Step 1: Warm-up and preview
1. 歌谣热身
Run, run, run fast, I can run fast.
Jump, jump, jump high, I can jump high.
Play, play, play well, I can play well.
2. Lead-in(出示任务)
教师呈现任务: 下周五是运动日,我们学校将要组建一支足球队,大家是否想参加呢?大家足球踢得怎么样?运用本节课所学来做个小调查,在小组之间相互讨论。现在让我们先看看我们的老朋友Sam, Amy and Lingling在讨论些什么吧?
Step 2 Presentation
1. (出示图片) T: Lingling wants to be in Sam and Amys football team. Guess: Can she be in the football team? (先引导学生猜一猜,旨在激发学生好奇心,培养学生发散思维能力,让他们带着探究的欲望去认真倾听和观看对话。)
Let the students guess the answers.
Ss: Yes, she can. / No, she cant. (看视频找到信息:Yes, she can.)
2. Lingling can be in Sam and Amys football team. Why? (再次观看课文视频)
Q1: Can Lingling run fast?
Get the answer: No, she cant.
Q2: Can Lingling pass the ball well?
Get the answer: Not very well.(教授单词well)
Q3: Can Lingling jump high?
Get the answer: Yes, she can.
让学生找出并画出重要句子:“But you can jump really high! Youre very good at basketball.”(教授短语good at)
Q4: Can Lingling catch the ball well?
Get the answer: Yes, she can.
Summarize: Lingling cant run fast, she cant pass the ball well. But she can jump really high, she can catch the ball well. So she can be a good goalkeeper.
板书: Can you run fast/pass the ball/…?
Yes, I can. / No, I cant.
3. Next lets come to their football match. Listen, they are completing.Can Lingling be a good goalkeeper?Step 3: Drills
1. 聽录音并模仿跟读。
2. 分角色朗读课文。
Step 4: Extension (Finish the task)
师: 我们学校即将组建 一支足球队,很多学生希望加入。大家足球踢得怎么样?下面我们先来做一个调查表然后展示给大家。
Namerun fastjump highpass the ball wel catch the ball
【设计意图】前后呼应,创设情境,布置任务,设置信息差,在任务驱动之下,师生之间展开对话。既操练了Can you …? 等重点句型,又提高了语用能力。
(作者单位:山东省德州市平原县龙门街道办事处军仓小学,山东 德州 253100)