鲁先龙 乾增珍 杨文智 郑卫锋
摘 要:嵌岩桩极限端阻力发挥特征及端阻力系数取值仍是岩土工程中嵌岩桩应用的重要研究课题之一。本文收集整理了国外不同地区学者在不同时期、不同岩石性质和不同嵌岩条件下所开展的165个嵌岩桩端阻力试验成果,主要包括嵌岩段岩石类型及其天然单轴抗压强度、嵌岩直径与嵌岩深度、嵌岩桩极限端阻力等。定义嵌岩桩极限端阻力与岩石天然单轴抗压强度的比值为嵌岩桩端阻力系数,分析了桩径、嵌岩深度、嵌岩深径比和岩石强度对嵌岩桩极限端阻力和端阻力系数的影响规律,建立了嵌岩桩极限端阻力及端阻力系数与岩石单轴抗压强度之间的拟合关系式,可为嵌岩桩极限端阻力计算提供借鉴。
中图分类号:TU411 文献标识码:A 文章编号:
Abstract: It is an important issue to investigate the characteristics of end-bearing capacity and to determine the end-bearing resistance factor for the application of rock-socketed piles. In this study, the results of 165 compression load tests were collected to examine several issues related to the end-bearing capacity behavior of rock-socket piles. All these load test results were conducted on different rocks with different rock-socket piled conditions by different authors worldwide. Using these load test data, the type and the uniaxial compressive strength of rock in nature, the diameter and the embedment depth of socketed piles, the ultimate end-bearing resistances were compiled. The ratio of ultimate end-bearing capacity to unconfined compressive strength of the rock was defined as the end-bearing resistance factor of rock-socketed piles. Effects of the pile diameter, the pile depth rocked into rock, the ratio of rocketed depth to diameter, and the unconfined compressive strength of the rock on the ultimate end-bearing capacity and the end-bearing resistance factor were comprehensively investigated. An empirical relation between the unconfined compressive strength and the end-bearing capacity as well as the end-bearing resistance factor were suggested, which could be used in the design for rock-socketed piles.
Key words: rock-socket pile; end-bearing resistance factor; ratio of pile rocketed depth to diameter; unconfined compressive strength of rock
1 试验数据收集与整理
1.1 数据收集
1.2 数据整理与分析
2 岩石极限端阻力与端阻力系数影响因素
2.1 桩径
2.2 嵌岩深度
2.3 嵌岩深径比
2.4 岩石强度
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