
2019-08-23 02:30:58杨树军曾盼文张寅君
农业工程学报 2019年13期

杨树军,张 曼,曾盼文,张寅君,张 璐,田 霖


杨树军1,张 曼1,曾盼文2,张寅君1,张 璐1,田 霖1

(1. 燕山大学车辆与能源学院,秦皇岛 066004;2. 江麓机电集团有限公司,湘潭 411199)

为了解决液压机械换段过程中存在的转速波动和瞬时动力中断等问题,该文以两离合器结合重叠的五阶段全功率动力换段方法为基础,分析了液压机械全功率换段过程变排量液压元件排量比调节规律。以某等差两段式液压机械为研究对象,建立了液压机械全功率换段过程变排量液压元件排量比调节模型,通过仿真分析和全功率换段过程试验,获得了换段过程液压回路压力从当前段到目标段随排量比变化的动态响应过程。结果表明,排量比变化量的仿真与试验结果基本一致,最大偏差为8.93%,验证了模型的正确性;排量比调节模型能够根据当前段状态参量和目标段压力预测出目标段排量值;阶跃排量比调节规律能有效缩短液压回路建压时间,建压时间为0.93 s,压力波动量较小,为0.64 MPa;按阶跃调节排量比至目标值,能在换段过程完成液压回路高低压侧压力平稳互换,换段前后输出转速几乎无波动、转矩连续传递。经增速机后的输出转矩为100和150 N·m时,换段时间分别为1.00和1.10 s,该转矩的最大波动量分别为6.80和6.84 N·m,换段过程中功率连续且平稳传递。研究结果可为实现液压机械无级传动全功率换段控制及后续研究提供参考。


0 引 言

液压机械无级传动(hydro-mechanical variable transmission,HMT)是由液压功率传动机构和机械功率传动机构复合而成的双功率复合传动形式。具有实现大功率无级调速,传动效率高等突出优点,已经在军用车辆、工程机械和拖拉机等大功率车辆上广泛使用[1-3],成为了大功率车辆无级传动系统的主要发展方向[4-6]。

Ali H Shaker和Berger Guenter对HMT传动特性和控制方式等问题展开了深入系统的研究[7-8]。文献[9-10]开展了关于液压机械无级变速器控制技术的研究工作。文献[11]开展了关于液压机械传动特性分析以及建模仿真等方面的研究工作。文献[12]研制出了装配在M2步兵车和M3侦察车上的HMPT-500系列液压机械传动装置。其他学者和科研技术人员也都相继在HMT各构型和控制领域开展了卓有成效的理论研究和产品研制工作[13]。



1 液压机械全功率换段原理

1.1 液压机械工作原理


1.2 液压机械全功率动力换段特性


1.3 液压机械全功率换段转矩转移特性




2 液压机械全功率换段排量调节特性

2.1 全功率换段过程液压回路等效模型


图3 HMT闭式液压回路等效模型
Fig.3 HMT hydraulic circuit equivalent model

2.2 H段至HM段全功率换段过程排量调节模型





2.3 HM段至H段全功率换段过程排量调节模型







2.4 全功率换段过程排量调节特性仿真分析


表1 液压回路仿真模型参数 Table 1 Parameters of simulation model for hydraulic circuit



图4a是H段换向HM段压力动态响应过程,H段压力为11.07 MPa,排量比从0.972调节为0.804,调节后的HM段压力为9.07 MPa。排量比阶跃调节时,建压所需时间为0.93 s,压力波动量为0.39 MPa,相对偏差为4.30%;排量比线性调节时,建压所需时间为1.68 s,压力波动量为0.19 MPa,相对偏差为2.09%。图4b是HM段换向H段压力动态响应过程,排量比从0.804调节为0.972,压力从HM段9.07 MPa调节为H段11.11 MPa。排量比阶跃调节的建压时间为0.85 s,压力波动量为0.64 MPa,相对偏差5.76%;排量比线性调节的建压时间为1.63 s,压力波动量为0.46 MPa,相对偏差为4.14%。


