MiYiSuo 016: Mirror installation in Huaxi LIVE, Wukesong, Beijing, China
赵志阳 / Zhao Zhiyang
赵志阳 (中国建筑设计研究院)
Zhao Zhiyang, China Architecture & Research Group, China
赵志阳. 弥异所016:北京五棵松华熙LIVE镜面装置[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 48-49.
ZHAO Z. MiYiSuo 016: Mirror Installationn in Huaxi LIVE, Wukesong, Beijing, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 48-49.
Received Date: September 25, 2019
以抽象化的“LIVE” 图形为设计基础的镜面装置构成了五棵松华熙商业区的入口标识。不锈钢镜面隐藏于每个装置的内侧,并通过不同的弯曲处理造成了奇特的成像条件,从而引发了路人偶发的、多样化的互动行为。
The mirror installation based on the abstracted "LIVE" graphics constitute the entrance sign of the Huaxi commercial district. Stainless mirrors are hidden in the inside of each installation, and the fancy mirror images are caused by diあerent bending treatments, which leads to the sporadic and diverse interaction behaviors of passers-by.
Every day, a large number of people come and go here, so the pedestrian flow here is extremely strong. However, the comfortable scales of the site and devices and the defined spaces provide passers-by with a possibility to stop at a comfortable place to interact with the mirror installation. The mirror's implicit treatment did not aあect the normal passage of pedestrians, but added an unintentional surprise.
The mirror installations are located at the south entrance area of Huaxi LIVE, Wukesong, Haidian District, Beijing.
MiYiSuo 017: Mist at Tianzifang, Shanghai, China
高英洲 / GAO Yingzhou
GAO Yingzhou , Tsinghua University, China
高英洲. 弥异所017:上海田子坊雾景[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 50-51.
Gao Y. MiYiSuo 017: Mist at Tianzifang, Shanghai, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 50-51.
Received Date: September 25, 2019
在狭窄的弄堂里、琳琅满目的商店橱窗之间、炎热的太阳之下,浓浓的水雾弥漫在头顶和眼前,水滴飘到鼻尖上、脸颊上,让人在夏日和人群中得到了宽恕和救赎。 古旧的街巷被雾气模糊,古老的气氛和自然的现象融合,天空的混沌与地表的丰富亦相得益彰。
In hot summer, mist will be sprayed out in Tianzifang to cool the tourists down. Although it is a normal method, the narrow alley makes the mist extremely dense, just like rain cloud.
In the narrow alley, between the interesting windows, under the torrid sun, the mist appears over and in front of tourists. The drops fluttering on the nose and cheek offer the redemption. The old alley is blurred by the mist. Classical quality conbines with natural atomosphere. Sky in chaos and facade in abundance strengthen each other.
Tianzifang is a tourist attraction in Shanghai, where is famous for the old-town quality and various small trades. Because of the scale, the designs turn to be very decent.
右图图片来源:黄冰冰 摄于2018年8月
MiYiSuo 018: The Hanging Canal Passing Through The Building, Chongqing, China
张 琳 / ZHANG Lin
上图图片来源:涪陵发布 http://www.sohu.com/a/237277663_99965024
张琳 (清华大学)
ZHANG Lin , Tsinghua University, China
张琳. 弥异所018:重庆穿楼而过的空中运河[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 52-53.
ZHANG L. MiYiSuo 018: The hanging canal passing through the building, Chongqing, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 52-53.
Received Date: September 25, 2019
作为高架桥上的空中运河、穿楼而过的室内运河、穿公园而过的水中运河,除了它自身特殊的空间形式,它的空间地理位置也具有一定优势— 它建于距重庆主城60km 的国家AAA 级景区内,与其他几处景区内的网红场所形成集聚效应,吸引了大批家庭出行的游客到此游玩。
The artificial canal is nearly 5 km long. It was built along the Bank of Lixiangxi in the early stage, and gradually evolved into today's shape.
On the canal more than 10m away from the ground, tourists float along the river by boat; a tunnel is opened in the middle of a building to let the canal pass through; the road is below, and the high-rise building is overhead, as if people are in a fantasy dream.
