赵纯 金凡 安叶 孙志华 郑怀礼
摘要:研究分析腐殖酸对水溶液中纳米TiO2稳定性的影响,探究混凝剂投加量、pH、钙离子对混凝?超滤工艺去除水中腐殖酸纳米TiO2复合污染物的影响。结果表明,纳米TiO2与腐殖酸在水溶液中发生的静电吸附以及配位反应,将引起纳米TiO2有效粒径的减小,静电斥力增强,胶体分散更均匀,体系稳定性增加,易于迁移,从而给饮用水安全带来威胁。在单因素影响实验中,实验结果显示,混凝剂浓度为0.46 mmol/L,pH值在7~8之间(即弱碱性)时,能有效去除复合污染物,此时,膜通量较高,膜污染较轻,而水中钙离子的存在会加重膜污染。
Abstract: The effect of humic acid (HA) on the stability of nano-TiO2 was analyzed, and the effects of coagulant dosage, pH and calcium(Ⅱ) concentration on the removal efficiency of HA- TiO2 composite pollutants by the coagulation-ultrafiltration process were investigated. The results showed that the electrostatic adsorption and coordination reaction occurred between nano-TiO2 and HA in the aqueous solution, which caused the decrease of effective particle size of nano-TiO2, the enhancement of electrostatic repulsion, more uniform dispersion of colloid, the increase of system stability and easy migration. These posed a threat to the safety of drinking water. The optimum parameter for HA-TiO2 composite pollutants removal was that the coagulant concentration is 0.46 mmol/L, and the initial pH value is between 7 and 8,the higher membrane flux and lighter membrane fouling was achieved under this condition. The calcium ion in the solution will lead to the increase of membrane fouling.
Keywords: nano-titanium dioxide; humic acid; coagulation; ultrafiltration; membrane fouling
1.2 实验方法
1.2.1 聚合硫酸铁配制 混凝剂聚合硫酸铁(PFS)为实验室所制备[15],PFS母液配制浓度为2.857 mol/L,有效浓度为80%,稀释20倍,制得混凝剂PFS浓度为:C0=0.114 mol/L。
1.2.2原水配制 配制1.0 g/L HA储备液:将1.0 g HA和0.40 g NaOH溶解于1 000 mL超纯水中,室温(25 ℃)下搅拌24 h,用0.45 μm滤膜过滤后于4 ℃环境中保存备用。
配制1.0 g/L 纳米TiO2储备液:将0.10 g TiO2固体粉末溶解于100 mL超纯水中,并在超声机内(40 KHz)超声0.5 h以上,使其均匀分散,然后于4 ℃环境中保存备用。
对实验后的滤膜进行SEM扫描,可以更加直观地观察膜表面滤饼层微观形态。图7(a)为原始滤膜表面,干净光滑;图7(b)为最优条件下(pH=8,混凝剂投加量为0.46 mmol/L,不添加Ca2+)滤膜表面滤饼层,可观察到其交连的大分子骨架结构,孔隙率高,膜堵塞情况较轻;图7(c)为将pH值调整为4时滤膜表面滤饼层,表面絮体密实,骨架结构分布不均匀,孔隙率低;图7(d)为80 mg/L Ca2+时滤膜表面滤饼层,其他条件同图7(b),与图7(b)的大分子骨架结构明显不同,絮体结构致密,孔隙小,说明Ca2+的存在会加重膜污染。根据XDLVO理论,pH值、PFS浓度、Ca2+浓度对膜表面的污染程度主要取决于污染物与膜材料、离子等相互作用的自由能,调低pH值、投加阳离子等措施都将导致自由能减少,膜污染加重[22-23]。
2)混凝剂投加量、pH值、Ca2+浓度都是影响C-UF工艺处理效果的重要因素。PFS浓度为0.46 mmol/L,弱碱性(pH值7~8)时,不添加钙离子,处理效果较好;其中,混凝剂投加量过低或过高,原水pH过低或过高,都会对C-UF工艺处理HA-T复合污染物产生不利影响,使超滤膜过滤通量减小,加重膜污染。
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