
2019-04-10 07:40:02拉尔斯马尔克斯伊芙热尼娅波布科娃
城市设计 2019年6期

拉尔斯·马尔克斯 伊芙热尼娅·波布科娃

邓成汝 李帅峥 林 戈 [译]

1 引言:空间容量的理论



显然,关于城市多样性众多辩论源于简·雅各布斯(Jane Jacobs)的著作。在她所有关于城市的著作中,多样性都是她的中心主题。其中最广为人知的,便是《美国大城市的死与生》(The Death and Life of Great American Cities)[3],以及她在那本书中提出的产生城市多样性的4个条件—一个以上的主要功能;小街块;不同年代的建筑物;密集人口—体现出了这一主题。在这4 个条件之中,正如接下来会看到的那样,若需要为我们的模型提出一种度量差异性程度的指标,我们会发现,“不同年代的建筑物”这一条件—也许有点让人吃惊,是最有希望被选中的。其原因是,尽管“一个以上的主要功能”这一条件确实对城市的多样性产生很大的影响,但它涉及的纯粹只是多样性的产生过程,而没有与我们想在此寻找的那种空间形式有任何明显的联系。另一方面,“小街块”的概念,更多涉及的是可达性,或者更准确来说,是前面提到的在空间句法理论中所涉及的认知上的距离的布局。[4]最后,密集人口的概念很显然涉及的只是通常意义的密度的概念,而这已经得到充分的讨论。“不同年代的建筑物”的概念,从另一方面来看,似乎在根源上与其他条件有所不同。而且乍一看,这一概念本身看起来既是理论上最乏味的,也是最不具可操作性的——我们如何规划出具有不同年代建筑物的城市,或者就此事发展出一套理论呢?但是,这正是我们将要尝试的。




正是这种假设使我们相信,在地块的数量、形状、大小和布局上,我们可以识别出空间形态的一个变量。这个变量与城市多样性有直接关系,并对这种多样性产生直接的影响。此外,我们提出,将某个区域中的地块数量称为该区域的空间容量,即容纳差异的能力。[5-6]其中,更高的容量会更有潜力产生异质化的内容,而更低的容量则更有可能带来同质化的内容。显然,其他因素(例如土地使用法规,或其他空间变量,还有街道的中心性和建筑物密度)也可以覆盖地块系统的空间形态在此所带来的影响,但是在研究中,我们试图隔离开来的,是这个变量给城市实体或过程所带来的特定 影响。


2 多样性与尺度:何为尺度


根据迈克·巴蒂(Mike Batty)的说法,尺度基本上是指两件事,“我们观察城市的分辨率水平,本质上是地图比例,以及不同大小的地点或城市的功能差异级别”。[7]也就是说,尺度可能涉及分辨率或大小,但两者也很容易被混淆。例如,上面列出的所有分类,例如与高度相关的宏观—中观—微观集,通常指分辨率,尤其是在具体城市环境中应用时可以容易地用于大小分类。例如,邻里作为与“区域”或“城市”尺度相关的特定尺度,在我们谈到“邻里”时,我们是在谈论城市的特定分辨率,即放大一个区域,以便我们可以识别更多有关该区域情况的详细信息,但这当然不会使我们所讨论的城市变小或变大。尽管如此,在这个过程中,我们很容易在一开始把特定的邻里想象成一个小城市,也就是说,我们已经改变了城市的尺度,但显然不是这样。


此外,还需要明确我们讨论的尺度的实质是什么。继威尔逊之后,可以说,空间分析人员在分辨率上面临3 方面问题,“需要将相关系统的构成进行界定和分类;其中很多构成部分需要在空间中定位;且其行为需随着时间动态来进行描述”。这导致需要确定尺度的三个特点:可划分性(分类的数量和广度)、空间性(实体所在的区域单元大小)和时间性(为纵向描述和分析提供基础的单位时间长度)。时间解析本身就是一个大问题,因为大多数空间分析简单地排除了时间维度,从而产生了我们所习惯的典型的城市静态描述。原则上来说,这些静态描述是非常不现实的,且对于多数使用此描述的研究得出的结论是有风险的,然而我们在大多数城市研究中用的正是静态描述。另外,在大部分研究中,尺度划分和尺度的空间性都存在。但是,必须跟踪大小和分辨率分别在不同的尺度划分和尺度空间中如何变化,这便再次造成了诸多混淆。划分的实体,即为我们要在空间定位和分析的现象或活动,例如企业可以有不同的规模,也就是说,可以有大型企业和小型企业,但这并不意味着分辨率的变化。然而,我们当然也可以有分类数据的分辨率变化,例如,如何将企业的规模进行分类。举个例子,我们可以使用高分辨率来做到这一点,比如使用绝对员工数量;或者使用较低的分辨率,比如将员工人数进行分组。


