交通运输部西部交通建设科技项目(2007 318 822 34)
Impact Test on Computational Failure Strain of Steel BoxesWANG Junjie, LI Jun, MENG Dewei
(State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)Abstract: In order to investigate the relations between the meshing size of steel plates and computational failure strain of steel in shipbridge collision finite element analysis, the drop hammer impact tests of three steel boxes were carried out. The finite element model was built and impact computation was conducted for test models using LSDYNA software, and the computational results were compared with the test results. A correlation coefficient was defined to obtain a reasonable failure strain interval related to the meshing size of the steel boxes. The research results show that in order to get reasonable computational accurcy, the values of computational failure strainshould vary with the meshing size of steel plates. The larger failure strain should be used for the smaller meshing size, and the smaller failure strain should be used for the larger meshing size. The computational accuracy and computational efficiency can be obtained at the same time through combining the reasonable computational failure strain interval and the adaptive meshing technology.
Key words: steel box; meshing size; failure strain; computational accuracy; adaptive meshing; impact test
试验中的被撞钢箱具体尺寸参见文献[8]。由于被撞钢箱钢板较薄(4.62 mm),焊接过程中产生的残余应力将对结构的性能产生很大影响,故在焊接结束后对被撞钢箱进行了钢板回火处理、焊缝质
Tab.1Testing Cases试验
(kN·m)19 7681.85.94172 307.529 7684.18.97392 478.2314 0284.59.39618 634.8图1试验安装
Fig.1Test Installation图2试验的结构布置
Fig.2Structural Arrangements of Tests量检查和钢板的静态拉伸试验等。
Fig.3Measurement System2数值计算方法
式中:X,Y为2个数值序列;amax为最大加速度测量值; a′max为最大加速度计算值。
3次试验测量得到的加速度试验结果见图4,其中,g为重力加速度。试验结果表明,开始段均具有明显的周期约为0.003 8 s的波动段,且该波动段在第1次试验中响应最大,在第3次试验中响应最小,
Fig.4Acceleration Test Results and Amendment初步判定该响应与试验场地地基有关[10]。本文中采用HilbertHuang[1112]原理修正了第1次和第2次试验的波动段加速度试验结果。4网格剖分与失效应变的关系
考虑被撞钢箱上的壳单元边长为2 cm的情形,将单元的失效应变μ分别取为0.12,0.15,0.20,0.25,0.30,研究单元失效应变对加速度数值模拟结果的影响,结果见图5。
Fig.5Effects of Failure Strain on Acceleration
Computational Results由图5可以看出,失效应变取值不同,得到的计算结果差别很大,这说明失效应变的合理取值对船桥碰撞数值模拟计算结果的合理性和可靠性是十分重要的。
本文中对被撞钢箱划分了7种网格尺寸,网格单元边长l分别为0.5,1,1.4,2,2.5,3,5 cm,并采用多种失效应变(最小失效应变0.05,最大失效应变0.6)来研究失效应变和网格尺寸的关系。相关系数与加速度峰值相对误差的计算结果见图6,7。
Fig.6Computational Results of Correlation Coefficient从图6,7可以看出:
(4)当网格尺寸足够小时,对于本试验,网格尺寸不宜大于1 cm,失效应变取0.35~0.50是合理的,但是同时也可以看出,合理的失效应变取值与钢箱遭受的冲击破坏程度可能有关。
有限元仿真模拟的另一项重要内容是对结构的变形模式或破坏形式进行捕捉。图9中给出了第3次试验中被撞钢箱背面钢板出现的褶皱和0.5 cm以及5 cm网格计算对该褶皱捕捉情况的对比。由此可见,0.5 cm网格对该褶皱的描述非常好,且结构变形光滑平顺,而5 cm网格则完全没有表现出该处出现的褶皱。这表明当需要研究结构的变形模式或破坏模式时,应该划分尺寸较小的网格。5结语
Fig.7Computational Results of Relative Error of Peak Acceleration图8最优失效应变范围
Fig.8Optimum Failure Strain Interval化而对计算结果的影响较小时,可以认为已经获得了较好的计算模型。
Fig.9Comparisons of Folds Between Test and Computational Results参考文献:
References:[1]LEHMANN E,PESCHMANN J.Energy Absorption by the Steel Structure of Ships in the Event of Collisions[J].Marine Structures,2002,15(4/5):429441.