As the canal on the overpass, the indoor canal passing through the building and the river flowing past the water park, in addition to its own special spatial form, its geographical location also has certain advantages. It was built in the national 3A level scenic spot 60 km away from the main city area, with the agglomeration effect formed by the celebrity places in other scenic spots, attracting a large number of family tourists
The hanging canal passing through the building is located in Meixin red wine town, Linshi Town, Fuling District, Chongqing.
右图图片来源:中国青年网 http://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1603844108796717901&wfr=spider&for=pc
MiYiSuo 019: Big Steps of Xiling Snow Mountain, Chengdu, China
卞一之 / BIAN Yizhi
上图图片来源:卞一之 摄于2018年1月25日
卞一之 (清华大学)
BIAN Yizhi , Tsinghua University, China
卞一之. 弥异所019:成都西岭雪山大台阶[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 54-55.
BIAN Y. MiYiSuo 019: Big steps of Xiling Snow Mountain, Chengdu, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 54-55.
Received Date: September 25, 2019
唐代大诗人杜甫盛赞此景,写下了“ 窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船” 的绝句。西岭千秋雪也因此成了中国人心中的一个共同记忆,大台阶则为此提供了一个非常好的物理观景空间,与人们内心的空间形成呼应。
西岭雪山,位于四川省成都市大邑县境内,距成都95km,总面积483km2,属世界自然遗产、大熊猫栖息地、AAAA 级旅游景区、国家重点风景名胜区。
Miaojiling, the highest peak in Xiling Snow Mountain area, is 5,364m above the sea level. It is the peak in Chengdu.The large steps are located on the way to the peak. The steps are designed in diあerent sizes for people to walk or rest.
Du fu, a great poet of Tang dynasty, praised this scene and wrote down the quatrains of "the window contains the snow of Xiling mountains, and the gate stops the ship of thousands of miles from Dongwu".Xiling qianqiu snow has therefore become a common memory in the hearts of Chinese people, and the great steps provide a very good physical viewing space, which echoes people's inner space.
Xiling snow mountain, located in Dayi county of Chengdu, Sichuan province, is only 95 km away from Chengdu, with a total area of 483 km2.
右图图片来源:卞一之 摄于2018年1月25日
MiYiSuo 020: Music Steps of Dayanta Station, Xi 'an, China
卞一之 / BIAN Yizhi
上图图片来源:搜狐—地铁那些事 http://www.sohu.com/a/232249754_429173
通过有趣的设计,原本枯燥无味的楼梯,摇身一变成为了叮当作响的琴键,不同的楼梯踩上去会发出不同的声音,就像用双脚弹奏出了美妙的音乐, 连续走动后会呈现一首完整的钢琴曲。
Through the interesting design, the original boring stairs become piano keys. Diあerent stairs can make different sounds, just like playing a wonderful music with your feet.
卞一之 (清华大学)
BIAN Yizhi , Tsinghua University, China
卞一之. 弥异所020:西安大雁塔地铁站音乐台阶[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 56-57.
BIAN Y. MiYiSuo 020: Music Steps of Dayanta Station, Xi 'an, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 56-57.
Received Date: September 25, 2019
“ 相比坐电梯,我更愿意走这种音乐阶梯,既能锻炼身体,还能感受生活的美,西安给市民的惊喜真是越来越多了。” 以上来自西安赵阿姨的感慨,可见,一个小小的台阶给空间带来了更多的人文内涵。真实的物理空间和虚拟的音乐空间交相呼应,带给市民独特的空间体验。
Compared with taking the elevator, I prefer to walk on the music stairs to exercise and feel the beauty of life. Xi'an is giving us more and more surprises.The feelings above is from aunt Zhao in Xi'an. It can be seen that a small step to the space to bring more cultural connotation.
Music steps is located in Dayanta Station of Xi'an Subway Line 3.
