吕康辉 廖萍 王晨 程辉军 周文太
摘 要: 为研究功率分流式混合动力系统整车高速工况经济性优化问题,提出在高速工况下采用制动器B2锁止、功率损耗最小的控制策略方案。综合考虑发动机、电机、电池的功率损耗,建立混合动力系统模型,并对该方案进行仿真验证及整车试验。结果显示,优化后的整车高速工况经济性有明显提升。制动器B2锁止、功率损耗最小的控制策略有助于提升整车高速工况经济性。
关键词: 功率分流; 混合动力; 高速工况; 经济性; 控制策略; 仿真验证
中图分类号: TN98?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)09?0072?04
Research on fuel consumption of vehicle′s power split hybrid
powertrain at high?speed operation
L? Kanghui1, LIAO Ping1, WANG Chen2, CHENG Huijun2, ZHOU Wentai2
(1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Nantong University, Nantong 226019, China;
2. Corun Hybrid Power Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201500, China)
Abstract: In order to research the fuel consumption optimization of the vehicle′s power split hybrid powertrain at high?speed operation, a control strategy to lock the brake B2 and make the vehicle′s system with minimum power loss at high?speed operation is proposed. The power loss of the engine, motor and battery was comprehensively considered, the hybrid power system model was established, and the simulation verification and vehicle test were performed for the scheme. The result shows that the fuel consumption of the optimized vehicle at high?speed operation has obviously improved. The control strategy to lock the brake B2 and make the system with minimum power loss is contribute to reduce the fuel consumption of the vehicle at high?speed operation.
Keywords: power split; hybrid power; high?speed operation; fuel consumption; control strategy; simulation verification
0 引 言
1 高速工况B2锁止、功率损耗最小控制策略设计
以功率损耗最小为控制目标,在满足上述车速的条件下,由于电机E1转速较高时锁止制动器B2会影响整车平顺性。因此,对上述控制策略进行修正:只有满足电机E1转速低于100 r/min时,才允许制动器B2锁止。
2 混合动力系统建模
2.1 发动机模型
通過扭矩、转速可查得比油耗,本文研究的发动机经济比油耗取240 g/(kW[·]h),发动机功率损耗可由下式得出:
2.2 电机E2模型
2.3 动力电池模型
2.4 整车动力学模型
3 仿真验证
3.1 发动机工作点的确定
3.2 仿真验证
4 整车试验
通过前文所述的系统功率损耗最小以及发动机工作最经济发动机转速、扭矩组合,分别进行巡航80 km/h,90 km/h,100 km/h,110 km/h,120 km/h高速工况下整车油耗试验如图8所示。
油耗试验结果表明,功率损耗最小控制策略更有利于提升整车高速工况经济性。随着车速的增加,二者油耗的差距越来越小,原因是随着车速的增加整车驱动力减少,电机助力减少,SOC变化量减少,油耗几乎全部来自发动机,120 km/h车速下,SOC变化量几乎为0,二者油耗也趋于一致。各高速工况下电池SOC变化情况如图10所示。
5 结 语
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