
2019-04-11 08:33:28高维微受访者提供
今日重庆 2019年6期

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今年22 岁的蒋益,经历也足够帅气:校篮球队员、体育特长生、“重庆小姐”亚军、兼职模特……如今,她还有一个更“帅”的身份——重庆航空山茶花精英乘务组空乘。

The WeChat nickname “Fan Zheng Jiu Shi Shuai” (I am handsome anyhow) has been used by Jiang Yi for years.

However, how can an airline stewardess with long hair and the pink uniform be “handsome”?

J i a n g Y i s m i l e s a n d says at east, “Handsome means unstrained, cool, easy... Anyway, I think I am handsome.”

01 蒋益在工作中总要求自己勤快一些,尽量多做事

22-year-old Jiang Yi has handsome experiences as well. She was a member of her school basketball team, a student with sports talent, the runner-up of “Miss Chongqing”, a part-time model... Now, she has another identity that is more “handsome” - an airline stewardess in Camellia Elite Crew of Chongqing Airlines.


Got Airsick When She Conducted Her First Service





Jiang Yi was a “uniformaholic” since she was a child, especially the air crew uniforms. When she smiled, her eight teeth could always be shown. Therefore, her smile was always described by others as “Professional smile of airline stewardess”. So as time passed, she has been determined to become an airline stewardess.

After the National College Entrance Exam, Jiang was admitted in advance as a student with sports talent by Chongqing Technology and Business University. So she failed to be majored in air services in Civil Aviation University of China. Despite the fact, upon graduation, Jiang immediately applied to Chongqing Airlines, and finally became a member of the Camellia Elite Crew. It made her much more confident, and focus on doing good deeds. She wanted to do better in front of the purser and her teacher.

H o w e v e r, t h i n g s h a d b e c o m e disappointing during her first flight. “A lot of things just occurred at the same time, making me unprepared". The most awkward one was that I got airsick due to my anxiety. So I had to squat in the W.C, vomiting while tearing beside toilet bowl.

At that night, she cried her eyes out under her sheet. Then, she began to recall every detail on the plane to summarize the experience and to adjust her mental state. The next morning, Jiang got back to the plane with high morale and successfully finished the task, "Haha, I am such a person. Everything turns to be better after I wake up the next morning.”


The Harder You Work The Luckier You Get




02 刚入职重庆航空不久,蒋益就加入了山茶花精英乘务组

03 体育生也有娇俏的一面

蒋益没有装饰却有信心:“她们都‘bling bling’的,那我‘光秃秃’的样子,反倒会是亮点。”她自信地走上舞台的“C 位”,与观众热情互动,很快就带动了现场的气氛。与众不同的表演,加上作为体育特长生练就的腹肌,让蒋益成功杀入总决赛,成了名副其实的“腹肌小姐”。





In daily life, Jiang likes to smile, and her smile makes her pretty beautiful. Even if she becomes stunned when facing emergencies, the expression she wears is still the “Stewardess professional smile”. She defines it as “Nobody will slam a person who is smiling at you”. Her outgoing and optimistic character brings her good luck all the time.

During her sophomore year, Jiang accompanied her bestie to compete in “Miss Chongqing” Competition. However, what was amazing was that she beat all her components and finally won the 2nd award. Some details during the Competition could exactly reflect her character.

In such a competition, talent is of great necessity. Jiang Yi knew little about chess, literature, paintings etc., so an idea just hit on her - dancing the cheerleading dance she learned at school. In the final stage of Swimsuit Show, all girls were dressed “glitteringly”. “Canes, wings, hair rings, and all other kinds of decoration. Only I was wearing nothing, without any decoration at all.”

However, Jiang had plenty of confidence even if she did not have any decoration, “They were all glittering, so I was a highlight because I had ‘nothing’ at all.” She walked onto the “center position” of the stage full of confidence, and interacted with the audiences. The atmosphere in the spot was rapidly lit up. The unique performance plus her abdominal muscles escorted her right to the final, becoming the real “Miss Abdominal Muscles”.

Currently, the working hour for Jiang on the plane is less than 200 hours, so she is a real rookie. However when faced with emergencies, she can always make up her lack of experience and solve many crisis with her smiles.

“I will calm down all passengers, and then I will call backup or my teacher or other predecessors that is fully experienced. Airline stewards with plenty experience are really different from me. They can solve the problems in several words while we rookies will take many sentences.” The reason why Jiang can call backup is that Jiang is very outgoing and amiable.

Of course, it is not enough to just be outgoing and amiable. She knows that to be a better member of the “Camellia”, she must learn to think, and try her best to be good at it.

“Actually when predecessors are calming down passengers, I am always summarizing the experience. I have a notebook to record my experience and I have written down a lot. For instance, I need to put myself in others shoes when I am communicating with passengers, and express myself in a more empathetic way." What is interesting is that at the bottom of each summary, there will always be some “Wow, My teacher is so good!” “The purser earns his name.” sentences like those.

04 生活中很“体育”很阳光的蒋益


The Exquisite Taste of A Student with Sports Talent






No matter in the “Miss Chongqing” Competition or during the flight serving as a stewardess, Jiang never avoids talking about her identity as a “student with sports talent”. She says this is her thought.

“In many people’s eyes, students with sports talent are usually ‘reckless’. But I want to break this stereotype, making more people know that students with sports talent can also be beautiful and have exquisite taste.” Jiang’s symbolic smiles climbs on her face again.

For example, during her college, Jiang used to rush around campuses. She went to Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications to watch the beautiful sakura; she went to Chongqing University to watch the black swan; or she just lay on the lawn in the campus, chatting and basking.

However, the “beautiful and exquisite” Jiang is still the “Miss Abdominal Muscles”.

In her alma mater Chongqing Technology and Business University, she usually gather her classmates at Longji Mountain where students with sports talent compete their endurance with each other. Besides, she also likes to adventure in the deep forests in Jinyun Mountain. She says, the beauty of students with sports talent is unique and distinctive. It is a kind of beauty reflected by clear muscles.

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