右图图片来源:搜狐—陕西交通广播 http://www.sohu.com/a/243598460_351303
MiYiSuo 021: , Cable Car Over Sea in Nandaihe, Qinghuangdao, China
冉 展 / RAN Zhan
上图图片来源:去哪儿旅行网 http://travel.qunar.com/p-oi704365-nandaihexianluodao-1-4?rank=0
冉展 (清华大学)
RAN Zhan , Tsinghua University, China
冉展. 弥异所021:秦皇岛南戴河海上缆车[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 58-59.
RAN Z. MiYiSuo 021: Cable car over sea in Nandaihe, Qinghuangdao, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 58-59.
Received Date: September 25, 2019
秦皇岛南戴河海上缆车位于秦皇岛市抚宁区环海路1 号。
In order to establish links with offshore islands, The management department of Nandaihe uses an insubstantial form such as cable car to connect the mainland with the outlying islands. It guarantees the convenience of communication and protects the coastline landscape to the greatest extent.
The minimal enclosing method adopted by the cable car provides visitors with the greatest opportunity for exposing to nature. The repetition and rhythm of the cable car itself also provide visitors with a sense of sequence and ritual as they approach the outlying islands.
Qinhuangdao Nandaihe Cable Car is located at No. 1 Huanhai Road, Funing District, Qinhuangdao.
右图图片来源:新浪微博 NikiUll https://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/48af09ecgw1dk1x22vkj9j.jpg
MiYiSuo 022: Taihang Grand Canyon, Linzhou, China
周敬砚 / ZHOU Jingyan
上图图片来源:扬州大哥 http://m.sohu.com/a/233452013_606951
周敬砚 (清华大学)
ZHOU Jingyan , Tsinghua University, China
周敬砚. 弥异所022: 林州太行大峡谷摩天筒梯[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 60-61.
ZHOU J. MiYiSuo 022: Taihang Grand Canyon, Linzhou, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 60-61.
Received Date: November 26, 2019
太行山是中国历史上著名的山脉。在其中一处陡峭的山壁旁,矗立着一座88米高、直径3m 的摩天筒梯。要想继续游览前面的风景,就必须经过这个不断盘旋而上的筒梯。
有人说摩天筒梯是游人们试探胆量的地方。在一步步走上山顶的同时,游客也可以驻足观看美景。朝着同一方向不断旋转的331 步阶梯让人头晕目眩,太行山的美景也尽收眼底。正在攀登的游人向外观看风景,有行走于云霄之感。
Taihang Mountain is a famous mountain range in Chinese. Beside one of the steep mountain walls stands a 88m-high, 3m-diameter super spiral staircase. If you want to continue to visit the scenery ahead, you must pass through this spiral staircase.
Some people say that super spiral staircase are a place where tourists test their courage. While stepping up to the top of the mountain step by step, tourists can also stop to watch the beautiful scenery. The 331 steps rotating in the same direction make people dizzy. Tourists climbing and looking out at the scenery and will feel like walking in the sky.
Super spiral staircase is located in Taihang Grand Canyon in Linzhou City, Henan Province, which is part of Taihang Mountain.
右图图片来源:新浪微博 老崔他闺女小崔 https://wx4.sinaimg.cn/large/005FPzaxly1fqis4xzs7bj31hc1z4npf.jpg
MiYiSuo 023: The Rainbow Bridge, Tangdao Bay, Qingdao, China
江昊懋 / JIANG Haomao
上图图片来源:途牛 https://www.tuniu.com/tour/210212812
江昊懋 (清华大学)
JIANG Haomao , Tsinghua University, China
江昊懋. 弥异所023: 青岛唐岛湾彩虹桥[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 62-63.
JIANG H. MiYiSuo 023: The Rainbow Bridge, Tangdao Bay, Qingdao, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 62-63.
Received Date: November 26, 2019
彩虹桥位于青岛市黄岛区漓江路唐岛湾公园西侧,“ 青岛之眼” 摩天轮旁。
Hundreds of planks rotate at the top of the bridge at a gradual angle rhythmicly. The color changes with the angle of rotation. Against the background of the white railings and the blue sky, the ordinary bridge looks colorful and bright.
This bridge connects the theme park area and the waterfront landscape area of Tangdaowan Park. Its novel and unique form attractes many tourists and guide them to the opposite bank to explore other parts of the park.