正如前面所述,这种不同尺度的角色和功能比较对于正确理解城市如何运作是绝对重要的。例如,在一个尺度上被检测为相对均匀的区域可能另一个尺度上被证明是异质的。此外,对重叠尺度的研究是同样重要的,即地区同时在不同尺度上运转会得到加强或削弱,这证明对我们理解城市现象和进程至关重要。此外,对重叠尺度的研究,即在不同尺度上同时表现的地方,从而被加强或削弱,对我们理解城市现象和过程是至关重要的。关于尺度之间的这种关键的相互作用,例如,雅各布斯对规划者建立自治社区的能力提出批判的立场,因为他们顽固地关注邻里尺度,而忽视了从其与整个城市尺度的关联的角度来正确理解街区的运作。正如在其他地方所详细讨论的,雅各布斯可能是第一个提出需要建立一致的城市系统观点的人,比较著名的是她回答了自己提出的问题:“城市问题为何?:恰是组织复杂性的 问题。”[3]


为了解决上述问题,我们在几个尺度上测量变量,而且重要的是,我们通过出行网络的可达性来测量变量,例如,通过地块或经济活动的可达性 ,这与空间句法早期发展为地方语法分析的路径相一致。为了解决自变量的局部尺度问题,我们选择测量 500m 半径内地块的可达性1,这通常被认为是步行意愿的近似距离。为了解决中观到一定尺度甚至宏观尺度的问题,我们还在1,000m 和2,500m 的半径处增加了测量值。2对于因变量的局部尺度问题,可通过两种不同的分类来解决,第一种分类旨在广泛捕捉城市尺度的经济活动多样性,第二种分类旨在捕获地区级更具体的经济活动(零售)多样性。

3 多样性与分类法:分类法是何意



本文将采用基于OpenStreetMap 和从OSM编码系统提取的两种多样性分类方法。之所以使用OpenStreetMap,是因为可以比较一个国家或多个国家的城市之间的差异。当前我们的研究重点集中于分析一个城市:斯德哥尔摩,但作为更广泛的研究项目的一部分,研究可能将扩展到其他城市。OSM 的类别基于点数据,包括零售与服务、银行、酒店、卫生、教育机构、公共设施、文化与体育设施等类别。另外对零售方面提出了更精细的分类,包括食品店、百货商店、服装店、保健美容店、家居用品店、家具店、电子产品商店、体育用品店、文具店以及书店。基于这些数据,我们提出引入一种多样性:城市层面的多样性(之后可称为总体多样性),以及地区或街道层面的零售多样性。之所以选择零售业作为衡量本地规模多样性的指标,是因为人们普遍认为零售业可以反映城市中与步行相关的经济活动的强度。这两种多样性指数均使用城市研究中常用的辛普森多样性指数计算的,可以很容易地转化为可达性 评价。

4 研究方法


第一步:测定多样性的因变量。多样性的因变量使用辛普森多样性指数进行测定,该指数可以被转换为可达性评价。辛普森多样性指数是衡量城市活动多样性的公认指标,目前的问题是应该将哪些类别包括在内。如前所述,基于OSM 数据,我们提出使用两种多样性分类,分别针对两种城市规模:总体多样性和零售多样性。总体多样性(下文表示为Dgeneral)包括各种基本的城市服务(不包括办公),它们在整个城市中分布得更均匀,而零售多样性(下文表示为Dretail)通常与步行相关的经济活动的强度相关。

表1 / Table 1皮尔森相关系数的概要统计。对于每个子模型,更高的相关性系数会被加粗。 / Summary of Pearson's correlations. Higher correlations per sub-model are marked in bold来源: 作者提供 / Source: Provided by the author

两个多样性指数(Dgeneral and Dretail)用于计算并衡量为500m 半径内的可达性。首先,计算每个单独类别的可达性,其次计算所有类别的可达性,然后将所得的值计算辛普森多样性指数(D=Σ(n/N)2)3,其中n 是每个类别中活动的量,N是所有活动的总数。

第二步:衡量差异性的自变量。差异性变量可以用更简明的术语描述为地块大小,或者在可达性相关的术语中描述为地块的可达数量,因为当地块较小时,它们通常会很多。因此,根据上述讨论,差异性变量将按照每个地址点的地块可达性绝对数量进行度量,根据几个尺度或半径分为:500m、1,000m 以及2,500m 的步行距离,在下文中将被表示为地块的可达数量或可达性(Aplot500, Aplot1000 and Aplot2500)。


利用基于质心的聚类方法生成多尺度的中心性的街道类型,以基于街道路段之间的中心性根据不同的尺度4对其进行分类。聚类分析得出了5 种类型的中心性,其中只有两种类型(“城市”和“邻里”)的观察结果纳入了我们的分析之中,因为在其他3 种类型中几乎没有发现经济活动。街道类型“城市”包括在更大尺度之间的中心性增加的街道路段,“邻里”街道路段的之间的中心性在大多数尺度范围内始终较高,但在大多数本地尺度上明显下降。

