
2019-10-14 03:18黄艳国房罡李向邯陈超张硕
现代电子技术 2019年19期

黄艳国 房罡 李向邯 陈超 张硕

摘  要: 在长大隧道通风排污优化控制系统中,由于受到隧道内车流量改变以及外界环境变化的影响,传统采用的固定论域的模糊控制方法往往无法有效地降低污染物浓度,还极易造成通风风机的不必要浪费。为解决上述问题,提出一种基于粒子群优化算法的变论域模糊控制策略,通过建立隧道内通风风量的数学模型,分析通风排污过程中控制目标的性能指标,利用粒子群优化算法在线对伸缩因子进行寻优,以此动态调整模糊控制器输入、输出量的论域,从而改善隧道环境参数。搭建 Matlab/Fuzzy仿真平台完成系统仿真并与传统模糊控制器进行比较,仿真结果显示优化后的控制方法与传统控制方法相比,可以有效地抑制污染物浓度并且达到了较好的节能目的。

关键词: 隧道通风; 排污; 污染物稀释; 模糊控制; 优化控制; 实验仿真; 节能

中图分类号: TN876?34; TB24                    文献标识码: A                      文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)19?0144?05

Abstract: As for the ventilation and pollution discharge system of long tunnels, the traditional fuzzy control method using fixed?universe domain is often affected by change in traffic flow in the tunnel and change in the external environment, so it usually can not reduce the pollutant concentration effectively, and is easy to result in unnecessary waste of the ventilation fan. In order to solve the above problems, a variable universe fuzzy control strategy based on particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed. The performance index of control goal in the ventilation and pollution discharge is analyzed with the mathematic model established for determining the ventilation volume in tunnel. The particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to optimize the contraction?expansion factor on line, and the input and output domains of the fuzzy controller are dynamically adjusted, so as to to optimize the tunnel required air volume and improve the tunnel environment. The Matlab/Fuzzy simulation platform is build to complete the system simulation and compare it with the traditional fuzzy controller. The simulation results show that the optimized control method can more effectively suppress the pollutant concentration and achieve the better energy?saving purpose, in comparison with the traditional control method.

Keywords: tunnel ventilation; pollution discharge; pollutant dilution; fuzzy control; optimization control; experimental simulation; energy conservation

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