The bridge deck is about 5m wide, allowing only pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles to pass, which is comfortable in size.
Rainbow Bridge is located on the west side of Tangdaowan Park on Lijiang Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao, next to the "Eye of Qingdao" Ferris Wheel.
右图图片来源:新浪微博 雄鸡一飞冲天 https://wx4.sinaimg.cn/large/007OECh9ly1g7oyuey65oj30u01fo4 du.jpg
MiYiSuo 024: Bamboo Forest Theatre, Lishui , China
高英洲 / GAO Yingzhou
GAO Yingzhou , Tsinghua University, China
高英洲. 弥异所024: 丽水松阳县竹林剧场[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 64-65.
Gao Y. MiYiSuo 024: Bamboo Forest Theatre, Lishui , China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 64-65.
Received Date: September 25, 2019
毛竹、石头、土壤,一切都是自然的材料。这是DnA 事务所的作品,将毛竹弯曲形成剧场的拱状结构,下用天然石头堆砌成座位。
弯曲的毛竹在形成穹顶的同时,留出了中间一个圆形的天井,宛若自然的万神庙。因为材料全部来自大自然,人们能够感受到活动与自然最大限度的交融。 特色演出的表演者和爱好者闲散地聚集在这里,让场地上的自然、设计以及传统交相辉映。这表现出一种现代化的乡村生活或者说高品质的隐居生活。
松阳是保留十分完整的“ 古典中国”的样板,也有着一流的自然环境,被中国国家地理誉为“ 最后的江南秘境”。
All the material is from nature, including bamboo, stone and sand. This is the work from DnA. Bamboos were bended as archs, and the stones were placed as seats.
Bended bamboos form a dome, with a circle allowing the sunshine in the middle. It is a natural Pantheon. People's activities is totally linked with nature because of material organization. Local acitivities gather the actors and audiences in leisure, balancing the nature, design and tradition. This is a presentation of the modern rural life and elegant seclusion.
Songyang is an paradigm of classical China. Also it is famous for the nature. Songyang is regarded as the last Jiangnan secret land.
MiYiSuo 025: Old Fuzhoudong Railway Station, Fuzhou, China
朱文一 / ZHU Wenyi
朱文一 (清华大学)
ZHU Wenyi , Tsinghua University, China
朱文一. 弥异所025: 福州东老站 [J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 66-67.
ZHU W. MiYiSuo 025: Old Fuzhoudong Railway Station, Fuzhou, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 66-67.
Received Date: October 25, 2019
福州东站如今已经停运,成为乡愁的载体,一处城市中的乡愁点。当一座城市拥有越来越多的乡愁点,不同历史时期的乡愁点交相辉映,这座城市便可以称之为“ 石头的史书”。
网络上的“ 指问福州” 写道:“ 喜欢废弃风格的你,来东站就能分分钟拍出颓废大片刷爆朋友圈。”
There are various forms that can become urban memories. Fuzhoudong Railway Station, as a special historical relic, looks unique today in the era of high-speed rail. The simple platform and simple station sign reveal the traces of history, convey the message of culture, and exude a charming atmosphere.
Fuzhoudong Railway Station has ceased operation and has become a carrier of nostalgia, a nostalgia point in a city. When a city has more and more nostalgia points, which in different historical periods complement each other, the city can be called a "history book of stones".
It is said if you like the abandoned style, you can shoot a decadent blockbuster in the station to blow up your circle of friends in minutes.
Fuzhoudong Railway Station is located near Sanba Road, Jin'an District, Fuzhou.
右图图片来源:新浪微博 我不是祢的夜猫 https://s.weibo.com/pic?q=%E7%A6%8F%E5%B7%9E%E4%B8%9C%E7%81%AB%E8%BD%A6%E7%AB%99&Refer=weibo_pic
MiYiSuo 026: Unfinished Building, Huandao Road, Xiamen, China
张 琳 / ZHANG Lin
上图图片来源:小糖人 http://www.mafengwo.cn/photo/poi/59188308_411348528.html
张琳 (清华大学)
ZHANG Lin , Tsinghua University, China
张琳. 弥异所026: 厦门环岛路烂尾楼[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 68-69.