建筑密度的类型将使用聚类分析法,基于两个输入变量:容积率(Floor Space Index ,FSI) 和 建 筑 密 度(Ground Space Index,GSI),在500m 步行距离内测量。聚类产生了6 种密度类型,其中选择两种类型进行分析,因为与选中的两种街道类型相似,只有其中两种类型与大量的经济活动相关。选中的两种密度类型为:“密集中高层”(城市中心FSI 和GSI 值最高的组合)和“紧凑中高层”(相比之下,其FSI 与GSI 的值略低)。

这些控制变量得出了4 个子模型(两种街道类型x 三种密度类型,见图1),这让我们可以评估总体或零售多样性与不同尺度下地块可达性之间的相互关系(见图1)。



5 统计分析的结果

若对总体多样性与地块的可达性进行相关性分析,在子模型“Södermalm”以及“城市”这种街道类型中(除了子模型“城市+密集中高层”),在更大的半径范围(Aplot2500)内,相关性会更高。 在街道类型“邻里”与密度类型“紧凑中高层”的组合中,若半径范围较小(Aplot500),与地块类型的相关性就会变 小(表1A)。





其中一个最值得注意的案例是,尽管通常可以通过地块可达性来很好地预测零售业的多样性,但其中有个令人惊讶的例外是,繁忙的购物街Birger Jarlsgatan(地图上的棕色),其多样性低于预期。因此,我们可以得出结论,这条街上可能还存在其他因素影响着零售多样化。然而,经过仔细观察,我们意识到这是一条高档时装购物街。这再次强调了对尺度和类别关注的必要性。虽然Birger Jarlsgatan 拥有高档时装业集群,其经济活动的总体多样性不太可能沿着它出现,但其周围的五金店并不多,因为大多数商店都在出售时尚服装。但是,如果我们能对多样性进行更细粒度的分析,把仅出售服装的零售店也纳入考虑范围,Birger Jarlsgatan 将可能表现出很高的多样性。讨论尚为时过早,需要进一步研究,但其强调了多样性研究中尺度和分类的核心问题。

6 结 论




尽管还没有定论,但这些观察结果确实支持了我们的假设,即地块数量(差异性变量)与城市多样性之间存在重要的联系。这是一个重要的发现。它需要得到进一步和更全面的 研究。

图2 / Figure 2两个子模型的残差值地图:Södermalm和“邻里+紧凑中高层” / Map of residuals for two sub-models: Södermalm and Neighbourhood + Dense mid-rise


Spatial Configuration Of Plot Systems And Urban Diversity:

Empirical support for a differentiation variable in spatial morphology

Lars Marcus, Evgeniya Bobkova

1 Introduction: A Theory of Spatial Capacity

The central variables in any urban model are distance and attraction (Wilson, 2000). Space syntax research has contributed to the development of new geometric descriptions and measures of distance that have broken new ground, not least when it comes to capturing pedestrian movement . However, the description and measurement of attractions has not been central to the field.

In an earlier paper we interpreted attractions as additional variables of spatial form to distance in the form of density and diあerentiation, where the first was related to buildings and the second to plot systems. In this paper we specifically address the far less studied variable of differentiation. Earlier studies have shown strong indications that there is a correlation between the degree of land division into plots (parcels) and the diversity of socio-economic content, such as residents and economic activity. Building on this, we here present results from an extensive empirical study in Stockholm, aiming to pave the way towards a spatial variable of differentiation in spatial morphology, with direct impact on socio-economic diversity. The investigation concerns a correlation analysis between, on the one hand, measures of plot systems configuration, and on the other hand, diversity models of economic activity.

The origin of much debate on diversity in cities is of course the writings of Jane Jacobs, for whom diversity was the central theme throughout all of her texts on cities. Most famously it is spelled out in ‘the Death and Life of Great American Cities’ and the four conditions for generating diversity in cities that she famously proposed in that book: more than one primary function; short blocks; buildings of varying age; and dense concentration of people (Jacobs, 1961). Of these, as we shall see, we will actually find the condition buildings of varying age to be, perhaps a bit surprisingly, the most promising from our current perspective of the need to develop a measure of diあerentiation for our model. The reason is that while the condition more than one primary function certainly has a strong influence on the degree of diversity in cities, it rather deals with pure programming of diversity than having any obvious connection to spatial form of the kind that we are looking for here. The notion of short blocks, on the other hand, rather deals with accessibility, or quite exactly the configuration of cognitive distances dealt with in space syntax theory as discussed above. Finally, the notion of dense concentration of people clearly concerns the idea of density in general and as such has already been thoroughly discussed (Berghauser Pont & Marcus 2014). The notion of buildings of varying age, on the other hand, seems principally diあerent from the others and at first sight presents itself, perhaps, as the one of both least theoretical interesting and least practically applicable - how do we plan cities with buildings of varying age or, for that matter, build a theory around such a thing. However, that is exactly what we shall attempt.

