《源.茶》 中国香港

2019-09-06 07:46:34PillandPillow
世界建筑导报 2019年4期





设计团队:LAAB Architects


摄影:STYLO VISION, 香港环境保护署,

Pill and Pillow, LAAB Architects

Client: Environmental Protection Department, HKSARG

Building Area: 200 m2

Design year: 2015.1 - 2017.1

Completion year: 2017.2 - 2017.8

Design team: LAAB Architects

Branding and Graphics: Milkxhake

Photographer: STYLO VISION, EPD, Pill and Pillow, LAAB Architects

2014 年, 服务香港四十多年的湾仔码头被停用和拆下。LAAB 以循环再生为设计概念,把从湾仔码头回收的近百支防撞木重塑成不同特式的餐椅,将承载半世纪香港回忆的码头木, 移徏到它的新家T · CAFÉ《源·茶》, 一个位于T‧PARK《源.区》的轻食餐厅。整理木材后, LAAB把那些来不及经历海水侵蚀的、面目较为完整的、做成寛阔的桌面、茶几, 以及此起彼伏的木头长椅; 把那些千疮百孔的、布满岁月痕迹的, 用透明树脂封化它的本质和形态, 做成方形立体的小凳子。这些满布瑕疵, 久经沧桑的码头木, 现以另一种姿态展示它独特的历史价值。

在2017年,T · CAFÉ获得“日本优良设计奖最佳100”,并被选为评审最喜爱的作品之一。

T·CAFÉ is a self-service light-refreshment café in T. PARK, a sludge-treatment facility and education centre in Hong Kong. We transformed fender woods collected from the demolished Wan Chai Pier into different furniture. These fender woods were more than hundred years old and had been immersed in the harbour for more than forty years.

We categorized fender woods into three types according to their levels of erosion and designated each type for different furniture. The most intact ones were sculpted into dining tables and long benches. The moderately eroded were for coffee tables and short benches. Seriously defaced woods were made into stools and a special furniture of what we called"Ocean Cubes." "Ocean Cubes" preserved the eroded wood with ocean-blue resin. The idea is to return the fender wood into the ocean. Built-in chargers were also installed in the furniture and transformed the salvaged wood into the power supply.

Hong Kong is a highly urbanized and rapidly growing city. With a heavy focus on economic development and consumerism, things in Hong Kong are easily considered as "old" and "wasteful." In this project, we hope to use innovative design to show how “waste” can be transformed into something beautiful and “useful.” We also hope to preserve our collective memory, which is especially precious in a rapidly changing society like Hong Kong.

T · CAFÉreceived theJapan Good Design Award Best 100 in 2017 and was chosen as the Jury's Personal Favorite.

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