U 形渠道量水平板水力性能试验研究
(西北农林科技大学 旱区农业工程教育部重点实验室,杨凌 712100)
根据北方灌区渠道底坡缓且灌溉水流多泥沙的现状,该文针对U型渠道设计了平板量水装置。为了探索不同尺寸悬垂薄平板在明渠水流冲击作用下的水力学特性,确定流量与平板偏转角度之间的关系。分析水流流态,将渠道运动水流分为3部分,对平板部分水流应用闸孔淹没出流公式,建立流量计算模型,得出流量与角度的半经验关系式。对流量系数计算模型中的待定系数进行估计,得到了统一形式的流量公式。U型平板测流范围为9~44 L/s, 经验证,计算流量与实测流量之间最大相对误差为6.9%,平均相对误差为3.2%,其中收缩比0.547、0.439平板测流相对误差均小于5%,满足灌区量水要求。同一收缩比板型,相对水头损失随着流量增大而减小,不同收缩比板型,相对水头损失随着板型收缩比增大而增大,除收缩比0.715平板在小流量(本试验大约为10L/s)测流时,相对水头损失比在10%以上,其余平板测流时相对水头损失均小于10%,其中收缩比为0.439和0.337平板最大水头损失不超过上游总水头6%。经过综合分析,选择0.547到0.439为平板最佳收缩比测流范围。研究可为灌区量水设施的改进提供依据。
式中1和2分别为板前和下游渐变流断面水深,m;1和2分别为断面1-1和2-2的平均流速,m/s;为局部水头损失系数,为重力加速度,9.8 N/m2。
Fig.1 3-view of canal and size of plate in 4 contraction ratios
图2 试验系统及测定布置图
U形渠道全长12 m,渠顶宽53 cm,深45 cm,底弧直径40 cm,中心角152°,外倾角14°,渠道底坡5×10-4,综合糙率0.011。板长为影响平板水力性能影响因素之一,为控制变量,设计板长与渠道深度一致,将平板底部设计成圆弧段有利于水流绕流时减少水头损失,将测流平板设计为容易加工制作的半圆形和矩形2部分组成,矩形宽度和半圆直径相等,平板总长均为44 cm,轴到平板底端长为46.6 cm(悬垂状态下平板底端距渠底约2~3 mm),半圆部分半径分别为16、12、10、8 cm;对应收缩比分别为0.715、0.547、0.439、0.337。测流平板设置在距渠道进口5.2 m处,前后共布置10个测点(位置见图2)。渠道下游回水渠道设置三角堰,测量渠道流量。
平板偏转角度用电子数显角度尺测量,精度0.1°;平板上下游水位及板前后水位用SCM60型水位测针测量(由于渠道底坡缓,长度较短,水深与水位视为相等),精度0.1 mm。试验流量范围9~44 L/s,每5 L/s 左右为1个工况,共9种流量;每种流量下水深及偏转角测量3次。
图3b为25 L/s流量下,4种不同收缩比平板测流工况下的水面曲线。同一流量下,收缩比大的平板测流上游水面线会整体高于收缩比小的平板。在发生绕流后,由于水流被压缩的程度不同,流速重组并到达稳定的位置断面随着收缩比增大向后移动。
图3 不同收缩比平板测流水面线
图4 平板偏转角度与流量的关系
表1 流量半经验公式拟合结果
Note: Q is the total flow rate, m3·s-1;is angle of plate deflection, (°);1is water depth in front of plate, m.
