建筑总面积:4 151 平方米
Client: StädelschesKunstinstitut
Status: Completed in 2012
Procurement documentation: Competition, 1st prize
Architecture Design GFA: 4 151 m²
Drawings: ©schneider+schumacher
2008年春季,施奈德舒马赫赢得了扩展法兰克福施泰德博物馆的国际竞赛。本设计通过将新建筑放置在博物馆花园下方,使得展览的空间几乎增加了一倍,从原有的4,000平方米增加到7,000平方米。地下扩展的展览空间宽76 m,长53 m,中心最高高度8.20 m。
In Spring 2008, schneider+schumacher won the international competition to extend the Städel Museum in Frankfurt/Main. By placing the new building below the museum's garden, they almost doubled the exhibition area from 4,000 m2 to 7,000 m2. The underground building is 76m wide, 53m long and a maximum of 8.20m high at the centre.
双曲面屋顶的外表皮总共被195个圆形天窗覆盖,其天窗的直径长度从边缘的1.50 m到中心最高点的2.50 m不等。这些“艺术之眼”是专为施泰德博物馆的扩展空间开发设计的。投入地下展览空间的日光强度是可控的;此外,在天窗增设了集成LED照明系统以增强照明效果,并通过内置在天窗镜面中的遮阳元素以减轻日光照明效果。
The outer surface of the doubly-curved roof slab is covered by a total of 195 roof lights, varying in diameter from 1.50m at the outer edge to 2.50m at the highest point in the centre. These"eyes for art" were specially developed for the Städel extension and are designed to be walked on. Daylight entering the exhibition space below can be controlled; either augmented using the integrated LED lighting system or mitigated by shading elements built into the roof light.
整个双曲面屋顶仅支撑在12条细长的钢筋混凝土柱上。扩展空间位于地下水位下方,由160个深桩固定,以防止其漂浮。新建筑还包含36个地热桩,直达地下82 m。这些地热桩可提供热量(在冬天)或降温(在夏天)作用。
The entire slab is supported on just 12 slim reinforced concrete columns. The extension lies below the water table and is anchored by 160 deep piles to prevent it floating. The new building also incorporates 36 geothermic piles, reaching up to 82m into the earth. These provide heat (in winter) or cooling (in summer).
The overall concept and technical specification ensure this museum building is sustainable in all respects.
©Norbert Miguletz
©Norbert Miguletz
©Kirsten Bucher
©Norbert Miguletz
©Norbert Miguletz