
2019-08-17 02:36史艳霞
河北教育(教学版) 2019年5期



一、Look and say.看图,快速说出每组单词。

二、Read aloud.请大声朗读下列句子,注意语音语调。

1.--Is this a cat?

--No,it isn't.It's a dog.

2.--How many horses are there?


3.Look at the rabbit.Its tail is short.

4.--Can a pig fly?

--No,it can't.

5.--Would you like some fruit?


三、Look and answer.根据图片提示回答问题(第2、3小题根据实际情况自主表达)。

1.--What animals can swim?


2.--What's your favourite food?


3.--What do you like?




一、Listen and circle.听录音,圈出句子中包含的单词。

1.river ruler rabbit

2.cry fly fry

3.bus rice zero

4.mouth hungry noodles

5.wolf yo-yo window

二、Listen and complete the words.听录音,结合图片补全单词。

1.My h__nd has five little fingers.

5.Let's r__n in the sun.

三、Listen and choose the pictures.听音,选择相符的图片。

( )3.A.12+6=18B.11+6=17C.4X5=20

四、Listen and choose the answers.听音,选择合适的应答语。

( )1.A.He is my father.

B.She is my mother.

C.No,she isn't.

( )2.A.It's in your bag.B.Yes,he is.

C.No,it isn't.

( )3.A.Me,too. B.Thanks


( )4.A.Open it and see.

B.We have thirteen.

C.I see fifteen.

( )5.A.Thank you. B.Silly me!

C.Let's go home!

Reading and Writing读写部分

一、Read and group.选出与句子画线部分同类的单词。

A.teacher B.boat C.grandma

D.eighteen E.father F.student

G.bananas H.twelve I.grapes J.car

1.I like apples.( )

2.Where is my ball? ( )

3.That's my grandpa.( )

4.I have fourteen.( )

5.She is a pupil.( )

二、Read and choose.根据图片情境,选词填空(注意多余选项)。

1.My_______is short.

A.grandfather B.grandmother

But I don't like____________.


3.She is my________.

She is from__________.

A.sister B.brother

C.Canada D.China

The elephant__________big ears._______nose is long.

A.has B.is C.Its

Look at the monkey.It has a__________tail.It is________.

Look at the rabbit.It has a________tail.And the pig is so________.

A.long B.short C.tall D.thin E.fat

We have________kites,__________cars and_________maps.

A.seventeen B.sixteen

C.fifteen D.nineteen

三、Read and choose.为下列图片选择相应的句子。


A.It is big.It has a short tail.It's black and white.

B.It has big eyes and a long tail.It can swim.

C.It has a big mouth and two big feet.It is short.

D.It has a big head and four long legs.

E.It has a big body and a long tail.Its head is small.


A.--How many crayons do you have?

--Open it and see.

B.--Do you like watermelons?

--Yes,I do.

C.--Who's that woman?

--She's my grandma.

D.--Where's the cap?

--It's under the desk.

E.--How many balls do you see?

--I see fifteen.

四、Read and complete the dialogues.看图,选择合适的句子补全对话。




Zhang Peng:Sorry.I don't like grapes.

Sarah:Here you are.

Zhang Peng:_____________

A.I like grapes.

B.Can I have some bananas?

C.Have some grapes.

D.Thank you.


A:Where is the boat?


A:Is the cap on the desk,too?


A:Where is the car?


A:Is the ball in the desk,too?

B:__________________It's under the desk.

A.It's on the desk. B.It's in the desk.

C.Yes,it is. D.No,it isn't.

五、Read and finish.阅读对话,按要求答题。

(一)Read and choose.选词填空,补全对话。

Lily:Come on,Amy.Let's look at my family photos.

Amy:OK!Wow,how nice!Who's this______?

Lily:He's my father.He's very tall.

Amy:Cool.Who is this ________?

Lily:_______my mother.She's _______.

May:Your mother is beautiful.

Lily:Thank you.

Amy:Who's this girl?Is she your_____?

Lily:No,it's me.I have small eyes.That is my sister.She has big eyes.She's five.

A.She's B.thin C.sister

D.man E.woman

(二)Read and judge.根据对话内容判断正误。正确打“√”,错误打“×”。

( )1.Lily's father is very tall.

( )2.Lily's mother is thin and beautiful.

( )3.Lily has big eyes.

( )4.Lily's sister is five.

( )5.There are 5 people in Lily's family.

六、Read about the text.阅读短文,按要求答题。

There are many different kinds of animals.They can do different things.Horses can run.Rabbits can jump.Birds can fly.Fish can swim.

They eat different things,too.Monkeys eat bananas.Tigers and wolves eat meat.Cats eat fish.Cows,sheep and horses eat grass.Pandas eat bamboo.

They also live in different places.Fish live in a river.Birds live in a tree.Pandas live in a forest.

(一)Read and choose.选择正确答案。

A.fly B.jump C.swim D.run

2.Fish live in a_______.Pandas live in a________.Birds live in a__________.

3.How many animals are mentioned(提到)in the text?______________

A.Eleven. B.Thirteen. C.Fourteen.

(二)Read and match.What do they eat?小动物们分别吃什么?根据短文内容连线。


三年级英语期末综合评价以《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》为指导,以PEP《小学英语》三年级下册规定的学习内容和教学目标为依据,以人教版教材为主,兼顾冀教版教材,综合考查学生的阅读理解能力。如:读写部分第四题第一组话题为fruit,人教版第五单元Do you like pears?和冀教版第四单元第19课I like fruit均有涉及,且对话语言有相通之处。第二组话题为询问物品位置,为人教版第四单元Where is my car?相关内容。两组题目均考查学生综合能力,包括对上下文的逻辑理解、读图能力以及情境问答、交际能力。又如,读写部分第六题围绕冀教版第一单元Animals on the farm和第二单元Animals at the zoo,将What can they do?What do they eat?Where do they live?三方面内容融合在一起,考查学生的阅读理解能力,包括对bamboo一词的猜测,还有对全文一共提到多少种动物的提炼概括。

冀教版英语七下第16课We Are With You教学设计