The trap here is to cling to the idea of buildings as things rather than as processes. A shift to the latter implies a shift from the spaces that buildings create to the spaces in which buildings evolve, that is, the different domains defined property rights that we call plots. These are spaces that are institutionally defined rather than physically defined, but even so they undoubtedly represent a central and common category of spaces in cities. If we start to think about it we realise how fundamental such division of space into several separate spaces is in any architectural endeavour - what is architecture if not the art of dividing space by walls - where the primary rationale behind this exactly is the aim to generate diversity, that is, generate discrete spaces for separate and diあerent categories of ‘things’ or activities; this clearly is the major rationale behind the division of buildings into separate rooms for instance.

It therefore seems well founded to see the horizontal division of land, whether defined physically or institutionally, as a fundamental spatial technique whereby one can support an increase in diあerentiation in a similar manner to how the vertical addition of floor-space is a fundamental technique in increasing density. If we more specifically introduce this concept to a model of urban spatial form, we can make the following argument. The particular domain of the plot, as a piece of land defined by a specific set of property rights, represents the presence in the city of an actor in the form of its owner or proprietor or the like, which, furthermore, entails a very precise location of the activities of that actor in urban space (Marcus 2010; Bobkova et al., 2017). It is within this particular domain the specific actor is free to act, as long as keeping within the framework set by diあerent institutions, for instance, the local planning regulations or the particular property rights of the concerned piece of land.

Such actors, furthermore, will normally develop a particular strategy for the further development and maintenance of their property. An area with comparatively many plots therefore seems to have the potential to carry more such actors and thereby more strategies for the development and maintenance of its plots than an area with comparatively few plots, and this, most likely, will also imply a greater diversity of such strategies. In the end, such an area seems to have the potential to more easily develop a diverse content than the area with comparatively few plots and hence few actors and strategies. Consequently, it seems to be exactly this division of land and the subsequent creation of potential diversity in actors and strategies that over time can generate a greater variety in the building stock, that is, Jacobs’ notion of buildings of varying age.

It is this hypothesis that makes us believe that we in the number, shape, size and configuration of plots can identify a variable of spatial form with a direct relation and influence on urban diversity. Moreover, we propose that the number of plots in an area can be called the spatial capacity of that area, that is, the capacity to carry diあerences, where a high capacity creates a greater potential for a heterogeneous content, while a low capacity does the same for a more homogenous content (Marcus, 2000; 2003; 2010; Bobkova et al. 2017ab). Obviously other factors like landuse regulations or other spatial variables, such as street centrality and building density, certainly can override the eあect of the spatial form of plot systems here, but what we are trying to isolate in our study is the particular influence of this variable on urban entities or processes.

In the following we will present an empirical study that relates different kinds of diversity as dependent variables to the independent variable of diあerentiation measured as accessibility to plots. The outline of the paper is as follows. In the next two sections, theoretical complications behind measuring socio-economic diversity will be presented, with particular focus on the issues of scale and categorization. These sections will provide the support for the choices made for the empirical tests presented next. Thereafter, we will present a methodological overview of the empirical study, including: (1) how to measure the dependent variable of socio-economic diversity, (2) how to measure the independent variable of spatial diあerentiation, (3) how to address the issue of scale, (4) how to construct the statistical models that allow for isolation of the diあerentiation variable, and (4), the description of statistical tests. Thereafter the results from the study will be reported and, in the conclusion finally, the results will be discussed in relation to the theories earlier introduced with suggestions for future research.

2 Diversity and Scale: What We Mean By Scale

The term scale is used in many fields and is often interpreted quite diあerently in one discipline from another. There are also many related concepts like level, resolution, extent, and hierarchy, often used as replacements or synonyms. In studies on cities, not least, there is a wide range of references to scale, which also have given rise to a variety of categorisations, such as "local-global", "micromeso-macro", "neighbourhood-district-city-region". However, these terms are by rule vague due to their intrinsic relative nature. They typically are defined in relation to each other for a particular case and what is understood as, for instance, "local" varies from city to city. Together this makes scale one of the most easily confused concepts in the study of cities. This is problematic since choice of scale fundamentally influences both analysis and interpretation in any study of urban modelling or spatial analysis.

