The Revelation of Sustainable Assessment on Online Courses’ Evaluation

2019-09-10 07:22LiYunjia
新教育论坛 2019年23期

With the rapid development of information-based teaching methods, online courses have become an important teaching resource in modern education. However, China does not currently have an online course evaluation system. Most universities in China have built online courses according to their own needs, and the joint teaching practice has developed a series of online course construction specifications and acceptance criteria. This assessment can help bridge the gap between assessment and learning, and the paper mainly analyzes the network teaching level’s online course evaluation system, hope to be able to provide reference value to relevant personnel with some assistance of sustainable assessment.

Key words: Online course evaluation; sustainable assessment; self-regulation; Introduction

The emergence of e-learning approaches significantly changed the teaching mode. As the focus changes unavoidably from what teachers do to what students learn. How we conceive educational events absolutely change. What provided by method of resources and materials becomes the more vital points than what effects are produced.

However, the actual situation is that students have low self-control ability, and easy to let the network learning result reduced. Therefore, it is required to do a good job of monitoring and restraining mechanisms during network teaching.

Analysis of Online Learning Factors

2.1 Factors that attract students in an online course

Through investigation, evaluation analysis found that learners are primarily concerned with the type and content of courses when choosing online curriculum, followed by the school’s reputation , the brand of the starter platform The content and quality of video are key elements measured by learners. It determines one online course work or not. An online course’s sponsor and teaching quality will be directly affect the quality of video and interactive effects.What’s more, the course platform and other scholars’ publicity will allow more online learning enthusiasts to devote themselves to Internet learning.

2.2 Students’ learning process

The construction theory of the network teaching platform mainly illustrates that it is essential for students to build a knowledge structure system through their inner experience. in their learning process. Students can bear the knowledge system in mind when it connected with the actual situation. Among the elements of e-learning, the learning process belongs to the main part which can objectively reflect the different learning process of students.

The Content of Online Learning Evaluation

The influence of e-learning evaluation is to formulate timely feedback and monitored learning, which can ensure students keep closely to their present goals, and help students adjust their learning speed, attitude, approach and so on. As a co-operative course in which both students and others have crucial roles to play. According to the research report of relevant scholars,Continuous good learning evaluation. Will gradually develop students to learn independently.So based on the evaluation of learning objectives,Based on this, continuous continuous evaluation,Can ensure the continuous and steady progress of learning activities.

Suggestions on the Design and Development of Online Courses

In terms of students, the school should select online courses, which stipulates the number of times of online communication for students. Teachers set up questions and answers, so that they can obtain the grades of students according to their learning record status on the online course platform and follow the data to accomplish complementary teaching. McConnell affirms it is necessary to follow two stages; on the one hand, a review and discussion process of the student’s work developed providing a critical supportive perspective; on the other hand, offering students the necessary necessary criteria to make judgement on their work,. Thus, face-to-face interviews, online discussions and questionnaires constitute the basis for a collaborative assessment.


In conclusion, this article is mainly about the online course evaluation of the network teaching platform. And it analysis deeply from the the content of Online learning Evaluation, online learning factors to provide suggestions on the design and development of online courses. As we have identified sustainable assessment as an attracting opinion that has shifted attention in assessment discourse and is giving rise to a series of interesting educational interventions. Therefore, in the era when online courses are emerging, it is actually with the assistance of sustainable assessment that the online curriculum is further strengthened and perfected.


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作者简介:Li Yunjia, Female, Master, Foreign language College, Jiangxi Normal University, 99 Ziyang Road, Nanchang, Jiangxi, 330022, China.

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