刘庆刚 魏青 韩伟信 于新奇 刘麟
关键词:断裂力学; V型缺口; 应力集中系数; 有限元; Filippi缺口方程
中图分类号:TH114文献标志码:Adoi: 10.7535/hbgykj.2019yx04003
Abstract: Aiming at the stress concentration problem of bilateral V-notch finite width plates, the finite element software ANSYS is used to calculate the stresses at the V-notch, and the numerical integration method is used to calculate the average stress. The stress concentration factors at different opening angles 2α and different tip transition radius ρ are calculated according to the two numerical methods above. The factors obtained by the numerical method are compared with results by the Filippi notch stress field equation and it is proved that the maximum difference between the two methods is 3.77%. The results show that obvious stress concentration exists at the tip of the V-notch, but the concentration factor decreases fast with the increase of the distance away from the notch tip. The stress concentration factor decreases as the radius increases, but the decreasing rate reduces gradually with the increase of the radius. The concentration factor decreases slowly with the increase of the parameter 2α. Finite element method is reliable for the analysis of the stress concentration at the notch tip, and it is beneficial for the safety analysis of the notch at other complex structures.
Keywords:fracture mechanics; V-notch; stress concentration factor; finite element; Filippi notch equation
本文的研究对象为一长方形平板,尺寸为H×L,厚度为δ,板两侧有开口角度为2α,尖端半径为ρ的V型缺口,板材弹性模量E=2×105 MPa,泊松比μ=0.3,在板的顶部和底部分别施加σnom的远场拉应力,缺口模型示意如图1所示。
图1 a)中,a表示单侧开口深度,h表示韧带宽度;图1 b)中,r0表示缺口尖端圆弧高度,q为确定r0和ρ之间关系的辅助参数;σθ,σr,τrθ分别表示极坐标条件下的应力。
根据最大应力和名义应力值,计算该V型缺口平板应力集中系数 KT。
通过有限元模拟,得到了沿着缺口中心线x, y, z 3个方向的应力分布,坐标系情况参见图1 b)。根据图1 b),x,y方向的应力分别为σr和σθ。将3个方向的应力绘制成曲线,如图8所示。图8中,横坐标x/ρ为应力点到缺口弧顶距离与缺口半径的比值。由图8可知,y方向的应力远远大于其他2个方向的应力,表明σθ是对缺口强度影响最大的应力。σθ在缺口尖端取得最大值,随着到缺口尖端距离的增加,σθ逐渐减小并接近平均应力值。
取缺口尖端过渡半径ρ分别为0.5,1.25和2.5 mm,取不同的开口角度,通过上述有限元法和Filippi缺口应力场方程计算KT,结果如图9所示。由图9可知,有限元方法和Filippi缺口应力场方程得到的结果具有很好的一致性。3个过渡圆弧半径条件下,缺口应力集中系数均随着开口角度的增加而减小。
取缺口的开口角度分别为45°,90°,135°,同样采用有限元法和Filippi缺口应力场方程计算KT,结果如图10所示。由图10可得,应力集中系数随缺口尖端过渡半径增大KT减小,且减小速率降低;3种角度条件下,当过渡半径从05 mm增加到25 mm时,最大应力集系数分别下降了5027%,5062%和3753%。对比图9和图10可以发现过渡圆弧半径对应力集中系数的影响大于开口角度的影响。
3)V型缺口平板在缺口尖端处的应力集中程度较大,尖端过渡半径ρ对应力集中系数KT的大小有显著影响。当开口角度为45°时,尖端过渡圆弧半径ρ从0.5 mm增加至1.25 mm,应力集中系数KT从7.59下降到4.86,降幅为35.97%;圆弧半径ρ从1.25 mm增加至2.5 mm,应力集中系数KT从4.86下降到3.54,降幅为27.16%。由此可知,随半径的增大应力集中系数逐渐减小,且减小速率逐渐降低。
4)当开口角度为45°,90°,135°时,尖端过渡圆弧半径ρ从0.5 mm增加至2.5 mm,对应的应力集中系数KT的降幅依次为50.27%,50.62%和3753%。因此,过渡圆弧半径对应力集中系数的影响大于开口角度。
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