
2020-02-22 03:25茹占强宋贺伦宋盛星殷志珍刘登科张耀辉
光电工程 2020年2期

茹占强,宋贺伦,吴 菲,宋盛星,朱 煜,殷志珍,刘登科,张耀辉


茹占强,宋贺伦*,吴 菲,宋盛星,朱 煜,殷志珍,刘登科,张耀辉

中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所系统集成与IC设计研究部,江苏 苏州 215123

针对菲涅尔透镜存在实际光学效率偏低的问题,本文设计了一种由非球面透镜和棒锥镜组成的高效非成像聚光光学系统。在光学设计软件Zemax的序列模式下对非球面透镜进行了优化设计,通过最大程度地减小球差,像面光斑的几何半径从42 mm降到了1.7 mm。基于此,在Zemax的非序列模式下,完成了非球面透镜和棒锥镜的建模和优化,通过蒙特卡罗光线追迹分析实现了光学效率为87%、接收角为0.9°的非成像聚光光学系统。最后,基于非球面透镜阵列和棒锥镜样品,实现了高倍聚光型光伏模组的封装与测试。测试结果表明,该模组的光电转换效率达30.03%,与菲涅尔透镜构成的高倍聚光型光伏模组相比有显著提升。


1 引 言



2 工作原理


主聚光器的面积和光伏电池的面积之比称为几何聚光比,几何聚光比与非成像聚光光学系统的光学效率乘积称为能量聚光比,能量聚光比越高代表光伏电池表面能量密度越高,最佳能量聚光比的设计根据光伏电池的聚光特性而定。当前,高倍聚光型光伏模组普遍采用边长为5.5 mm或者10 mm的多结砷化镓光伏电池,最佳能量聚光比一般都在几百倍甚至上千倍,相应主聚光器孔径在十几到几十厘米,在保证合理厚度的前提下只能选用菲涅尔透镜。为了实现非球面透镜取代菲涅尔透镜,并且,厚度控制在合理范围,必须缩小光伏电池的尺寸。为此,我们开发出了直径只有2.5 mm微型三结砷化镓光伏电池,图2为该光伏电池的截面图。

图3为该微型三结砷化镓光伏电池的光电转换效率随能量聚光比变化曲线,可知,该电池在能量聚光比为330倍时,光电转换效率可以达到最大值。非成像聚光光学系统包含非球面透镜和棒锥镜两个光学元件,即四个光学界面,系统理想的光学效率在84%左右,考虑加工误差和聚光模组的封装、对准误差,有效的光学效率大约在80%左右。因此,高倍聚光型光伏模组的几何聚光比约为413倍,考虑高倍聚光型光伏模组的封装要求,非球面透镜要切成正方形再胶合成阵列结构,所以非球面透镜的孔径应为64 mm,切割后的内接正方形非球面透镜的边长为45 mm。

图1 高效非成像聚光光学系统原理图

图2 微型三结砷化镓光伏电池截面图

3 非球面透镜设计

3.1 初始结构模型建立

由上节可知,透镜的孔径为64 mm,为了兼顾聚光效率和系统紧凑性,设置透镜的/#为1,则焦距值为´/#=64 mm。波长范围根据三结砷化镓光伏电池响应特性为348 nm~1860 nm,主波长为540 nm,视场范围为0°,透镜材料选取常用的BK7光学玻璃。为了满足实际应用需求,选取透镜第一个面为光阑,并设置为平面,第二个面曲率的求解类型设置为/#=1。球面透镜的初始结构参数如表1所示。

表1 球面透镜的初始结构参数

3.2 初始结构像差分析


图3 微型三结砷化镓光伏电池光电转换效率随聚光比变化曲线

由表2可知,初始结构的球差SPHA值很大为34.26,在很大程度上影响了系统的聚焦光斑质量,如图4光斑点列图所示,像面光斑的几何半径高达42 mm,是三结砷化镓光伏电池的33.6倍。为了有效降低系统球差,减小像面光斑的几何半径,使更多光能入射到三结砷化镓光伏电池表面,将透镜的第二个面设置成偶次非球面[8-9],并设置球差和焦距为优化操作函数,非球面曲率、厚度、后焦距、非球面系数和高阶系数为变量,进行软件自动优化。