ZHANG L. MiYiSuo 026: Unfinished building, Huandao Road, Xiamen, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 68-69.
Received Date: September 25, 2019
这是厦门本地的一个没有建成的烂尾楼,后来慢慢的也开始有人在这里拍照。烂尾楼在曾厝 附近,交通便利。乘坐公交车坐公交到曾山站,沿着厦大的反方向,步行700m,约10 分钟即可到达。这处地方没有名字,找不到来历,甚至不允许进入,却靠口耳相传成为新晋网红打卡地。这里宛若无人之境,吸引了大批文青及摄影师自发地来此拍人像摄影。
Accompanied with a sense of desolation, the white unfinished building, coupled with ruins of the simple staircase, is a niche and good-looking location, known as the ruins version of Monument Valley. There are several elements like seascape, ruins and geometric architecture here; so shooting nice photos is easier.
This is an uncompleted building in Xiamen. It is near Zengcuo'an district. Traffic transportation here is convenient. Take the bus to Zengshan station and Walk 700m in the opposite direction of Xiamen University, in about 10 minutes' time, you will arrive there. This place has no name, and people can not find the origin. They even are not allowed to enter. But it has become a new celebrity place by word of mouth. It attracts a lot of young people and photographers to take portraits here spontaneously.
Unfinished building is located near the Zengshan bus station, Huandao Road, Xiamen, Fujian Province.
右图图片来源:雪花 (三明) http://www.mafengwo.cn/i/10851366.html
MiYiSuo 027: Rainbow Rooftop, Shenzhen, China
杨艺瑶 / YANG Yiyao
上图图片来源:深圳第一 http://www.sohu.com/a/285805922_355786
杨艺瑶 (清华大学)
YANG Yiyao , Tsinghua University, China
杨艺瑶. 弥异所027: 深圳彩虹天台[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 70-71.
YANG Y. MiYiSuo 027: Rainbow rooftop, Shenzhen , China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 70-71.
Received Date: September 25, 2019
深圳彩虹天台位于水围1368,皇岗公园一街与皇岗公园七街交叉口东北50m,福田水围柠盟人才公寓163 号楼。
This is the new photo spot in Shenzhen for new Internet celebrities. Like a pawn of God, in an insignificant small village in Shenzhen, orange, blue, purple, and green rooftops are continuously forming a piece, and the large block of color fills the entire wall. The rainbow rooftop is set against the surrounding high-rise buildings, giving a strong visual impact.
Originally just an ordinary rooftop, brushed with full-color solid paint, it instantly became a rare bright color in urban high-rises. From the sky, it seems like colorful candy. Blowing to the rooftop will become a reward for urban life.
A great place to take pictures, a great place to be dazed!
Shenzhen Rainbow Rooftop is located at Shuiwei 1368, 50m northeast of the intersection of Huanggang Park 1st Street and Huanggang Park 7th Street. Futian Shuiwei Ningmeng Talent Apartment Building No. 163.
MiYiSuo 028: Fogang Eucalyptus Forest, Qingyuan, China
周敬砚 / ZHOU Jingyan
周敬砚 (清华大学)
ZHOU Jingyan , Tsinghua University, China
周敬砚. 弥异所028:清远佛冈桉树林[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 72-73.
ZHOU J. MiYiSuo 028: Fogang eucalyptus forest, Qingyuan, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 72-73.
Received Date: November 6, 2019
桉树林的出现与中国的植树造林政策有密切关系,产自澳洲的桉树生长迅速, 有很高的经济价值。 桉树在一段时期内广泛种植在中国的多个省份。 佛冈县气候湿润,境内种植了大面积的桉树林。在郊区的山野之中,桉树连绵起伏,是近些年才出现的景观。粤中起伏的山地加强了桉树林的高耸之势。
The emergence of eucalyptus forest is closely related to China's afforestation policy. Eucalyptus from Australia grows rapidly and has economic value. Eucalyptus was widely planted in many provinces of China for a period of time. Fogang County has a humid climate and a large area of eucalyptus forests are planted in the territory.