[2]KITAMURA O.FEM Approach to the Simulation of Collision and Grounding Damage[J].Marine Structures,2002,15(4/5):403428.
[3]PAIK J K,AMDAHL J,BARLTROP N.Collision and Grounding[C]//MANSOURE A E,ERTEKIN R C.Proceedings of the 15th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress.San Diego:ISSC,2003:71107.
[4]SERVIS D,SAMUELIDES M,LOUKA T,et al.The Implementation of Finite Element Codes for the Simulation of Shipship Collision[J].Journal of Ship Research,2002,46(4):239247.
[5]NAAR H,KUJALA P,SIMONSEN B C,et al.Comparison of the Crashworthiness of Various Bottom and Side Structures[J].Marine Structures,2002,15(4/5):443460.
[6]PEDERSEN P T.Ship Impacts:Bow Collisions[J].International Journal of Impact Engineerin,1993,13(2):163187.
GAO Zhen,GU Yongning,HU Zhiqiang.Benchmark Study of Structural Impact Test[J].Journal of Ship Mechanincs,2005,9(2):7782.
LI Jun.Experimental Examination of the Trustworthiness of Impact Numerical Simulation[D].Shanghai:Tongji University,2009.
[9]COWPER G R,Symonds P S.Strain Hardening and Strain Rate Effects in the Impact Loading of Cantilever Beams[R].Providence:Brown University,1958.
South China University of Technology, Southest University,Zhejiang University,et al.Soils and Foundations[M].2nd ed.Beijing:China Architecture & Building Press,1991.
[11]HUANG N E,WU M C,LONG S R,et al.A Confidence Limit for the Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectral Analysis[J].Proceedings of the Royal Society A,2003,459(2037):23172345.
[12]HUANG N E,SHEN Z,LONG S R,et al.The Empirical Mode Decomposition and the Hilbert Spectrum for Nonlinear and Nonstationary Time Series Analysis[J].Proceedings of the Royal Society A,1998,454(1971):903995.(上接第15页)
associated with CSA S13607 will be greater than that of GB 50018—2002.
(4) The difference of the nominal axial strength between the two standards is primarily influenced by the flange widthtothickness ratio. For typical Csection wall studs investigated herein, the difference on the nominal axial strength is primarily influenced by the flange widthtothickness ratio wf/t. If the flange widthtothickness ratio wf/t is not less than 17.8, the difference on the nominal axial strength is dominated by the difference of flange effective width, and the nominal axial strength evaluated by GB 50018—2002 is less than that of CSA S13607, with the maximum difference being 31.9%. However, when wf/t is approximately less than 17.8, then the difference on the nominal axial strength is primarily governed by the difference of the web effective width and the nominal axial strength evaluated by GB 50018—2002 is slightly greater than that of CSA S13607, with the maximum difference being 8.9%.References:[1]CSA S13607,North American Specification for the Design of Coldformed Steel Structural Members[S].
[2]GB 50018—2002,Technical Code of Coldformed Thinwall Steel Structures[S].
[3]JGJ 227—2011,Technical Specification for Lowrise Coldformed Thinwall Steel Buildings[S].
[4]CHEN J.Stability of Steel Structures:Theory and Design[M].Beijing:Science Press,2008.
[5]YU W W,LABOUBE R A.Coldformed Steel Design[M].New York:John Wiley & Sons,2010.
[6]ZHOU X H,WANG S J.Stability Theory and Its Applications of Thinwalled Members[M].Beijing:Science Press,2009.
[7]XU L.Advanced Structural Steel Design[R].Waterloo:University of Waterloo,2012.
[8]Canadian Institute of Steel Construction.Handbook of Steel Construction[M].10th ed.Markham:Canadian Institute of Steel Construction,2010.
[9]Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute (CSSBI).Lightweight Steel Frame Metric Section Properties[R].Cambridge:Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute,2011.
