建设单位:DomRömer GmbH代表法兰克福市
建筑设计总面积:25 000平方米
Client: City of Frankfurt /Main, represented by DomRömer GmbH
Status: Completed in 2018
Procurement documentation: Freelance services procurement procedure (VOF)
Architecture Design GFA: 25 000 m²
1944年3月,轰炸和随后的大火摧毁了法兰克福的老城区,使这座曾经是德国最大的最完整的历史城市中心毁于一旦。罗马广场(Römer Square)和圣巴塞洛缪大教堂(St. Bartholomäus Cathedral)之间的区域曾拥有蜿蜒的小巷和风景如画的半木结构建筑群。在战后重建的过程中,一些重建项目试图笨拙地结合现代建筑设计风格,对毁坏建筑进行模仿性的重建。因之而产生了长期的争论,是保持传统建筑还是进行现代建筑建设。
In March 1944, bombing raids and the subsequent fires destroyed Frankfurt's old town,decimating what had been one of the largest intact city centres in Germany. The winding alleys and picturesque half-timbered buildings that once occupied the area between the Römer Square and St. Bartholomäus Cathedral were replaced by post-war reconstruction,with an awkward attempt at combining building styles - on one hand modern, on the other a partial imitative reconstruction of what had been lost - brought about by traditionalists battling the proponents of modernism.
But now the heart of Frankfurt - on a site located between the Cathedral and the Römer Square previously occupied by the city planning offices - is in the process of being fundamentally restructured. With the demolition of the city planning offices, post-war modernism has now given way to small-scale urban fabric, based on historical precedent. A “new old town” image is embodied in 15 elaborately reconstructed buildings, plus 20 new structures, each erected over the pre-war footprint of the buildings that used to occupied the site. The entire area encompasses 7,000 m2, and in 2018, 200 residents will occupy 80 apartments, with some 30 businesses setting up restaurants and shops in commercial premises at street level.
Following the success of the master plan, Dom-Römer GmbH appointed schneider+schumacher in 2012 as project architects with responsibility for coordinating overall planning.
©Jörg Hempel