3.3 优化结果及像差分析


由表3可知,优化后的非球面透镜球差SPHA的值接近于0.1,极大地改善了成像质量,如图5光斑点列图所示,像面上的光斑几何半径也减小到了1.7 mm,基本接近三结砷化镓光伏电池半径。优化后的非球面透镜结构参数如表4所示。

表2 初始结构的塞德尔像差系数

图4 初始结构聚焦光斑点列图

图5 非球面透镜聚焦光斑点列图

表3 非球面透镜的塞德尔像差系数

表4 非球面透镜结构参数

4 棒锥镜设计与光学系统性能分析


棒锥镜主要有3个作用:1) 使像面光斑的几何半径与三结砷化镓光伏电池相匹配;2) 在光线偏折入射的情况下使光线尽可能多地入射到三结砷化镓光伏电池表面;3) 使三结砷化镓光伏电池表面的辐照度更均匀[10]。

由非成像聚光光学系统原理,棒锥镜的上端面半径大于非球面透镜焦点处光斑的几何半径,下端面半径与三结砷化镓光伏电池相匹配,考虑装配误差的因素,在此设置为1.2 mm,初始高度可以随意设置为一个合理值,表7为该棒锥镜的初始结构参数。



表5 标准光源参数

表6 探测器参数


表7 棒锥镜初始结构参数

表8 棒锥镜最优结构参数


图6 最优结构的非成像聚光光学系统的光路图

图7 不同入射条件下光学系统聚焦光斑辐照度分布。(a) 光线垂直入射时;(b) 光线入射角为0.9°时

图8 不同入射条件下非球面透镜聚焦光斑辐照度分布。(a) 光线垂直入射时;(b) 光线入射角为0.9°时

为了验证该非成像聚光光学系统的聚光性能,在光线入射角为0°的条件下,对单非球面透镜和非成像聚光光学系统进行了蒙特卡罗光线追迹对比分析,结果如图9所示。单非球面透镜的焦面光斑辐照度呈高斯分布状态,中心点强度峰值高达111.18 W/cm2,边缘点强度值为0.99 W/cm2,焦面光斑的辐照分布均匀性为1-(111.18-0.99)/(111.18+0.99)=1.77%,非成像聚光光学系统的焦面光斑辐照度分布更均匀,中心点强度峰值降低至32.19 W/cm2,边缘点强度值为11.73 W/cm2,焦面光斑的辐照分布均匀性为1-(32.19-11.73)/(32.19+11.73)=53.42%。可见,二次聚光器可以有效改善焦面光斑辐照度分布均匀性,有利于三结砷化镓光伏电池光电效率的提升。

5 高倍聚光型光伏模组封装与测试


为了验证该高倍聚光型光伏模组的光电性能,在标准条件下(AM1.5D光谱、1000 W/m2辐照度、=25 ℃)对其进行了I-V性能测试,结果如图13所示。作为对比,在相同条件下对主聚光器为菲涅尔透镜的高倍聚光型光伏模组(如图14所示)进行了I-V性能测试,结果如图15所示。测试结果表明,基于非球面透镜的模组光电转换效率达到了30.03%,大幅高于基于菲涅尔透镜的模组25.04%的光电转换效率,可见,非球面透镜取代菲涅尔透镜能显著提升非成像聚光光学系统的聚光效率。

图9 入射角为0°时不同系统聚焦光斑辐照度分布图。(a) 单非球面透镜;(b) 非成像聚光光学系统

图10 非球面透镜阵列样品

图11 棒锥镜样品

图12 基于非球面透镜的高倍聚光型光伏模组样品

图13 基于非球面透镜的高倍聚光型光伏模组I-V特性

图14 基于菲涅尔透镜的高倍聚光型光伏模组样品

图15 基于菲涅尔透镜的高倍聚光型光伏模组I-V特性

6 结 论


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Design and performance analysis of high efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical system

