Throughout history, there have been moments when the progress of technology has taken great steps forward, when a combination of the right tools, a capacity for innovation, and sparks of ingenuity lead to breakthroughs that transform how we live our lives.
There is no doubt that machine learning and AI is already improving peoples’ lives, from intelligent personal assistants that can prepare us for changes in the weather, to systems that protect our money from criminals, or devices that offer medical advice from the comfort of our own home. And this is only the start; the potential of AI is undeniable. Our next challenge will be to harness this technology to transform how we diagnose diseases, manufacture goods and build our homes. To realise all the social and economic benefits, we will need a strong partnership between business, academia and government.
A revolution in AI technology is already emerging. If we act now, we can lead it from the front. But if we ‘wait and see’ other countries will seize the advantage. Together, we can make the UK a global leader in this technology that will change all our lives.
Sfoundations of productivity
The Industrial Strategy is built on 5 foundations:
Ideas- the world’s most innovative economy;
People- good jobs and greater earning power for all;
Infrastructure- a major upgrade to the UK’s infrastructure;
Business environment - the best place to start and grow a business;
Places- prosperous communities across the UK.
Support AI innovation to raise productivity
Our vision in the Industrial Strategy- for the UK to be the world’s most innovative economy - is supported by a very significant increase in R&D spending between the government and industry. This will boost R&D spending to 2.4% of GDP by 2027, and 3% over the longer term, beginning with a 725 million investment in new Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund programmes to capture the value of innovation. This is part of a broader commitment to raise total public investment in R&D from around 9.5 billionn in 2016 to 2017 to 12.5 billionn in 2021 to 2022.
This Sector Deal positions the Artificial Intelligence sector to play a growing role in meeting this ambition – with a potential contribution of 200 billion or 10% of UK GDP by 2030. The government, industry and academia will co-invest to drive R&D in AI including through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund.
It’s not just the startups who are investing. Rolls-Royce has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Alan Turing Institute to codesign and deliver a programme of collaborative research in data science and AI.
Stimulate uptake of AI within the public sector
As announced in the Industrial Strategy white paper, the government will invest 20 million in GovTech initiatives that will improve the delivery of public services, from transport and the environment, to education and health. We will also bring together existing work across central government and public bodies to share these technologies and understand how they are deployed most successfully.
Investments in the UK from AI powerhouses
Many of our most successful businesses started life as an idea in a university lab here in the UK. As the home of 4 of the top 10 universities in the world, we are a magnet for the highest calibre researchers in artificial intelligence and related disciplines.
DeepMind, a prominent UK-based AI firm developed out of our leading universities, not only created AlphaGo, but created a new version which taught itself to defeat the original programme.
The UK has also produced other globally recognised AI firms such as Improbable, which specialises in using AI for virtual reality (VR), and has developed simulation technology with the potential to model the behaviour of millions of people.
We are confident that the measures announced through this Sector Deal, alongside the government’s vision to be a leader in meeting the challenges posed by AI and data, will lead to further major investments in UK AI from businesses around the world.