中图分类号:X37 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-672X(2019)09-0-02
Study on distribution characteristics and development and utilization status of groundwater resources in Ningxia
Ren Guangyuan
(Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Hydrology and Environmental Geology Exploration Institute, Yinchuan Ningxia 750011, China)
Abstract: Water resources are an important guarantee for regional economic and social development and ecological civilization construction. Ningxia is located in the inland of northwest China. It is dry and rainless all year round, and the surface water resources are scarce and unevenly distributed. Therefore, the rational development and utilization of groundwater resources is of great significance for maintaining ecological balance in Ningxia and ensuring high-quality economic and social development. Based on the analysis of the previous groundwater research results in Ningxia and the investigation of the current status of the development and utilization of existing water sources, this paper evaluates the distribution characteristics and development and utilization status of regional groundwater resources. The results show that the distribution of groundwater resources in Ningxia is extremely uneven, the groundwater resources in the south are less and the water quality is poor. The groundwater resources in the north are abundant and the water quality is good. The development and utilization of groundwater resources in the whole region is low, about 24.1%, the main use of groundwater resources in different cities. There is a big difference; the existing groundwater centralized water supply sources in the whole area are not over-exploited, and the average mining rate is 48.4%.
Key words: Groundwater resources; Distribution characteristics; Status of development and utilization
1 研究區概况
2 地下水资源分布特征
2.1 地下水资源类型及分区
2.2 地下水资源数量
3 地下水资源开发利用现状
3.1 地下水取水量
3.2 集中供水水源地开采现状
4 结论
[1] 宁夏地质工程勘察院.宁夏地下水资源评价[R].2015.