张丽 朱晓磊
[摘要] 目的 探究疾控中心在突发公共卫生事件中的作用。方法 选取2017年9月—2018年9月從该市卫生部门得到的相关资料,并进行汇总分析,关注疾控中心的工作情况,对公共卫生事件平均控制时间、相关检验结果的平均发出时间、公众对事件处理的满意度等进行统计。结果 共发生公共卫生事件15起,包括社会发生、学校发生及传染病事件,以学校发生为主,共8起(53.33%),社会发生4起(26.67%),传染病事件3起(20.00%)。公共卫生事件发生后,疾控中心工作人员均在第一时间赶到现场进行相关检验工作,及时对发病患者进行送诊,迅速得到检验结果,给予相应的检验报告。公共卫生事件平均控制时间为(20.06±2.21)h,相关检验结果的平均发出时间为(4.26±1.03)d,公众对事件处理的满意度评分为(93.29±5.48)分。结论 对于突发公共卫生事件,疾控中心在其中起着十分重要的作用,通过疾控中心的宣传工作,能够对相关卫生事件进行良好的控制,保证社会公众的安全。
[关键词] 疾控中心;突发公共卫生事件;平均控制时间;检验结果发出时间;公众满意度
[中图分类号] R7 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2019)08(c)-0168-02
[Abstract] Objective To explore the role of CDC in public health emergencies. Methods Select relevant data obtained from the health department of this city from September 2017 to September 2018, and conduct a summary analysis to pay attention to the work of the CDC, the average control time of public health events, and the average time of relevant test results. The public's satisfaction with the handling of incidents was counted. Results A total of 15 public health incidents occurred, including social, school, and infectious diseases. The school was the main one, with 8(53.33%), 4(26.67%), and 3 infectious diseases (20.00%). After the public health incident, the staff of the CDC rushed to the scene to carry out relevant inspection work in the first time, timely sent the patients to the affected patients, quickly obtained the test results, and gave corresponding test reports. The average control time of public health events was (20.06±2.21)h, the average time of relevant test results was (4.26±1.03)d, and the public satisfaction score for event processing was (93.29±5.48)points. Conclusion The CDC plays an important role in public health emergencies. Through the publicity work of the CDC, it can control the relevant health events and ensure the safety of the public.
[Key words] Disease control center; Public health emergencies; Average control time; Time of issue of test results; Publie satisfaction
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
2 结果