中图分类号:R445.1;R737.9 文献标识码:B DOI:10?郾3969/j.issn.1001-0270.2019.02.10
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the ultrasound reaction of breast non-mass lesions. Methods: Using retrospective analysis to analyze the total 50 patients who were diagnosed by routine examination from January 2018 to December 2018. Results: Among the 20 cases of non-mass breast lesions, 11 were malignant lesions(55%) and 9 were benign lesions(45%). Among them, 3 cases were invasive ductal carcinoma, 4 cases were intraductal carcinoma, 3 cases were lymphatic metastatic carcinoma, 1 case was fibrotic adenocarcinoma, 2 cases were lymphocytic leukemia, 2 cases were hyperplasia, 4 cases were adenopathy, and 1 case was inflammatory lesions. Among the 20 cases of non-mass breast lesions, 12 cases were lamellar hypoacoustic region(60%)and 8 cases were microcalcified schistose hypoechoic region(40%). The maximum diameter of lesions in the malignant group was 2.25±1.03(cm), and that was 3.09±1.02(cm) in the benign group; the proportion of microcalcification in the benign group was 77.8% and that in the malignant group was 27.3%. Abnormal axillary lymph node analysis, benign lesions was 9.1%, malignant lesions was 55.5%. Conclusion: The microcalcification in breast non-mass lesions has significant value in the diagnosis of intraductal carcinoma. The presence of axillary lymph node abnormality is useful in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant lesions.
Key Words: Breast Non-mass Lesions; Ultrasound Reaction; Clinical Value
1 临床数据和方法
1.1 基本资料
1.2 方法
1.3 统计学分析
2 结果
2.1 肿块型乳腺病变反应分析
2.2 恶性组和非恶性病变超声反應对比
3 讨论
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