由图7看出,除收缩比0.715平板在小流量(本试验大约为10 L/s)测流时,水头损失比在10%以上,其余平板测流时水头损失比均小于10%,其中收缩比为0.439和0.337平板最大水头损失不超过上游总水头6%。对于同一板型,水头损失百分比随着流量的增大而减小。原因如图8所示(2/3指的是平板浸入水下部分面积对垂直于水流方向的投影面积与过水断面面积之比),随着流量增大,平板受到水流冲力增大,平板开启角度增大,2/3随着流量增大而减小,从而使板前后水位差和水流流速差减小,进而使水头损失占上游总水头比例减小。对于同一流量下,水头损失百分比随着平板收缩比增大而增大。同一流量下,收缩比大的平板板下部分垂直于水平法平面的面积大,水流受到阻挡作用大,使上游水位升高,水头损失占上游总能量百分比也增大。平板量水设施通过偏转角的增加降低了水头损失,同时精度较稳定;巴歇尔量水槽测流时水头损失[26-27]随着流量增加而增加,平板测流具有明显优势。
图7 不同收缩比平板水头损失比较
图8 流量与相对面积比关系图
本文设计一种U形量水平板,在测流范围为9~44 L/s时在U形渠道上进行了收缩比0.337~0.715板型明渠均匀流试验,参考闸孔出流计算公式,得出了流量公式,初步探究了U形量水板的水力性能,主要结论如下:
1)对流量系数计算模型中的待定系数进行估计,得出了具有统一形式的流量计算公式。U形量水平板测流范围9~44 L/s,从流量计算值和实测值的相对误差看出,计算流量与实测流量之间最大相对误差为6.9%,平均相对误差为3.2%,其中收缩比0.547、0.439平板测流相对误差均小于5%,满足灌区量水要求。
2)同一流量下,水头损失会随着平板收缩比增大而增大;除收缩比0.715平板在小流量(本试验大约为10 L/s)测流时,相对水头损失比在10%以上,其余平板测流时水头损失比均小于10%,其中收缩比为0.547,0.439和0.337平板最大水头损失不超过上游总水头6%。
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Experimental study on hydraulic performance of water-gaging plate for U-shaped canal
Wang Wen’e, Zhang Weile, Hu Xiaotao
In view of lack of effective regional water measuring facilities for gentle slope canal with silt current in irrigation areas of northern China, a portable U-shaped flat water measuring device was proposed as a flow water measuring equipment in the field. This study was to investigated its hydraulic performance of flat water measuring facilities based on prototype test.The prototype test was carried out inNorthwest A & F University in Yangling, Shannxi of China. In order to explore dynamic characteristics and deflection phenomenon of a draping thin plate under the impact of open channel flow, the relationship between discharge and deflection angle of the plate was determined. The flow pattern was analyzed, and the moving water flow was divided into 3 parts. The formula for calculating the outlet flow of gate was applied to the flow relative to measuring device, and the flow calculation model was established.The undetermined coefficients in the flow coefficient calculation model were estimated and a unified formula for flow rate was obtained. The flat shape was made up of a rectangle and a semicircle,arc radius were respectively 16, 12, 10 and 8 cm, and the corresponding contraction ratios were 0.715, 0.547, 0.439 and 0.337. The measuring device was installed at 5.0 m far from the inlet of upstream of U-shaped channel. The base slope of the channel was 1/2 000. The triangular weir was installed at the end of the downstream of the channel to measure current flow. A total of 10 sections were used to observe the flow characteristics. The current range of U plate measuring device was 9-44 L/s (9 work conditions for each contraction ratio). The results from the prototype experiment was used to compute model parameters and validate the simulation results. The result showed that the maximum relative error between the measured flow rate and the calculated flow rate was 6.9%, with an average relative error of 3.2%. For the contraction ratio of 0.439 and 0.547, the plate flow measurement errors were less than 5%, which met the water measured requirement of irrigation area. Itindicated that the current calculation model had a high accuracy. With the same contraction ratio, the relative head loss ratio decreased with the increase of flow rate, the relative head loss ratio increased with the increase of plate contraction ratio. The ratio of relative head loss was more than 10% when the plate contraction ratio was 0.715 plate at the low flow rate (about 10 L/s in this test), and the relative head loss ratio of the remaining plate was less than 10%. Besides, the maximum relative head loss of platecontraction ratio of 0.337 and 0.439 was not higher than 6%. After comprehensive analysis, 0.547 to 0.439 were chosen as the best plate contraction ratio. In practical application, devices such as wind prevention, instrument protection should be installed externally to reduce the influence of wind load and meteorological factors on measurement accuracy. The trash gate should be installed along the upstream to intercept the floating objects such as weeds.When this device was not used for measuring discharge and before the channel froze in winter, the device should be turned up to the vertical statement, which didn’t affect the channel water delivery. According to different sizes of U-shaped canals, the appropriate bottom arc radius should be selected to make the plate.
flow rate; canal; angle; canal gate hole outflow; discharge coefficient; head loss
王文娥,张维乐,胡笑涛. U形渠道量水平板水力性能试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(13):84-90. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.009 http://www.tcsae.org
Wang Wen’e, Zhang Weile, Hu Xiaotao.Experimental study on hydraulic performance of water-gaging plate for U-shaped canal[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(13): 84-90. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.009 http://www.tcsae.org