensitivity matrix method in Cassegrain telescope alignment[J]., 2020, 47(2): 180536

Application of two step sensitivity matrix method in Cassegrain telescope alignment

Cao Yuze1,2, Ma Wenli1*

1Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610209, China;2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

In order to adjust the position of the secondary mirror of Cassegrain telescope with large field of view, a computer aided adjustment method of two-step sensitivity matrix model was proposed. Based on the analysis of the shortcomings of the traditional sensitivity matrix method of the two order model, a fine tuning step was added based on the characteristics of the sensitivity matrix and the traditional sensitivity matrix method was improved. For the Cassegrain system, the relationship between the Zernike coefficients and the misalignment was analyzed, and the calibration simulation of Cassegrain system with 300 mm aperture and 0.6° field of view was carried out. The simulation results show that after correction by traditional sensitivity matrix method, the mean values of offset along,,axes and tilt around,axes are -0.0684 mm, -0.0892 mm, 0.0015 mm, 0.0498° and -0.0444°, respectively, and the full field wavefront aberration RMS is less than 0.1(=632.8 nm). After correction by two step sensitivity matrix correction method, the mean values are -0.0018 mm, -0.0012 mm, 0.0002 mm, 0.0008° and -0.0012°, respectively, and the full field wavefront aberration RMS is less than 0.03, which is obviously superior to the traditional sensitivity matrix method.

aberration correction; sensitivity matrix method; computer-aided alignment; Cassegrain system




: Cao Y Z, Ma W L. Application of two step sensitivity matrix method in Cassegrain telescope alignment[J]., 2020,47(2): 180536





曹宇泽,马文礼. 两步式灵敏度矩阵法在卡塞格林望远镜装调中的应用[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(2): 180536

* E-mail: mawenli@ioe.ac.cn
