
2019-10-15 08:18
初中生·考试 2019年10期

本期主播:马希萌,湖南师大附中博才实验中学(天顶校区)七年级学生。曾荣获“希望之星”英语大赛长沙市一等奖、湖南省二等奖。五年级在美国当地小学插班学习一年,获得One-Million Word Reader“百万词阅读者”荣誉称号、Super Citizen“超级市民”荣誉称号。




As An Ambassador, We Do Our Job Well


In 1972, Premier(总理)Zhou Enlai announced they would send a pair of pandas LingLing and HsingHsing as diplomatic gifts to the United States after President Richard Nixons visit to China. When the two giant pandas took the special plane and arrived at the National Zoo in Washington, 8,000 American people welcomed them in spite of the heavy rain. During the first month of the opening, there were over one million visitors.

In the plot (劇情)of the American TV series Madam Secretary, there was a diplomatic crisis between China and the United States during the general election period(选举期间). The Chinese government asked them to return the pandas. The Chief of Staff said, “hundreds of Americans go to the zoo to see pandas every year. Now that they cant, they will complain about the governments incompetence(无能). Children all over the United States watch panda videos in front of their TV sets at home. If they cant see pandas tomorrow, children will cry. Then who will vote for us?” After hearing this, the Secretary of State of the United States negotiated(谈判) with the representative(代表)of China with the first sentence of“Anyway, we will never give back the pandas to you.”


在美剧 《国务卿夫人》的剧情中,美国大选时期中美之间发生了一场外交危机。中国政府要求其归还大熊猫。总统幕僚长说:“每年几百万美国人去动物园就是为了看大熊猫,现在看不到了,美国人民会埋怨政府无能。全美国的小朋友都在家中电视机前看熊猫视频,如果从明天开始他们看不到了,小朋友们会哭泣,那谁还会把选票投给我们?”听了这话后,美国国务卿找中国代表谈判,第一句话就是:“不管怎么样,熊猫我们是绝对不会还给你们的。”

Treat Us Well, Or They Would Cry


On 28th October 1972, the first pandas arrived in Japan. Male Kang Kang and female Lan Lan arrived at Haneda Airport (now Tokyo International Airport) in a special Japan plane. A police car escorted(护送)the truck carrying the pandas to Ueno Zoo. It was almost VIP treatment.

Lan Lan died in 1979 and Kang Kang in 1980, 32 million people came to see them over the years. Looking at the cute pandas, people looked forward to the birth of their cubs. However, that wish did not come true. Ueno Zoo received telephone calls and flowers from the country. Many people, adults and children, gathered at a service for Lan Lan and left piles of candles and letters.

On 12th June 2017, Japan was delighted by the birth of a giant panda cub at Tokyos Ueno Zoo. The cubs name, Xiang Xiang , was decided on 25th September. It was chosen out of more than 320,000 ideas. Ueno Zoo explained that the Chinese character has the bright image of flowers blooming. Xiang xiang made her first public appearance in Japan and became the most popular star there.




A Tough History Problem? We Can Help!


Tian Tian and Yang Guang, whose names, mean Sweetie and Sunshine arrived in Scotland on loan from China in 2011 and will remain at Edinburgh Zoo for a decade. They are the first pandas to live in Britain for nearly 20 years.

In order to rent pandas Tian Tian and Yang Guang, Scotland has signed trade agreements with China, including salmon(三文魚), alternative (可替代的)energy technologies and cars worth up to 2.6 billion pounds. Since the introduction of pandas in Scotland, a campaign called“Be a Panda Raiser” has been launched successfully, with the costs up to 1,000 pounds per hour. Tian Tian was even elected as the most popular woman in the Annual Womens Contest after its arrival.



They Have A Palace? Lets Go!


After 15 years of efforts, the Netherlands finally got the right to rent pandas from China. A Panda House has been created at a cost of RMB 51 million. This panda palace is about 9,000 square meters, while a panda playground alone occupies 3,000 square meters. Although European taxpayers(纳税人)are extremely harsh on budgets(预算), they have no complaints at all towards pandas.


Artificial Snow Feels Like Home


The giant panda exchange between China and Thailand began in 2003. When the panda baby Lin Bing was born in Thailand, 22 million Thais named it, which made up to 32.8% of the total population. The Panda baby has enjoyed star treatment since it was born. There is a special Panda Channel set up by a TV station, which broadcasts 7x24 live show(现场直播)from the date of its birth. It can be said that the baby panda is growing up with the attention of all Thais. Chiangmai Zoo has built a 600-square-meter snow garden for giant pandas. Artificial snow keeps the park at minus 6 to 7 degrees Celsius, just to make the pandas feel like theyre back home.


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