Fig.9Comparisons of Folds Between Test and Computational Results参考文献:
References:[1]LEHMANN E,PESCHMANN J.Energy Absorption by the Steel Structure of Ships in the Event of Collisions[J].Marine Structures,2002,15(4/5):429441.
[2]KITAMURA O.FEM Approach to the Simulation of Collision and Grounding Damage[J].Marine Structures,2002,15(4/5):403428.
[3]PAIK J K,AMDAHL J,BARLTROP N.Collision and Grounding[C]//MANSOURE A E,ERTEKIN R C.Proceedings of the 15th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress.San Diego:ISSC,2003:71107.
[4]SERVIS D,SAMUELIDES M,LOUKA T,et al.The Implementation of Finite Element Codes for the Simulation of Shipship Collision[J].Journal of Ship Research,2002,46(4):239247.
[5]NAAR H,KUJALA P,SIMONSEN B C,et al.Comparison of the Crashworthiness of Various Bottom and Side Structures[J].Marine Structures,2002,15(4/5):443460.
[6]PEDERSEN P T.Ship Impacts:Bow Collisions[J].International Journal of Impact Engineerin,1993,13(2):163187.
GAO Zhen,GU Yongning,HU Zhiqiang.Benchmark Study of Structural Impact Test[J].Journal of Ship Mechanincs,2005,9(2):7782.
LI Jun.Experimental Examination of the Trustworthiness of Impact Numerical Simulation[D].Shanghai:Tongji University,2009.
[9]COWPER G R,Symonds P S.Strain Hardening and Strain Rate Effects in the Impact Loading of Cantilever Beams[R].Providence:Brown University,1958.
South China University of Technology, Southest University,Zhejiang University,et al.Soils and Foundations[M].2nd ed.Beijing:China Architecture & Building Press,1991.
[11]HUANG N E,WU M C,LONG S R,et al.A Confidence Limit for the Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectral Analysis[J].Proceedings of the Royal Society A,2003,459(2037):23172345.
[12]HUANG N E,SHEN Z,LONG S R,et al.The Empirical Mode Decomposition and the Hilbert Spectrum for Nonlinear and Nonstationary Time Series Analysis[J].Proceedings of the Royal Society A,1998,454(1971):903995.(上接第15页)
associated with CSA S13607 will be greater than that of GB 50018—2002.
(4) The difference of the nominal axial strength between the two standards is primarily influenced by the flange widthtothickness ratio. For typical Csection wall studs investigated herein, the difference on the nominal axial strength is primarily influenced by the flange widthtothickness ratio wf/t. If the flange widthtothickness ratio wf/t is not less than 17.8, the difference on the nominal axial strength is dominated by the difference of flange effective width, and the nominal axial strength evaluated by GB 50018—2002 is less than that of CSA S13607, with the maximum difference being 31.9%. However, when wf/t is approximately less than 17.8, then the difference on the nominal axial strength is primarily governed by the difference of the web effective width and the nominal axial strength evaluated by GB 50018—2002 is slightly greater than that of CSA S13607, with the maximum difference being 8.9%.References:[1]CSA S13607,North American Specification for the Design of Coldformed Steel Structural Members[S].
[2]GB 50018—2002,Technical Code of Coldformed Thinwall Steel Structures[S].
[3]JGJ 227—2011,Technical Specification for Lowrise Coldformed Thinwall Steel Buildings[S].
[4]CHEN J.Stability of Steel Structures:Theory and Design[M].Beijing:Science Press,2008.
[5]YU W W,LABOUBE R A.Coldformed Steel Design[M].New York:John Wiley & Sons,2010.
[6]ZHOU X H,WANG S J.Stability Theory and Its Applications of Thinwalled Members[M].Beijing:Science Press,2009.
[7]XU L.Advanced Structural Steel Design[R].Waterloo:University of Waterloo,2012.
[8]Canadian Institute of Steel Construction.Handbook of Steel Construction[M].10th ed.Markham:Canadian Institute of Steel Construction,2010.
[9]Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute (CSSBI).Lightweight Steel Frame Metric Section Properties[R].Cambridge:Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute,2011.