3 液压机械全功率换段过程排量调节试验

3.1 试验设备


试验台主体部分为洛阳凯迈机电的变速箱电封闭传动试验台。HMT动力源为CJ250变频电机(额定功率为250 kW),动力输出端经转速转矩仪与HMT样机输入端相连接;HMT输出端经增速机(增速比1∶3)、T40转速转矩仪(额定转矩为1 000 N·m,转矩精度为0.5%F.S)与加载装置相连,加载装置为CJ200电力测功机(额定功率为200 kW);试验台离合器润滑控制油液由泵站提供,闭式液压回路中所用油液与润滑系统所用油液分开供给,并在定排量液压元件输出轴加装转速传感器(OD9011-NPN),在液压回路高低压侧油路加装压力传感器(HDA3844-A-600,量程0~60 MPa,精度为0.2%F.S)、补油压力传感器、壳体温度传感器,离合器控制回路加装压力传感器(JYB-K0-HAG,量程2.5 MPa,精度为0.5%F.S)和温度传感器(JWB23/2e/A,量程-50~150 ℃,精度为0.2%F.S)。试验台测控系统由试验台控制柜和HMT控制器组成。HMT控制器输出两路开关量控制离合器电磁阀,输出2路比例电流(含颤振)驱动变排量液压元件排量调节机构比例阀,并进行数据采集。比例阀电流从当前值阶跃调节为目标值时,改变伺服阀两端控制油压,使伺服缸运动至目标位置,变量泵调节至目标排量。

a. HMT动力换段试验台原理图 a. Schematic diagram of HMT power shifting test bench 1.试验台架测控系统 2.排量控制机构 3.控制油源 4.信号集成单元 5.增速机 6.转速转矩仪 7.电动机 8.测功机 9.液压机械无级传动 1.Control system of test bench 2.Displacement control mechanism 3.Control oil sources 4.Signals integration unit 5.Speed increaser 6.Speed and torque meter 7.Motor 8.Dynamometer 9.HMT b. 试验台架实物照片 b. Photograph of test bench

3.2 试验方案


负载大小决定换段前后液压回路的工作压力和全功率换段过程的排量调节量,转速影响HMT传动效率,但这2个参数都不影响排量调节规律和功率转移机理。装备HMT的5 t装载机,在典型工作工况(ZZJ/07B01-2017《土方机械轮胎式装载机能效试验及评价方法》)中,HMT换段时的发动机转速范围为800~1 200 r/min,液压回路最高压力为8~14 MPa,限于试验台条件,本文试验时HMT输入转速选择1 000 r/min,测功机加载转矩选择100和150 N·m,通过增速机后,液压段压力约为9和11 MPa,属装载机HMT的换段典型工况点,液压回路试验油温80 ℃。由于试验设备的限制,被试HMT和测功机间设置了增速机,转速转矩仪安装在增速机之后,故本文所提及的“输出转矩”均为HMT经增速机后的输出转矩,即测功机的加载转矩。

3.3 结果与分析

输入转速为1 000 r/min,输出转矩为100 N·m时,排量比阶跃调节化下对应的液压机械由H段向HM段和由HM段向H段的换段过程试验与仿真结果如图6、图7所示。

a. 离合器压力 a. Pressure of clutchb. 变排量液压元件排量比 b. Displacement ratio of variable-displacement hydraulic component

a. 离合器压力 a. Pressure of clutchb. 变排量液压元件排量比 b. Displacement ratio of variable-displacement hydraulic component

输入转速1 000 r/min、输出转矩150 N·m,排量比阶跃调节的换段过程试验结果如图8、图9所示。H、L两离合器结合重叠过程仍为2 s。

a. 离合器压力 a. Pressure of clutchb. 变排量液压元件排量比 b. Displacement ratio of variable -displacement hydraulic component

a. 离合器压力 a. Pressure of clutchb. 变排量液压元件排量比 b. Displacement ratio of variable -displacement hydraulic component

如图8,试验中排量比从0.985调至0.802(仿真值为0.972和0.803,试验和仿真结果偏差为7.65%)时,液压回路压力从H段11.07 MPa调节为HM段9.13 MPa,建压时间1.05 s,输出转速无波动,转矩波动6.70 N·m,为输出转矩的4.50%;如图9,排量比0.803调至0.988(仿真值为0.804和0.973,仿真和试验结果偏差为8.65%)时,液压回路压力从HM段9.11 MPa调节为H段11.11 MPa,建压时间1.10 s,转矩波动6.84 N·m ,为输出转矩的4.60%。

