李立君,刘 涛,高自成,廖 凯,李禹卓,许世斌
李立君,刘 涛,高自成,廖 凯,李禹卓,许世斌
(中南林业科技大学机电工程学院,长沙 410000)
国内外已有学者对Paden-Kahan子问题在串、并联机械臂运动学逆解方面的应用进行了研究[11-13]。Sariyildiz等[14]将四元数与子问题算法相结合,对6R串联机器人进行运动学逆解分析,并与D-H法做对比。结果表明Paden-Kahan子问题的求解速度比传统D-H参数法快一倍。Gao等[15]利用经典子问题对蟑螂仿生机器人逆运动学进行了求解,并给出了直线行走和定点旋转运动的关节运动路径,通过试验验证了Paden-Kahan子问题的精确性。陈庆诚等[16]针对3条不相交的关节轴线提出了一种新的子问题,对其进行求解并应用于6R串联机器人逆运动学分析,在一定程度上扩大了子问题应用范围。Wang等[17]通过代数方法解决了2关节轴线互异的子问题2(即刚体依次绕2轴分别旋转2个角度得到新的位置,求解子问题2即是求解这两个角度。经典Paden-Kahan子问题2必须要求两轴相交),使子问题2求解对象扩展至任意两相邻旋转关节,并对5R串联机器人进行了逆运动分析。试验和仿真结果表明利用改进Paden-Kahan子问题算法求解精度是径向基函数神经网络(radial basis function neural network,RBFNN)算法的5倍,求解速度比RBFNN算法快4倍。
式(3)说明了一次刚体运动由表示运动方向的和表示沿该方向的运动量组成。若刚体连续做多次螺旋运动,经由个关节串联成的运动链从位形运动到位形,则这一系列的刚体运动用指数积公式(product of exponential,POE)描述[22]:
表1 机械臂结构参数
Note:θrepresents the distance of rigid body motion along, (=1,2,6,7,8,9).
表2 机械臂在参考位形下的旋量参数
从而通过式(28)、(31)、(32)和(33)建立了物体位置坐标1和2与期望位姿1、2、3和之间的 映射。
如图2所示,以6自由度林果采摘机械臂、激光追踪仪及夹持目标搭建运动学试验平台[23],通过运动学试验验证所建立目标坐标与关节变量映射的正确性及所求的精确性。图2a右侧激光追踪仪坐标系原点相对机械臂坐标系原点的位置坐标为(-500 1 500 0)T,并设此为参考位形。激光追踪仪型号为FARO SI型,测量精度为10m。夹持目标为一根木条,木条上有2处标记点,两点相距580 mm。
2)测量2指关节及腕关节位置1、2与并由式(36)与(37)计算得到和=(1,2,3 )。
e=|–| (38)
4.2.1 可行性试验与分析
1. 夹持目标 2. 标记点Pt1 3. 末端执行器坐标系 4. 标记点Pt2 5. 基础坐标系 6. 林果采摘机械臂 7. 激光追踪仪
4.2.2 精度试验与分析
从图3可知,末端执行器最大位置误差为6.597 mm,小于其夹持器200 mm夹持范围的3.30%,从而验证算法精度能够满足作业要求。此外,图3中3个轴的误差分量分散范围较小,而误差曲线整体偏移零线的程度较大,表明系统中可能存较大的常值性系统误差[30-31],机械臂的重复定位精度较低。
图3 末端执行器位置误差
表3 末端执行器姿态误差
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Inverse kinematics of 6-DOF hybrid manipulator for forest-fruit harvest based on screw theory
Li Lijun, Liu Tao, Gao Zicheng, Liao Kai, Li Yuzhuo, Xu Shibin
A method for inverse kinematics analysis based on screw theory was presented in this paper, which can directly map the position and orientation of the working object to the joint variables of the manipulator with its application to a full inverse kinematics analysis of forest-fruit harvesting manipulator characterized by a hybrid kinematic structure, 2P4R. The solution of inverse kinematics modeling derived by screw theory was commonly realized by Paden-Kahan sub-problem method, which decomposes a full kinematics problem into sub-problem with obviously geometrical meaning through choosing appropriate point, usually, intersection of adjacent joint, such as wrist joint, to reduce the number of the variable quantity, and then close-form solution can be easily obtained. However, in practice, it is hard to gain the position of those points through measure because of their absence before end-effector actually moving to the desired position. And few researchers mentioned this issue in the relevant literature. In order to discuss this problem, firstly, a geometrical method was proposed for this issue to obtain the position of the required point, wrist joint, according to the orientation of end-effector and its geometric properties and geometric relationships through using the vector algebra method. Furthermore, a mapping between driving and driven join was gained in order to simplify the solving process of the equation set at a later, according to the solution of the structural equation of the manipulator derived by the product-of-exponentials (POEs) formula and structural character of manipulator. Meanwhile, the closed-form solution for each driving joint variables was derived by employing the proposed method with Paden-Kahan sub-problem method. A mapping relationship between the plücker coordinates of the object and the location information of end-effector was derived through an algebraic method according to the principle of minimum displacement and its operating mode in which the gripper of end-effector should reach the position of the trunk with two labels detected by the robot vision system and be perpendicular to the orientation of the trunk. In addition, the problem of multiple solutions in the inverse kinematics analysis for the harvesting manipulator was solved according to the range of joint variables. Finally, the real-world experiment was performed under laboratory environment. In order to vertify the correctness and obtain the accuracy of the method proposed in this paper. A wooden stick with two markers was placed in the kinematics test platform as the object, which consisted of a laser tracker and a harvesting manipulator. Then, the values of each joint variable could be calculated via the proposed method according to the plücker coordinate data of the markers measured in the object. The results showed that the forest-fruit harvesting manipulator was driven by the solution of inverse kinematics to the position on the stick that its end-effect reached and normal to the stick, which meant this method could meet the requirements of the operating mode. Then ten sets of joint variable values were randomly generated where the positions were measured and the manipulator was sequentially driven by that. The joint variable values were calculated according to the positions through the method proposed in this paper. At last, the calculated results were re-inputted into the controller to drive the manipulator to the new positions. The two measure results on different positions driven by joint variable values generated and calculated were used to obtain the error. The results showed that the maximum position error of end-effector was 6.597 mm, far less than the open size of its gripper, 200 mm, and no more than 3.30%, with the maximum orientation error of 0.975°. The method in this paper was not limited by the specific structure, therefore it is versatile.
robots; harvesters; kinematics; screw theory; inverse kinematics; Paden-Kahan sub-problem; hybrid manipulator; forest-fruit harvest
李立君,刘 涛,高自成,廖 凯,李禹卓,许世斌.基于旋量理论的六自由度林果采摘混联机械臂运动学逆解[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(8):75-82. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.009 http://www.tcsae.org
Li Lijun, Liu Tao, Gao Zicheng, Liao Kai, Li Yuzhuo, Xu Shibin.Inverse kinematics of 6-DOF hybrid manipulator for forest-fruit harvest based on screw theory[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(8): 75-82. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.009 http://www.tcsae.org