According to Mike Batty, we by scale basically mean two things: “the level of resolution at which we observe the city, which is essentially map scale, and the level of functional differentiation that takes place in different sizes of location or city” (Batty, 2005). That is, scale can concern resolution or size but these two are easily confused. All the categorisations listed above, for example, such as the highly relative macro-meso-micro set, typically refer to resolution but can easily be taken for categories of size, not least when applied in concrete urban settings. For instance, when speaking about "neighbourhood", as a particular scale in relation to "district" or "city" scale, we speak about a particular resolution of cities, that is, we zoom in on an area so that we can identify more detail about what is going on there, but this does of course not make the city where we do this smaller or larger. Still, it is an operation where it is easy to begin thinking about the particular neighbourhood as a small city, that is, that we have changed size of the city, but this is obviously not the case.

The immediate risk here of slipping into some overarching, grander or more abstract city that easily takes on life of its own, is encouraged by the fact that we often speak of scales as hierarchies. In Alan Wilson’s words: “Scale is a form of hierarchy and clarity of vision in this respect is critical” (Wilson 2000). A typical case is the categorisation of urban phenomena into micro, meso and macro scale, which conceptually imply, even though we know that it is not true, that there is a series of cities, so to speak, on top of each other. Once again, upon reflection we instantly realise that this is nonsense, but even so, conceptually the slip has already been made and it is diきcult to keep in mind that we do not really mean what we say. For instance, when the introducers of the new spatial economy talk about centrifugal and centripetal forces on the concentration of economic activity in cities (Fujita et al., 1999), we are enticed to envision these as some kind of macro scale forces hovering over cities. In reality, these are forces that analytically are identified on an aggregated macro scale, but that is certainly not where they are acted out. On the contrary, such forces, while leaving distinct traces on aggregated level, are by necessity rooted in human everyday activity on the micro scale.

Moreover, we also need to keep our vision clear concerning what entity it is that we discuss the scale of. Following Wilson (2000), we can say that spatial analysts face the question of resolution in three ways: “entities that are components of systems of interest have to be defined and categorised; many of them have to be located in space; and their behaviour has to be described over time”. This leads to three aspects of scale necessary to decide on: “sectorial (number and breadth of categories), spatial (size of area units within which entities are to be located) and temporal (length of time units which provide the basis for longitudinal description and analysis)”. Temporal resolution constitutes a big issue in itself in that most spatial analyses simply leave out the time dimension, giving rise to the typically static descriptions of cities that we have grown accustomed to. In principle, these are highly unrealistic and for most uses risky to draw conclusions on, however, that is exactly what we do in most studies of cities. The sectorial and spatial aspects, on the other hand, are in most studies there. However, it is important to keep track of how both size and resolution can vary in both, once again, creating many reasons for confusion. Sectorial entities, that is, phenomena or activities that we want to locate and analyse in space, for instance businesses, can vary in size, that is, we can have large businesses and small businesses, which does not imply variations in resolution. However, we can certainly also have variations in resolution of sectorial data, for instance, in how we categorise size in businesses. We can do that with high resolution using, for instance, absolute number of employees, or with a lower resolution where we, for instance, group the number of employees into bundles.

If we want to discuss spatial size, on the other hand, we need another way of entry. First of all, we need to be absolutely clear about what it is that we want to analyse the size of and, second, from what point of view we define size. For instance, if we want to compare the size of one neighbourhood to another, in principle comparing one spatial unit to another, we can of course do this simply by comparing the size of the individual units, for example by measuring their area. Such comparison, however, is in most cases likely to be rather uninformative and quite arbitrary. More interesting, it seems, is to measure size in some systemic way, not least given the predominance of systems views of cities in contemporary research. This would concern to somehow measure the size of impact or importance of the individual spatial unit on the system as a whole, for instance, the role of the individual neighbourhood on the whole district or city. It could, for example, concern the relative distance from the individual spatial unit to all other spatial units, where a short such distance could be argued to represent a strategic location and be interpreted as one way of measuring the individual unit’s systemic size. Moreover, such analysis could be conducted within diあerent distance radii of the individual spatial unit, for instance set by metric distance. Such radii could, in turn, be used as definitions of analysis at diあerent scales, but now we really need to keep track of what we are doing. Are these definitions of scale of size or scale of resolution? Most interestingly, they are definitions of scale of size and therefore extremely useful. The scale of resolution is defined by the choice of spatial unit, not by radii as we have defined it. These radii, therefore, open for the valuable possibility to compare the individual spatial units’ role and function at diあerent scales of size!