Ru Zhanqiang, Song Helun*, Wu Fei, Song Shengxing, Zhu Yu, Yin Zhizhen, Liu Dengke, Zhang Yaohui

System Integration & IC Design Division, Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, China

Principle of high efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical system

Overview:Nowadays, Fresnel lens was widely used as the primary optics element in high concentrated photovoltaic module. In principle, the optical efficiency of Fresnel lens could be high. However, it will decrease sharply due to the limitation of processing technology, for example, scattering of angle of chamfer, the deformation of demoulding, the shading of tooth root, and so on. These issues influence the further improvement of photoelectric conversion efficiency of high concentrated photovoltaic module. Consequently, the idea of replacing Fresnel lens with aspheric lens was proposed innovatively and a high-efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical system composed of an aspheric lens array and 48 trumpet lenses was designed. Firstly, the initial structure parameters of the aspheric lens were determined according to the characteristics of micro-scale three-junction GaAs solar cell. The aspheric lens was optimized in sequential mode of Zemax on the basis of aberration analysis of the initial structure, and the geometric radius of its image spot was reduced from 42 mm to 1.7 mm and the value of SPHA was reduced from 34.26 to 0.1 by minimizing the spherical aberration. The standard light source, detector, aspheric lens and trumpet lens were modeled in non-sequential mode of Zemax, and the trumpet were optimized by altering the radius of upper surface and the height. The high-efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical system with 87% optical efficiency and 0.9° received angle was achieved by Monte Carlo ray tracing analysis. On the basis, the high-efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical system and single aspheric lens were analyzed comparatively. The analysis results showed that the efficiency of single aspheric lens reduced from 87.4% to 40% when the incident angle increased from 0 to 0.9 degrees, and yet the efficiency of the high-efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical system still reached 79.2%. In addition, the irradiance distribution uniformity of the focal spot of the single aspheric lens was 1.77%, and the value of the high-efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical system was up to 53.42%. Finally, the packaging and test of high concentrated photovoltaic modules based on the high-efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical system and Fresnel lens were completed separately. The results of test comparatively showed that the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the module based on Fresnel lens was 25.04%, and the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the module based on the high-efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical system was up to 30.03%, which was significantly improved compared with the high concentrated photovoltaic module composed of the Fresnel lens.

Citation: Ru Z Q, Song H L, Wu F,Design and performance analysis of high efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical system[J]., 2020, 47(2): 190203

Design and performance analysis of high efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical system

Ru Zhanqiang, Song Helun*, Wu Fei, Song Shengxing, Zhu Yu, Yin Zhizhen, Liu Dengke, Zhang Yaohui

System Integration & IC Design Division, Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, China

Aiming at the low optical efficiency of Fresnel lens, a high-efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical (NICO) system composed of an aspheric lens and a trumpet lens was designed. The aspheric lens was optimized in sequential mode of Zemax, and the geometric radius of its image spot was reduced from 42 mm to 1.7 mm by minimizing the spherical aberration. The aspheric lens and trumpet lens were modeled and optimized in non-sequential mode of Zemax, and the NICO system with 87% optical efficiency and 0.9° received angle was achieved by Monte Carlo ray tracing analysis. Finally, the packaging and testing of the high concentrated photovoltaic (HCPV) module were completed based on samples of an aspheric lens array and 48 trumpet lenses. The test results showed that the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the module reached 30.03%, which was significantly improved compared with the HCPV module composed of the Fresnel lens.

Fresnel lens; non-imaging concentrated optical system; aspheric lens; concentrated photovoltaic

Supported by National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFE0129400) and Youth Innovation Promotion Association Talent Fund, CAS (2016290)




: Ru Z Q, Song H L, Wu F,. Design and performance analysis of high efficiency non-imaging concentrated optical system[J]., 2020,47(2): 190203






茹占强,宋贺伦,吴菲,等. 高效非成像聚光光学系统设计与性能分析[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(2): 190203

* E-mail: hlsong2008@sinano.ac.cn

让激光电视充分展现力量与色彩 焦点(Focusview)菲涅尔超短焦硬幕