侯丽 刘琦
【摘 要】跨摄像机行人因光照、视角、姿态的差异,会使其外观变化显著,给行人再识别的研究带来严峻挑战。文中提出基于深度学习和度量学习的行人再识别方法。首先采用手工特征和深度特征融合网络FFN提取行人图像特征,然后将核矩阵应用于KISSME距离度量学习中,获取更优的距离度量模型。在具有挑战的VIPeR和PRID450S两个公开数据集上进行仿真实验,实验结果表明所提出的行人再识别算法的有效性。
中图分类号: TP391.41文献标识码: A文章编号: 2095-2457(2019)29-0112-002
Deep Learning and Metric Learning Based Person Re-identification
(School of Information Engineering,Huangshan University,Huangshan Anhui 245041,China)
【Abstract】Pedestrian may vary greatly in appearance due to differences in illumination, viewpoint, and poses across cameras, which can bring serious challenges in person re-identification. A deep learning and metric learning based algorithm is proposed for person re-identification in this paper. Features of human images are first extracted by a feature fusion net (FFN) composed of handcraft features and deep features, and then a kernel matrix is applied to KISSME distance metric learning to obtain a better distance metric model. Experimental results have shown that the proposed algorithm effectively improves recognition rates on two challenging datasets (VIPeR, PRID450s).
【Key words】Person re-identification; Feature fusion net; Deep learning; Distance metric learning
0 引言
图1 算法流程
1 辨识特征提取
为了更准确地描述行人外观,文中采用手工特征和深度特征融合网络FFN提取行人图像特征[3],如图2所示。FFN由两个子网络组成。第一个子网络使用传统的CNN(卷积、池化、激活函数)来处理输入行人图像;第二个子网络使用额外的手工特征(RGB, HSV, LAB, YCbCr, YIQ颜色特征和Gabor纹理特征)来表示相同的行人图像。两个子网络共同作用形成更加充分的行人图像描述。第二个子网络在特征学习过程中用于调整第一个子网络的学习方向。最终,在融合层产生4096维的FFN特征向量。
图2 FFN特征提取图解[3]
2 核距离度量学习
3 实验结果
图3 VIPeR和PRID450S两个数据集的最高识别率(%)
4 结论
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