As already touched upon, such comparison of role and function at different scales of size is absolutely central for a proper understanding of how cities work. For instance, an area detected as relatively homogeneous at one scale may prove to be quite heterogeneous at another. Moreover, it is not least enquiries of overlapping scales, that is, where localities simultaneously perform on different scales and thereby are reinforced or weakened, that prove critical for our understanding of urban phenomena and processes. Concerning this critical interplay between scales, Jacobs, for instance, took a critical position to planners’ ability to establish self-governing neighbourhoods, given their stubborn focus on the neighbourhood scale and negligence in putting it in relation to the over-all city scale for a proper understanding of the functioning of neighbourhoods. As discussed thoroughly elsewhere, Jacobs was probably the first to argue the need of a consistent systems view of cities, famously answering her own question: What kind of a problem is a city?: “Cities happen to be problems in organized complexity” (Jacobs, 1961).

To summarise, proper spatial analyses of urban phenomena in most cases necessitate having a multi-scale approach that covers, for instance, micro-, meso- and macro-studies, in order to get the full perspective and especially there is a need to move between scales looking for interrelations and reinforcements or lack thereof. More specifically, if we accept the presumption in urban economics that diversity leads to regional urban growth (Glaeser et al., 1992; 2001), the issue of what scale we are referring to when we speak of diversity in the city is critical. Most likely such growth is due to interaction between scales more than anything. Not least, this is important for policy and concrete interventions in urban planning and design. For instance, urban design is normally understood to concern primarily the local scale but through better knowledge about the interaction between scales urban design can perhaps be proven to indirectly influence also other scales. Conversely, to achieve aims on the local scale, interventions on other scales might be necessary. In this regard, hierarchical analysis covering neighbourhood, district and city scale, suggests itself as critical.

To address the issues described above we measure our variables at several scales, and importantly, we measure them as accessibility through the movement network, for instance, as accessibility to plots or economic activity , in line with earlier developments of space syntax analysis into place syntax analysis. To address the local scale of the independent variable, we choose to measure accessibility to plots within a 500m radius, which is commonly recognized as an approximate distance for the willingness to walk (Gehl, 2010). To address the meso and, to a certain extent, the global scale, we also add measures at a radius of 1,000m and 2,500m. For the dependent variable, scale is addressed by applying two diあerent categorisations, where the first is aimed to broadly capture diversity in economic activity at the urban scale, and the second to capture more specific diversity in economic activity (retail) on the district level. The problem of categorisation in diversity is discussed in the next section.

3 Diversity And Categorisation: What We Mean By Categorisation

Fundamental for any type of spatial analysis is the development or choice of a satisfying system of classification (Harvey 1969; Wilson, 2000). As in most empirical studies, spatial analysis studies present a rich set of individualities that needs to be sorted one way or another to be accessible for adequate study, what was called sectorial entities by Wilson above. Such a classification depends on the aims of the enquiry, where the very same individuals can be sorted very diあerently depending on these aims. Hence, the development of an adequate classification system requires great precision. At the same time, this has proven to be one of the most diきcult tasks in spatial analysis. Generally speaking, classification is regarded as “the basic procedure by which we impose some sort of order and coherence upon the vast inflow of information from the real world”, and [It is] “regarded as a means for structuring reality to test hypothesis” (Harvey, 1969). This implies that the adequacy of a classification system cannot be evaluated independently of the purpose of the study. The importance of a primary question or a presupposed hypothesis is often stated, in order to have a proper interrelationship between theory and classification (Harvey, 1969). In extension of this, as emphasised by Wilson, one should be aware that: “there is no absolutely right way to do categorization” (Wilson, 2000).

In our particular case, the need of a clear classification arises from the aim of analysing and measuring diversity in urban space. The principles behind the choice of classes, the number of classes, as well as their attributes, will all have crucial eあects on the final diversity values. For example, if we measure the diversity in an area concerning primary functions, for instance, divided into residential and working populations, this will be very different from the same areas diversity concerning economic sectors, such as oきcial, commercial and industrial sectors. Moving down the hierarchy, measuring the diversity in, for example, the commercial sector, and more specifically retailing, which, for instance, can be classified and sorted based on the type of goods oあered, such as clothes, shoes and furniture, this will yield diあerent values yet. This means that an area can have a high diversity and a low diversity at the same time, all depending on the classification used.

In this paper we will use two types of diversity classification that is based on OpenStreetMap and extracted from OSM coding system. The reason of using OpenStreetMap, is justified by the possibility to compare diあerences between cities within one country or in several countries. Our current study focuses on analysing one city of Stockholm, but has the ambition to be potentially extended to other cities as a part of larger research project. OSM categories are based on point data and include such categories as retail and services, food, banks, hotels, health, education, public facilities, culture and sports. It also proposes more fine-grain categorisation of retail activities, that include food and department stores, clothes, health and beauty, households, furniture, electronics, sport and stationary and books. Based on this data we propose to introduce to kind of diversity: diversity on the city level (further referred to as general diversity), and retail diversity on district or street level. The choice of retail as a measure of local scale diversity, is justified by the fact that it is generally recognized to indicate the intensity of pedestrian-related economic activities in cities (Scoppa & Peponis, 2015; Sevtsuk, 2014; Sevtsuk, 2010; Sevtsuk, 2010; Krafta, 1996). Both diversity indices are calculated using Simpson Diversity Index, that is commonly used in urban studies (Talen, 2008), and can be easily translated into accessibility measure.

