摘要 [目的]筛选防治花生蛴螬的10%噻虫嗪微囊悬浮剂拌种的最佳剂量,为该制剂的进一步推广应用提供参考。[方法]通过田间小区试验,比较100 kg种子采用10%噻虫嗪微囊悬浮剂1 200 、1 800、2 400 g,30%毒死蜱微囊悬浮剂(对照药剂)1 800 g拌种及空白对照5个处理条件下的防虫和保果效果,研究10%噻虫嗪微囊悬浮剂拌种对花生田蛴螬的安全性、防治效果及最适使用剂量。[结果]10%噻虫嗪微囊悬浮剂拌种防治花生田蛴螬的效果较好,且在设计剂量范围内,随着10%噻虫嗪微囊悬浮剂剂量的增加,防虫和保果效果均有所提高,其中,100 kg 花生种子使用10%噻虫嗪微囊悬浮剂2 400 g拌种,防虫和保果效果均最佳。[结论]综合考虑,100 kg 花生种子使用10%噻虫嗪微囊悬浮剂2 400 g拌种,可有效防治花生田蛴螬。
关键词 10%噻虫嗪微囊悬浮剂;花生;蛴螬;药效试验
中圖分类号 S 435.2 文献标识码 A
文章编号 0517-6611(2019)12-0168-02
Abstract [Objective] To screen the optimum dosage of 10% thiamethoxazine microcapsule suspension for the control of peanut grubs and to provide reference for its further popularization and application. [Method] Field plot experiments were conducted to compare the insect control and fruit preservation effects of 10% thiamethoxazine microcapsule suspension on peanut grubs under five treatments: 1 200 , 1 800 , 2 400 g, 30% chlorpyrifos microcapsule suspension (control agent) 1 800 g and blank control. The safety, control effect and optimal dosage of 10% thiamethoxazine microcapsule suspension on peanut grubs were studied. [Result] The effect of 10% thiamethoxazine microcapsule suspension seed dressing on controlling peanut grubs in the field was better, and within the designed dose range, with the increase of 10% thiamethoxazine microcapsule suspension dose, the effect of insect prevention and fruit preservation was improved. Among them, 2 400 g thiamethoxazine microcapsule suspension seed dressing with 10% thiamethoxazine was used for every 100 kg of peanut seeds, and the effect of insect prevention and fruit preservation was the best. [Conclusion] Taking into account, 10% thiamethoxazine microcapsule suspension 2 400 g per 100 kg of peanut seeds can effectively prevent and control the adverse effects of grubs on peanut production.
Key words 10% Thiamethoxazine microcapsule suspension;Peanut;Grubs;Efficacy test
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验地概况
试验在安徽省淮南市毛集实验区乔口村进行,试验地地势平坦,质地为壤土,肥力中等,灌溉便利,排水条件良好。常年小麦和花生轮作,前茬作物为玉米,蛴螬发生偏重。花生播种前,采取机械播种,起垄覆膜栽培,垄距×垄面宽×垄高为80 cm×50 cm×10 cm,每垄双行播种,穴距12 cm,每穴2~3粒种子。结合当地农业生产实际,保证各试验小区肥水管理等条件一致。