For two centuries the Royal (Cotton) Exchangewas central to the commercial life of Manchester.When the current building opened in 1847 it wasdescribed as the biggest commercial room in theworld. It then doubled in size before graduallybecoming redundant as the cotton trade movedelsewhere. Since 1976, the Royal Exchange hashoused the theatre of the same name. This multi-level theatre in-the-round is high ly influential for itsintimacy and intensity and could well claim to be themost innovative theatre space created within the UKin the last century.
The auditorium was deve[oped by the theatrecompany, under the direction of Michael Elliot, whohad a very clear vision of how their work was tobe presented. A prototype, conceived by designerRichard Negri, was first built in scaffolding beforearchitects were invited to develop a permanentstructure
The auditorium is designed to sit within themassive stone hall, independent of the historicstru ctu re. The architects devised a seven-sided'theatre module', with a diameter of 21.3m and aheight of 13.7m, constructed of steel and g[ass. Themodule was conceived as a free-standing unit witha tra nspa rent suppo rting fra mework within whichthe audience, performers and stage crew all slia rethe same intimate space. The foyer makes use of thesu rrounding a reas of the G reat Hall while the supportfacilities are housed in other pa rts of the building.
ln 1996, the centre of Manchester was devastatedby an IRA bomb. It severely damaged the RoyalExchange buildl ng,though the audito rium structu reitself remained unscathed. While the necessa ry workwas underta ken to restore the historic hall, the theatretook the opportu nity to ma ke radical changes to thefront and back of house, including the introduction ofan ada pta ble lOO-seat studio theatre. At the same timethe audito rium's technica linstallations were im proved,and resta u ra nt, ba rs and front of house facilitiesrenewed. The street entrances were a[so redesigned.A new glazed lift and brid ges were insta lled, lin king allpublic levels for the first time and bringing an iconic1970s theatre into the twenty-first centu ry.