吴宗骏 吴炜 杨晓敏
摘 要:为了更有效地结合高分辨率全色(PAN)图像细节信息和低分辨率多光谱(MS)图像光谱信息,提出了一种改进的全色锐化算法。首先,对低分辨率MS图像的强度通道进行下采样再上采样获取其低频成分;其次,用强度通道减去低频成分获取其高频成分,在获取到的高低频成分中进行随机采样来构建字典;然后,用构建好的过完备字典对高分辨率PAN图像进行分块分解以获取高频信息;最后,将分解出的高频信息注入到低分辨率MS图像中以重建高分辨率MS图像。经多组实验后发现,所提出的算法在主观上保留了光谱信息,并注入了大量的空间细节信息。对比结果表明,相比其他诸如基于成分替换算法、基于多分辨率分析算法、基于稀疏表示算法,所提算法重建出来的高分辨率MS图像更加清晰,且在相关系数等多种客观评价指标上优于对比算法。
关键词:高分辨率全色图像;低分辨率多光谱图像;遥感图像融合; 稀疏表示; 字典构建
中图分类号: TP751.1
Abstract: In order to more effectively combine the detail information of high resolution PANchromatic (PAN) image and the spectral information of low resolution MultiSpectral (MS) image, an improved panchromatic sharpening algorithm based on sparse representation was proposed. Firstly, the intensity channel of an MS image was down-sampled and then up-sampled to get its low-frequency components. Secondly, the MS image intensity channel minus low-frequency components to obtain its high-frequency components. Random sampling was performed in the acquired high and low frequency components to construct a dictionary. Thirdly, the PAN image was decomposed to get the high-frequency components by using the constructed overcomplete dictionary. Finally, the high-frequency components of the PAN image were injected into the MS image to obtain the desired high-resolution MS image. After a number of experiments, it was found that the proposed algorithm subjectively retains the spectral information and injects a large amount of spatial details. Compared with component substitution method, multiresolution analysis method and sparse representation method, the reconstructed high resolution MS image by the proposed algorithm is more clear, and the correlation coefficient and other objective evaluation indicators of the proposed algorithm are also better.
Key words: high resolution PANchromatic (PAN) image; low resolution MultiSpectral (MS) image; remote sensing image fusion; sparse representation; dictionary construction
0 引言
目前,大量衛星获取了地球的地表图像信息,通常包含多光谱(MultiSpectral, MS)图像和全色(PANchromatic, PAN)图像,这两种图像优缺点互补。由于技术的限制,想要获取高空间分辨率多光谱(High spatial resolution MultiSpectral, HMS)图像是一件十分困难且成本高昂的事,所以人们通常将MS图像和PAN图像两者融合起来以便获取想要的HMS图像。HMS图像不仅具有大量的细节信息,而且还包含了丰富的光谱信息,对于人类理解地球,进行地表测绘、军事侦查、城市规划等具有重要帮助,所以对遥感图像进行融合是一项十分重要且有意义的课题。
基于成分替换的算法比较经典,比较有代表性的是基于IHS(Intensity, Hue, Saturation)颜色空间变换的全色锐化算法[1-6],此类算法主要的做法是先将MS图像从RBG(Red, Blue, Green)颜色空间变换到IHS颜色空间,然后用PAN图像替换通道,最后通过相应的反变换来得到HMS图像。此类算法简单且高效,但在取得良好的锐化效果的同时也会带来严重的光谱混叠从而引起颜色失真,具有一定的局限性。
此类算法的代表算法有:改进的自适应强度色调饱和度遥感影像融合算法(Improved Adaptive Intensity-Hue-Saturation method for the fusion of remote sensing images, IAIHS) [5]、用抠图模型进行锐化(Pansharpening with Matting Model, PMM) [7]的算法。
基于多分辨率分析的算法则是利用小波变换[8-12]、拉普拉斯金字塔[14-15]、双边滤波器[16]等来提取PAN图像的高频部分,并将其融入到MS图像中去构建出HMS圖像。不同于成分替换的算法,基于多分辨率的算法可以较好地减少融合图像的光谱失真,但该算法仅仅能提取出一种结构的空间细节信息,故该算法的锐化结果有时会出现空间畸变。此类算法的代表算法有:基于àtrous小波变换的锐化算法(àtrous WaveLet transform-based Pan-sharpening, AWLP)[9]和基于多尺度映射LS-SVM的遥感图像融合(remote sensing image fusion using multiscale mapped LS-SVM, SVT)[13]。
此类算法的代表算法有: 基于压缩感知的遥感图像融合算法(new PAN-sharpening method using Compressed Sensing, CS) [17]和基于稀疏表示的细节注入锐化(Sparse Representation Based Pansharpening with details injection model, SRBP)算法[18]。
1 本文方法
1.1 技术框架
算法的主要步骤为:1)获取MS图像训练集的图像强度(Intensity, I)通道;2)对图像I通道进行下采样后上采样获取图像I通道的低频成分;3)利用原始的图像I通道减去图像I通道的低频成分获得图像I通道的高频成分;4)对图像I通道的高低频成分进行随机采样构建高低频字典;5)利用高低频字典对PAN图像进行分解以获得PAN图像的高频成分;6)将PAN图像的高频成分与MS图像相融合重建出HMS图像。
3 结语
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