
2019-08-08 08:41:42朱文一
城市设计 2019年2期


人们对时间的感知通常以自然现象为参照,春夏秋冬为一年,日落日出为一天。不过这样的时间感知往往让人们忽略时间,所谓年复一年、日复一日,时间好像停止了。人们似乎生活在一个静止时间的空间里。在巴西里约热内卢老城区,有一处著名的历史文化遗产科斯达拉帕输水道(Arcos da Lapa)。过去的输水道功能变成了今天的轻轨线路。对比1822年画中的输水道和今天的输水道遗址,可以看到明显的地面上升,过去上长下短的空洞变成了现状的下长上短的形式(图1)。这是地质学意义上的时间观念,以百年、千年及万亿年为单位的时间。以这样的时间观念来“感知”周边环境,如同科斯达拉帕输水道,地面也在不知不觉中增高。






图1 / Figure 1历史遗产阿科斯达拉帕输水道 A 1822 B 现状 / Historic Heritage Arcos da Lapa A 1822 B Present / Souce: [AC-CA]TM

图2 / Figure 2基于3D街头画视错觉的设计构思Concept of Design Based on illusion of 3D Anamorphic Painting


Perception of time is usually based on natural phenomena. Spring, summer, autumn and winter from one year, and sunset and sunrise from one day.However, such time perception often makes people ignore time. Time seems to stop. People seem to live in a space of still time. In the old town of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, there is a famous historic and cultural heritage of the Arcos da Lapa. Past waterway functions have become today’s light rail lines.Comparing the waterways in the 1822 paintings with today’s waterway sites, you can see a clear rise in the ground. In the past, the short and long hollows have become the long and short form of the status quo (Figure 1). This is a time concept in the geological sense, in terms of centuries, millenniums and trillions of years. With such a sense of time to “perceive” the surrounding environment,like the Costa Rapa waterway, the ground is also unconsciously increased.

The competition site on Lapa Square in front of the Costa Rapa waterway requires the design of a 350m2public service space, including a tourist information center, a souvenir shop, a coffee exchange space and an auxiliary service space. The relationship with the Costa Rapa waterway and the surrounding environment has become the main challenge facing the design competition. The proposal “Point View” submitted by ZHUWENYI Studio has actively explored the reproduction of heritage, optical illusion and construction.

First, how to represent the style of the Costa Rapa waterway 150 years ago? The proposal “Point View” draws on the 3D street painting to design the venue square (Figure 2), which reproduces the complete bridge hole of the Costa Rapa‘s historic heritage. This approach not only fully respects and protects the existing historical heritage, but also creates an interesting “Best Viewpoint” attraction for the city residents and tourists.

The second is the architectural design combined with optical illusion. From the point of view, the building is viewed from eye level, and the main part of the building disappears into the historic remains of the Costa Rapa waterway.Because the façade, roof and interior furniture design of the entire building are designed according to the principle of optical illusion. Facades with deformed arcades, roofs with directional textures and irregularly shaped interior furniture show the dislocation of time and space (Fig. 3).

The third is the simplicity of construction. The 22m×22m and 484m2building provides public and tourist information centers, 160-seat cafe, souvenir shops and bars. Light steel construction and glass make the building very easy to construct and meet the design requirements of temporary buildings.

The proposal “Point View” demonstrates the historic and cultural potential of Lapa Square while exploring the possibilities of optical illusion buildings.


Figure Sources


All figures except mentioned are provided by ZHU Wenyi Atelier

图3 / Figure 3立面图Elevation

图4 / Figure 4轴侧图Axonometric

图5 / Figure 5平面图Plan

图6 / Figure 6拉帕广场现状Today's Lapa Square

图7 / Figure 7点景设计方案Proposal ViewPoint

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