许林云,刘冠华,宣 言,周 杰
许林云,刘冠华,宣 言,周 杰
(南京林业大学机械电子工程学院,南京 210037)
中国是重要的林果生产国之一,2017年林果产量高达3万多t[1]。基于振动采收技术的林果机械采收是最高效的采收方法。国内外针对果树振动采收机理进行了大量的相关研究,主要集中在振动参数对振动过程及落果率的影响[2-4]、果树树体各部位的振动响应[5-7]等方面。Lang等[8-10]建立了多种土壤-树根系统的果树模型,通过实测获得果树模型中各弹簧刚度与阻尼系数,对树木模型进行振动响应计算并与实际试验结果对比验证了其模型的准确性。林欢等[11-12]对银杏树频谱特性与振动响应关系进行了深入的研究分析,在使用单偏心块激振电机对树体进行激振试验时,树体在激振频率低于10 Hz时响应不大,当激振频率处在20~25 Hz之间时,容易引起树体整体强烈的响应。在振动果实运动研究方面,Crooke等[13-14]对林果振动与响应系统建立“果实-果柄”三自由度模型,构建系统的运动微分方程,其将果实在进行小振幅振动时简化为一种线性系统,但在大振幅振动时是一种非线性的振动。杜小强等[15-16]采用一种扁球形的电子果实代替真实果实研究果实的振动响应,通过果实内的三向加速度传感器获得果实的振动响应参数,分析了不同振动阶段果实所受的冲击加速度变化。由于果实质量小,接触式传感器会对果实产生附加质量,严重影响果实的真实振动响应;模拟式果实不适合小果实,且很难模拟果实的真实果柄,所以通过常规试验方法研究果实振动响应过程较为困难。
随着高速摄影技术的发展,近年来将该技术逐步应用于研究果实的振动与响应,用双目或多目高速摄像机拍摄果实的动态运动过程,可得到果实表面特征点的空间运动轨迹的三维坐标,获得果实表面特征点的运动参数、受力大小及受力方向等特征参数,这已成为果实振动采收理论的主要研究方式[17-21]。Zhou等[22-24]采用高速摄影技术对车厘子的振动采收进行了研究,发现倾斜运动和柱形窜动占据了果实运动形态的70%左右,最不容易损伤果实的运动可能为柱形窜动,在18 Hz时的平均碰撞次数要小于10与14 Hz的平均碰撞次数,但18 Hz时的果实损伤率要高,若要减少果实损伤率需减少高频振动的持续时间。Castillo-Ruiz等[25]对橄榄果在振动采收时的运动进行了研究,发现橄榄果的扭转运动角度一般小于90°,但由扭转运动产生的弯曲和惯性力是橄榄果脱落的主要影响因素。蔡菲等[26]通过高速摄影方式对新疆的小白杏振动过程进行了研究,通过追踪果实上的特征点计算果实的运动位移、速度及加速度,最终获得果实的脱落加速度。彭俊等[27-28]对冬枣在不同频率下的响应进行了研究,通过i-speed软件对冬枣的振动进行运动求解,并对冬枣的运动轨迹进行了追踪,发现冬枣振动脱落所需的惯性力要小于静态下测得的结合力,果实脱落以旋倾型方式为主。散鋆龙等[29-30]从杏果的成熟程度、激振方式和杏果振动动态响应等方面对杏果的振动采收进行了深入的研究,建立了杏果的受迫振动响应模型,并采用高速摄影系统对杏果的振动响应进行了试验研究,验证了其理论模型的准确性。
图1 果实的运动分解
图2 各坐标系的建立
本文在ADAMS软件中建立半径为15 mm的球体(图6),在球体表面选取3个特征点1、2、3,在绝对坐标系中的坐标分别为(9.19,-9.19,7.50)、(9.19,9.19,7.50)、(12.99,0,-7.50)。建立连体基坐标系111,在绝对坐标系中的坐标分别为:原点1(0,0,0),各坐标轴的端点1(1,0,0)、1(0,1,0)、1(0,0,1)。通过式(1)与(2)计算得到1、1、1、1在特征点坐标系222中的坐标分别为
对球施加5种单一的空间运动构成球体的复合运动,运行时长为1 s,进行仿真分析。设定各单一运动形式为:3种平移运动:X向为20-20cos(2pt),mm;Y向为20sin(2pt),mm;Z向为10t,mm。摆动运动:绕Y1轴以角速度π/12 (rad/s)匀速摆动。旋转运动:绕Z1轴以角速度4π (rad/s)的匀速旋转。
仿真设置为1 000步/s,果实运行1 s后,表面上各点形成的运动轨迹如图7所示。根据设定的位移及转角,由ADAMS软件仿真球体的运动轨迹,获得每一步3个特征点的绝对坐标值,应用本文构建的运动参数计算式(3)~(20)计算仿真球体的平移、摆动及旋转运动参数。因每一步所获得各点的绝对坐标值均是精准值,每一步的误差绝对不会累积到下一步,即不会形成整个运动轨迹的累积误差,这与应用双目摄像系统采集实际果树上果实在振动过程中所获取的每一帧图片上果实表面特征点的空间坐标的精准值(精准度与采集装置及软件处理有关)一致,因此所计算的绝对误差及相对误差均为1 000步中每相邻2步(或两帧)引起的误差进行整体平均处理的结果。
图7 果实仿真轨迹图
表1 平移运动参数设定值与计算值
表2 摆动和旋转运动参数设定值与计算值
表3 X向平移的相对误差与绝对误差计算公式
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Mathematical model of fruit’s aerial movement in vibration response
Xu Linyun, Liu Guanhua, Xuan Yan, Zhou Jie
High-speed photography which can take a lot of pictures catching the movement state of the fruit in rapid motionin during a very short time has become the mainstream method to study fruit motion. The mean limitation of the existing researchs is that tracking movement of one feature point on fruit surface can not reflect the exact movement of the fruit,especially swing and rotation. In this paper, We divided the spatial motion of the fruit into the translation, swing and rotation of the instantaneous attitude corresponding fruit spatial motion and proposed a method to calculate 3 kinds of spatial motion of fruit by 3 feature points on fruit surface. First, we constructed a coordinate system called characteristic