Eduardo Ag¨uera,Salvador Castilla,Evelio Luque,Ignaio Jimena,Ignaio Ruz-Carauel ,§,Fernando Leiva-Cepas,Jos′e Pe~na,*
a Department of Neurology,Maimonides Institutefor Biomedical Research IMIBIC,Reina Sof ia University Hospital,University of Cordoba,Cordoba 14004,Spain
b Department of Critical Careand Emergency,Reina Sof ia University Hospital,University of Cordoba,Cordoba 14004,Spain
c Department of Morphological Sciences,Section of Histology,Faculty of Medicineand Nursing,Maimonides Institutefor Biomedical Research IMIBIC,Reina
Sof ia University Hospital,University of Cordoba,Cordoba 14004,Spain
The author regrets that the following errors have inadvertently occurred in theabovearticle.
On page24,in Section 2.3,in theline 9 of thef irst paragraph,“in f luorescencemicroscopy”waslost.Thedetailsareasfollows:
Transverse serial sections,8μm thick,were obtained in a cryostat at-20°C,and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for general histologic examination and acridine orange(AO)to identify regenerativeor newly formed f ibers.
should becorrected as
Transverseserial sections,8μm thick,wereobtained in acryostat at-20°C,and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for general histologic examination and acridine orange(AO)in f luorescence microscopy to identify regenerativeor newly formed f ibers.
On page 25,in Section 3.1,the subtitle is not correct.The detailsare asfollows:
The subtitle“Light microscopy”should be corrected as “Fluorescenceand light microscopy”
On page25,in Section 3.1,“a 67%reduction in size”in the line 3-4 of the second paragraph is not correct.The details are asfollows:
Morphometric analysis showed a signif icant muscle f iber atrophy(p<0.05)in the DRgroup(1230.9±16.9μm2)compared with the NR group(2809.2±18.1μm2),which represented a67%reduction in size.
should be corrected as
Morphometric analysis showed a signif icant muscle f iber atrophy(p<0.05)in the DRgroup(1230.9±16.9μm2)compared with the NR group(2809.2±18.1μm2),which represented a56%reduction in size.
The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Ag¨uera E,Castilla S,Luque E,Jimena I,Ruz-Caracuel I,Leiva-Cepas F,et al.Denervated muscle extract promotes recovery of muscle atrophy through activation of satellite cells.An experimental study.J Sport Health Sci 2019;8:23-31.
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Journal of Sport and Health Science2019年3期