Fig.9Comparisons of Folds Between Test and Computational Results参考文献:
References:[1]LEHMANN E,PESCHMANN J.Energy Absorption by the Steel Structure of Ships in the Event of Collisions[J].Marine Structures,2002,15(4/5):429441.
[2]KITAMURA O.FEM Approach to the Simulation of Collision and Grounding Damage[J].Marine Structures,2002,15(4/5):403428.
[3]PAIK J K,AMDAHL J,BARLTROP N.Collision and Grounding[C]//MANSOURE A E,ERTEKIN R C.Proceedings of the 15th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress.San Diego:ISSC,2003:71107.
[4]SERVIS D,SAMUELIDES M,LOUKA T,et al.The Implementation of Finite Element Codes for the Simulation of Shipship Collision[J].Journal of Ship Research,2002,46(4):239247.
[5]NAAR H,KUJALA P,SIMONSEN B C,et al.Comparison of the Crashworthiness of Various Bottom and Side Structures[J].Marine Structures,2002,15(4/5):443460.
[6]PEDERSEN P T.Ship Impacts:Bow Collisions[J].International Journal of Impact Engineerin,1993,13(2):163187.
GAO Zhen,GU Yongning,HU Zhiqiang.Benchmark Study of Structural Impact Test[J].Journal of Ship Mechanincs,2005,9(2):7782.
LI Jun.Experimental Examination of the Trustworthiness of Impact Numerical Simulation[D].Shanghai:Tongji University,2009.
[9]COWPER G R,Symonds P S.Strain Hardening and Strain Rate Effects in the Impact Loading of Cantilever Beams[R].Providence:Brown University,1958.
South China University of Technology, Southest University,Zhejiang University,et al.Soils and Foundations[M].2nd ed.Beijing:China Architecture & Building Press,1991.
[11]HUANG N E,WU M C,LONG S R,et al.A Confidence Limit for the Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectral Analysis[J].Proceedings of the Royal Society A,2003,459(2037):23172345.
[12]HUANG N E,SHEN Z,LONG S R,et al.The Empirical Mode Decomposition and the Hilbert Spectrum for Nonlinear and Nonstationary Time Series Analysis[J].Proceedings of the Royal Society A,1998,454(1971):903995.(上接第15页)
associated with CSA S13607 will be greater than that of GB 50018—2002.
(4) The difference of the nominal axial strength between the two standards is primarily influenced by the flange widthtothickness ratio. For typical Csection wall studs investigated herein, the difference on the nominal axial strength is primarily influenced by the flange widthtothickness ratio wf/t. If the flange widthtothickness ratio wf/t is not less than 17.8, the difference on the nominal axial strength is dominated by the difference of flange effective width, and the nominal axial strength evaluated by GB 50018—2002 is less than that of CSA S13607, with the maximum difference being 31.9%. However, when wf/t is approximately less than 17.8, then the difference on the nominal axial strength is primarily governed by the difference of the web effective width and the nominal axial strength evaluated by GB 50018—2002 is slightly greater than that of CSA S13607, with the maximum difference being 8.9%.References:[1]CSA S13607,North American Specification for the Design of Coldformed Steel Structural Members[S].
[2]GB 50018—2002,Technical Code of Coldformed Thinwall Steel Structures[S].
[3]JGJ 227—2011,Technical Specification for Lowrise Coldformed Thinwall Steel Buildings[S].
[4]CHEN J.Stability of Steel Structures:Theory and Design[M].Beijing:Science Press,2008.
[5]YU W W,LABOUBE R A.Coldformed Steel Design[M].New York:John Wiley & Sons,2010.
[6]ZHOU X H,WANG S J.Stability Theory and Its Applications of Thinwalled Members[M].Beijing:Science Press,2009.
[7]XU L.Advanced Structural Steel Design[R].Waterloo:University of Waterloo,2012.
[8]Canadian Institute of Steel Construction.Handbook of Steel Construction[M].10th ed.Markham:Canadian Institute of Steel Construction,2010.
[9]Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute (CSSBI).Lightweight Steel Frame Metric Section Properties[R].Cambridge:Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute,2011.