4 Methodology

The general methodological steps include measuring the dependent variable of diversity (1), measuring the independent variable of diあerentiation (2), constructing sub-models by controlling variables of street centrality and building density (3), linking data on dependent and independent variables in one model (4), and finally, statistical analysis of co-variation between independent variable of diあerentiation and dependent variable of diversity (5).

Step 1. Measuring general and retail diversity

The dependent variable of diversity is measured using Simpson Diversity Index that is translated into an accessibility measure. Simpson Diversity Index is a generally recognized indicator for measuring diversity of urban activities (Talen, 2008), and our question at hand is what categories should be included. As described earlier, it is proposed to use two categorisations of diversity based on OSM data, that address two urban scales: general diversity and retail diversity. General diversity (referred further as Dgeneral), includes all kinds of basic urban services (excluding offices) that are more evenly distributed across the city, and retail diversity (referred further as Dretail) is usually associated with the intensity of pedestrian-related economic activities in vital city centers (Scoppa & Peponis, 2015; Sevtsuk, 2014; Sevtsuk, 2010; Sevtsuk, 2010; Krafta, 1996).

Two diversity indices (Dgeneral and Dretail) are calculated and measured as accessibility within a 500m radius. First, accessibility to each separate category is calculated, second, accessibility to the total number of categories is calculated, and then the resulting numbers are used to calculate Simpson Diversity Index (D=Σ(n/N)2) , where n is the number of activities within each category, and N is the total number of all activities.

Step 2. Measuring independent variable of diあerentiation

The differentiation variable can in more simple terms be described as plot size, or, in accessibility terms, as the accessible number of plots, because if plots are smaller, they typically are many (Bobkova, 2017a). Hence, the diあerentiation variable is measured as the absolute number of plots accessible from every single address point, across several scales or radii, according to the discussion above: 500m, 1000m and 2500m walking distance, and is further referred to as the accessible number of plots or accessibility to plots (Aplot500, Aplot1000 and Aplot2500).

Step 3. Constructing sub-models by controlling for street centrality and building density

To evaluate how the variable of diあerentiation is related to the two diあerent kinds of diversity, two other variables of spatial form (street centrality and building density) have to be controlled for. Typologies of both streets according to centrality and buildings according to density has been analytically generated in earlier research that here is used in our selection of locations from which our variables are measured (Berghauser Pont et al., in review) so that these variables remain constant.

Multi-scalar centrality street types were generated using centroid-based clustering to classify street segments based on their individual betweenness centrality profile through different scales (Berghauser Pont, et al., in review). The cluster analysis resulted in five centrality types, where only observations from two of these ("City"and "Neighbourhood") have been included in our analysis, because in the other three types economic activity was hardly found at all. The street type "City" includes street segments of increasing betweenness centrality at higher scales and "Neighbourhood" has segments with consistently high betweenness across most scales, but dropping clearly at the most local scales (ibid.).

Building density types were developed using cluster analysis (Berghauser Pont et al., 2017), based on two input variables: Floor Space Index (FSI) and Ground Space Index (GSI) (Berghauser Pont & Haupt, 2010), measured within 500m walking distance. The clustering generated six density types, of which two types were selected for our analysis, because, similarly to the two selected street types, only these were associated with a substantial number of economic activities. The two selected density types were "Dense midrise" (the highest combination of FSI and GSI characteristic for city centres) and "Compact mid-rise" (slightly lower FSI and GSI values compared to "Dense mid-rise").

Including these control variables gives us 4 sub-models (two street types x three density types, see figure 1), that allows us to evaluate co-relation between general or retail diversity and accessibility to plots at diあerent scales (figure 1).

Step 4. Linking data on dependent and independent variable

A layer of address points for Stockholm is used to join all the components (streets, buildings, plots and activities), and link their properties in one model. The choice of using the address points is justified by the fact that a plot or a building typically can be associated with diあerent street segments. Here, plots and buildings are linked to the streets from where one can enter it, which is represented by the address point (Berghauser Pont et al., in review).

Step 5. Statistical analysis

First, bivariate Pearson’s correlations are run, where accessibility to plots at three scales is correlated both with general and retail diversity. Because our independent variables are highly collinear, multiple regression models are not run, since linear regression for only one variable only would show the similar results as the Pearson’s correlation results. Nevertheless, we still run linear regressions for the sub-models with the highest correlation on the next step, in order to map residual values. They allow to evaluate underpredicted or overpredicted values, if there is any other spatial variable besides plots not included in our analysis, that influences higher or lower diversity in particular area.