图6~图9中换段试验与仿真结果对比可知,换段过程排量比试验结果变化量和仿真结果变化量最大偏差为8.93%,仿真和试验结果基本一致,证明本文所建立的HMT全功率换段过程排量调节模型可以准确计算目标段排量值,能准确反映液压回路高低压侧压力互换过程。在两离合器结合重叠过程中合理调节变排量液压元件排量,能够使转矩在离合器间快速转移,负载为100和150 N·m时,最大建压时间分别为1.00和1.10 s,转矩波动量最大分别为6.80和6.84 N·m,分别为输出转矩的6.80%和4.60%。

4 结 论



2)对比排量比阶跃和线性调节规律响应特性,阶跃调节规律能有效减小建压时间,换段时间为0.93 s,压力波动量为0.64 MPa,与线性调节相比,高压侧压力波动无明显变化。为有效减小换段时间,可采用排量比阶跃调节规律。


4)在当前段和目标段离合器结合重叠时,通过合理调节排量比控制液压回路高低压侧压力完成释压、建压过程,能够使转矩在离合器间快速转移,换段前后输出转速平稳无变化、转矩连续传递。输出转矩为100和150 N·m时,建压时间分别为1.00和1.10 s,转矩波动量最大分别为6.80和6.84 N·m,分别为输出转矩的6.80%和4.60%,实现了全功率换段。

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Model of regulating displacement ratio in full power shifting process of hydro-mechanical variable transmission

Yang Shujun1, Zhang Man1, Zeng Panwen2, Zhang Yinjun1, Zhang Lu1, Tian Lin1

(1.,,066004,; 2.,,411199,)

Hydro-mechanical variable transmission (HMT) is a kind of double power flow transmission system constituted by hydraulic branch and mechanical branch in parallel. HMT has the ability to realize high-power CVT and high transmission efficiency, and is suitable for high-power automobiles. In general power shift process, there are load reversal in hydraulic transmission unit, power flow reversal in hydraulic branch, and function interchange in hydraulic components. At the same time, the speed of fixed displacement hydraulic component changes abruptly, and there is a short time power interruption. To solve the problems of speed fluctuation and power interruption in power shift, based on the five-stage full power shift method by overlapping the double clutches, the displacement regulating law of variable displacement hydraulic component is studied in this paper. An arithmetic type two-range HMT is taken as the research object, and the pressure responses to different displacement regulation are analyzed. The torque characteristic equation in full power shift is derived. The cavity model of closed hydraulic circuit is established, in which the closed hydraulic circuit is simplified to two cavities. Considering the influence of the volumetric efficiency of the hydraulic transmission unit, the mathematical model of the displacement ratio regulation of variable displacement hydraulic component is derived. The step change and linear change of displacement ratio are adopted respectively, and the pressure response is obtained by simulation. The results show that the regulation law of displacement ratio has a great influence on the time of pressure building-up and pressure fluctuation. The step change of displacement ratio can effectively reduce the time of pressure building-up, and there is no obvious increase of pressure fluctuation compared with that of the linear change. The power shift time is 0.93 s and pressure fluctuation is 0.64 MPa. In order to reduce the power shift time, the step change of displacement ratio could be adopted. Through the displacement regulation characteristic test of HMT in full power shift process, the pressure response is obtained. The results show that the simulation results of displacement ratio change are in accordance with the test results, and the maximum deviation is 8.93% under the same working conditions. Based on the state parameters of current range and the target range pressure, the mathematical model of the displacement ratio regulation proposed in this paper can predict the displacement ratio target value, and accurately describe the pressure interchange between the high and low pressure circuits. During the double clutches overlapping, the displacement ratio is adjusted to the target value. The pressure interchange between the high and low pressure circuits can be completed in the full power shift process, and the torque is transferred from current clutch to target clutch. The output speed remains unchanged, and the output torque is continuous. When the output torque after speed increaser is 100 and 150 N·m, the power shift time is 1.00 and 1.10 s respectively, it’s the maximum fluctuation is 6.80 and 6.84 N·m respectively. The problems such as speed fluctuation and power interruption in the shift process are solved, this study provides a reference for the realization of HMT full power shift control and subsequent research.

hydro-mechanical; transmission; control; variable transmission; full power shift;displacement regulation









杨树军,张 曼,曾盼文,张寅君,张 璐,田 霖. 液压机械无级传动全功率换段过程排量比调节模型[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(13):64-73. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.007 http://www.tcsae.org

Yang Shujun, Zhang Man, Zeng Panwen, Zhang Yinjun, Zhang Lu, Tian Lin. Model of regulating displacement ratio in full power shifting process of hydro-mechanical variable transmission[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(13): 64-73. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.007 http://www.tcsae.org

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