point coordinates with 2 space vectors from 3 surface feature points. Second, we assumed that the fruit was a rotating body. Then, the coordinate system which we called the conjoined base coordinate system was established with the origin of the joint of the fruit stalk ,in which the-axis coincides with the rotation axis of the fruit. The movement of the fruit was represented by the movement of the conjoined base coordinate origin. The swing of the fruit was represented by the swing of the-axis of the conjoined base coordinate system. The rotation of the fruit was represented by the rotating around-axis of the-axis or-axis in the conjoined base coordinate system. The third, we got the transformation relationship between 2 coordinate systems through the space vector relationship. Final, we used the spatial coordinates of the feature points and coordinate relationship gotten above to calculate the position and attitude of conjoined base coordinate frame by frame. Conjoined base coordinate of 2 adjacent time could calculate the instantaneous dynamic displacement, speed and acceleration of the fruit, as well as the motion parameters such as instantaneous angle, angular speed and angular acceleration for fruit swing and rotation.The ADAMS computing software was used to simulate the motion by setting a specific complex motion relationship of translation, swing and rotation. The calculation formula constructed in this paper was used for calculation and the calculation results were compared with the theoretical simulation values to determine the calculation accuracy of the calculation formula. The maximum one-way average absolute error of displacement was only 5.9×10-8mm, and the absolute errors of displacement, speed and acceleration were enlarged gradually by the order of magnitude of 103. The relative errors of displacement and speed were identical, while the relative error of acceleration was larger than that of displacement and speed. The average absolute error and average relative error of maximum acceleration were 6.5×10-2mm/s2and 4.13×10-2%, respectively. The maximum average absolute errors of swing and rotation were 5.43×10-2and 9.51×10-2°/s2, respectively. The results show that the method constructed in this paper is feasible to solve the instantaneous motion attitude of the fruit.
vibration; harvesting; kinematics; fruit movement; coordinate transformation; motion parameters; motion attitude; calculation accuracy
许林云,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事林果收获机械相关研究。 Email:lyxu@njfu.com.cn
许林云,刘冠华,宣 言,周 杰.果实振动响应时的空中运动数学模型[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(16):206-213. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.16.023 http://www.tcsae.org
Xu Linyun, Liu Guanhua, Xuan Yan, Zhou Jie. Mathematical model of fruit’s aerial movement in vibration response[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(16): 206-213. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.16.023 http://www.tcsae.org