西奥多·冯·卡门 左连凯
One day suspicion fell on Tsien. It may have begun when he was asked to give evidence against a research chemist named Sidney Weinbaum, who was being tried in Pasadena for perjury in a case having to do with Communism. Tsien had been a social acquaintance of the Weinbaums. He had recommended Weinbaum for a job, and he visited the Weinbaums’ home often to listen to classical music.
Tsien refused to testify against his friends. I am told that this turned the FBI’s attention to him (though it may have occurred earlier during the initial investigation of Weinbaum and his friends). In any case, it resulted in July 1950 in the military services’ sudden and unexpected withdrawal of Tsien’s security clearance.
Tsien’s initial reaction was one of deep hurt. He sought an interview with President Lee DuBridge of Cal Tech and informed him that he couldn’t do research in jet propulsion without clearance and he added emotionally that he preferred to return to his family in China rather than remain in the States under such a cloud of suspicion. DuBridge calmed him down and advised him to appeal the decision. Tsien was not anxious to go through the appeal procedure because he felt, as did many of his friends, that in the tense atmosphere of the times an alien Chinese professor didn’t have much chance of winning the case. Besides, Tsien was very proud and he didn’t believe that he should have to prove to the authorities that he wasn’t a Communist. I believe my own reaction would have been about the same as Tsien’s if somebody had falsely accused me of Communism as a result of my brief association with the short-lived Bela Kun government of Hungary.
I was in Europe at the time Tsien’s clearance was lifted, but I heard about it from President DuBridge, whereupon I immediately wrote to Tsien, expressing my shock and telling him that I would do what I could for him. Many important people came to the support of Tsien. Dr. DuBridge consulted various authorities in Washington. Bill Zisch (later President of Aerojet-General Corporation) went to the Pentagon and reviewed the case with Admiral Inglis, Chief of Naval Intelligence, but was unable to make headway.
Tsien sought an audience with Dan Kimball, who as Undersecretary of the Navy, had ultimate responsibility for some of Tsien’s projects at the Jet Propulsion Center. Tsien informed Kimball that he intended to return to China if his clearance was not restored. When nothing happened, Tsien made up his mind. He phoned the Undersecretary and informed him that he was on his way.
Kimball became quite excited and notified the Immigration Service. He intimated to me later that he made this move because he was afraid that if Tsien went to China the Communists might strip him of his knowledge of United States military secrets in jet propulsion research. He also didn’t want the United States to lose a valuable scientist. I couldn’t help thinking that Kimball was also concerned that he might be in trouble with the Navy and Congress if it became known that Tsien went to Red China with the knowledge of the Undersecretary.
When Kimball informed Immigration officials of Tsien’s intentions, I am sure he expected no harm to befall Tsien. He thought quite probably that the Immigration agents would merely detain him briefly and let him return to Pasadena. Kimball in fact told me there was not the slightest evidence against Tsien, and the case would be cleared up on appeal. But I think Kimball was surprised and perhaps shocked at how quickly the whole thing got out of hand. One of my colleagues told me that the Immigration Service has a record as one of the most arbitrary of government departments, and it seemed to be true. They not only detained Tsien. They also searched him, treated him rudely, and held him for fourteen days in a detention room at Terminal Island. When he was released, it was on heavy bail.
On top of that, customs officials impounded his luggage, including 1800 pounds of books and notes. It was claimed that some classified material was among them and reported in the world’s press that a “Communist agent” had attempted to leave the country with secret documents. This was false, of course. In fact, I heard that Tsien had been conscientious enough to have Clark Millikan check all his papers before he packed them. Subsequently the U.S. Attorney in Pasadena went through all of Tsien’s material and cleared him of the charge of removing classified documents.
However, in October 1950, the Immigration Service ordered a deportation hearing under the McCarran Act, claiming that Tsien was a Communist alien and therefore had illegally reentered the United States. Thus this proud and cultured man, who had only a couple of years before received the highest praise from the Unite States government, found himself in the position of being mistrusted and in danger of being thrown out of the country he had adopted.
(原文選自: Theodore von Karman with Lee Edson. The Wind and Beyond, Little Brown and Company)
但是,1950年10月,移民局依据《麦卡伦法案》下令举行驱逐听证会,指控钱是侨居的共产党人,再次进入美国属非法。就这样,几年前刚刚受到美国政府最高嘉奖的这位骄傲而有教养的学者,如今发现自己遭到猜忌,并面临被他选择的这个第二故乡驱逐出境的危险。 □