5 Results Of Statistical Analysis

When general diversity is correlated with accessibility to plots, correlation generally gets higher at higher radii (Aplot2500) in sub-model "Södermalm" as well as in street type "City", except the sub-model "City + Density type Dense Mid-rise". In Street type "Neighbourhood" combined with Density type "compact mid-rise", the correlation with plot types gets lower at the lower radii (table 1A).

When retail diversity is correlated with accessibility to plots, correlation generally gets higher at lower radii (Aplot500), for all sub-models except "Neighbourhood + Compact Mid-rise" (table 1B).

We may conclude here, that retail diversity indeed corresponds better to accessibility to plots measured locally, and highlights the location of pedestrian-oriented urban centres found in the city. At the same time, our earlier argument that general diversity is more evenly distributed across the city, is supported by the finding that it is correlated better with accessibility to plots at larger radii. However, any conclusions here are still premature. There is need for further investigation, not least through similar analysis in other cities.

Our key interest is the correlation between the accessibility to plots and retail diversity, because, as mentioned before, retail clusters are often recognised as indicating the location of pedestrian-friendly urban centres. Hence, in the next step we look specifically at the sub-models with the highest correlation between accessibility to plots and retail diversity and then run linear regression models. This is done in order to see if there is a problem with spatial correlation in the data, which cannot be explained by the model. Mapping residual values then allows to see if there are concentrations of observed values on the map that are over-predicted or under-predicted, which would mean that there are other spatial variables in our sub-model that override our explanation of retail diversity through accessibility to plots. Hence, we proceed and run linear regression analysis for the sub-model ‘Neighbourhood + Dense Mid-rise’ (R2=0,194, p<0,05) and mapping residual values (figure 2).

The map of residual values (figure 2), shows whether there are any problems of spatial auto-correlation in the data by highlighting the concentrations of under- or over-predicted residual values. Underpredicted values (figure 2, brown), mean that the observed value (retail diversity) in the area is lower than predicted by the accessibility to plots. In turn, overpredicted values (figure 2, green) show that observed values are higher than expected. Yellow areas on the maps (figure 2) show that observed values are relatively well predicted. Clustered areas of over- or underpredicted values are useful for the interpretation of the results, because they highlight the areas where it might be that some other conditions, spatial or other, besides accessibility to plots contribute to higher or lower retail diversity in the area than expected according to our model.

A case of principal interest is that even though retail diversity is generally well predicted by accessibility to plots, a surprising exception is the busy shopping street Birger Jarlsgatan (brown on the map), where diversity is found to be lower than expected. We may therefore conclude that there may be some other condition influencing retail diversity along this street. On closer scrutiny however, we realise that this is a street for high fashion retail, which again highlights the necessary concern for scale and categorisation. While general diversity of economic activity is unlikely along Birger Jarlsgatan with its high fashion cluster, neither is it very diverse in retail, there are not many hard ware stores around, since most shops carry fashion clothes. However, if we would make an even more fine-grained analysis of diversity, concerning only retail that carry clothes, Birger Jarlsgatan is likely to demonstrate a very high diversity. This discussion is yet premature and calls for further studies, but it draws attention to the central issue of scale and categorisation in studies of diversity.

6 Conclusion

The aim of this paper was twofold, first, to present and test empirically potential link between urban diversity and the variable of diあerentiation (plots) and second, to present the whole complexity of measuring diversity, that is related to the interconnected issues of scale and categorisation. In order to deal with these two problems, we proposed that scalar issue can be tackled by introducing diあerent kinds of diversity, in our case general (global) and retail diversity (local). In addition, we proposed to correlate it with the variable of differentiation across several spatial scales. In order to control our tests for possible influence of building density and street centrality on the results, we introduced several sub-models, where within each sub-model, these two other spatial variables remain constant.

As it was shown by Pearson’s correlations, areas that have higher general diversity values (access to variety of basic services) are indeed better correlated with accessibility to plots at higher radii, while areas that have higher retail diversity values (access to variety of retail services) correlate better with accessibility to plots on lower radii. This finding can further serve as a starting point, to conduct a more extensive study of similar kind, but across several cities.

In addition, when we investigated distribution of retail diversity in more detail, by focusing on one of the sub-models and mapping residual values from linear regression, it was found, that retail diversity of some particular areas cannot be explained by the higher number of plots present in the area. We suggested then, that there is possibly a necessity to introduce diversity measure at even finer scale, by introducing categorisation within one particular kind of retail: fashion stores.

While still far from conclusive, these observations do support our hypothesis that there is an important connection between the number of plots (differentiation variable) and urban diversity; an important finding that calls for further and more comprehensive investigation.

太空探索(2016年5期)2016-07-12 15:17:55