Tall eucalyptus trees have changed the landscape of the mountain. The crowns of eucalyptus trees are connected like a floating green island. As a prominent landscape, the dense eucalyptus forest will shock anyone who sees it for the first time.
Fogang eucalyptus forest is located in Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province.
右图图片来源:ZENG-HAN.COM http://www.zeng-han.com/index.php?/projects/hyperreality-china/
MiYiSuo 029: Yongwu Road, Jiujiang, China
朱文一 / ZHU Wenyi
上图图片来源:大江网,网曝江西最美水上公路为血吸虫区 http://www.kaixian.tv/gd/2014/0821/8485946.html
朱文一 (清华大学)
ZHU Wenyi , Tsinghua University, China
朱文一. 弥异所029: 九江永吴公路 [J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 74-75.
ZHU W. MiYiSuo 029: Yongwu Road, Jiujiang, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 74-75.
Received Date:October 25, 2019
九江永吴公路5km 长的鄱阳湖路段在每年夏天水位上涨时秒变“ 水路”。无需特殊的水陆两栖车,通常的轿车即可行驶水上,体验水天一色、车船同框的奇幻 景象。
The 5km section of Jiujiang Yongwu Road on Poyang Lake becomes a "waterway" when the water level rises every summer. No special amphibious vehicle is needed, ordinary cars can travel on the water, and experience the magical scenery of water and sky.
It is said that this is a road elevation specially designed to protect the ecological environment of Poyang Lake and migratory birds. Since the road was opened to traffic in 2013, a large number of self-driving cars have come here every year, and this field experience is known as the most beautiful water highway, water sky road, and the realistic version of “Chiro and Chihiro”.
The Jiujiang Yongwu Road connects Yongxiu County and Wucheng Town and turns into a waterway every flood season.
MiYiSuo 030: Plank road of Cuiping Mountain, Yinbin, China
岳 阳 / YUE Yang
上图图片来源:宜宾新闻网 https://new.qq.com/omn/20190124/20190124B0IXGJ.html
岳阳 (清华大学)
YUE Yang , Tsinghua University, China
岳阳. 弥异所030: 宜宾翠屏山步道[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 76-77.
YUE Y. MiYiSuo 030: Plank road of Cuiping Mountain, Yinbin, China [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 76-77.
Received Date: November 5, 2019
宜宾翠屏山步道依山而建,连接了真武路口与松溪路段。通过“Y” 形支撑,将主体栈道架于山体之上,与山体、植被保持了一定的距离。同时,步道通透的材料保证了视线的通透性。
Plank road of Cuiping Mountain was built along the mountain, connecting the intersection of Zhenwu Road and Songxi Road. Through the "Y" shape support, the main part wriggles up to the mountain. It keeps a certain distance from the mountain and vegetation, and at the same time, the transparent material of the trail ensures the permeability of sight.
The modern materials of the sky walkway contrast with the surrounding buildings of different ages across the road, which adds a new layer to the surrounding urban space. At the same time, the skywalk plank road, the motorway on the ground and the railway formed a three-dimensional traffic experience.
The road is from Yanshuixi to Songxi Road, Cuiping district, Yibin City.
右图图片来源:王宇 http://www.scpublic.cn/news/getNewsDatail?id=150784
MiYiSuo 011: Kunming Jing'an Post 68 Turns, Kunming, China
杨艺瑶 / YANG Yiyao
上图图片来源:缪超 https://news.qq.com/a/20161101/022520.htm
杨艺瑶 (清华大学)
YANG Yiyao , Tsinghua University, China
杨艺瑶. 弥异所031: 昆明靖安哨68道拐[J]. 城市设计, 2019(6): 78-79.
YUE Y. MiYiSuo 031: Kunming Jing'an Post 68 Turns [J]. Urban Design, 2019(6): 78-79.
Received Date: September 25, 2019
这是世界上最弯曲的公路,在7km 以内有68 道拐,依山梁而建,弯弯曲曲,充分体现了云南公路的险美。10 秒就需要急转一次方向盘,对于司机来说也是不小的挑战。这是云南公路历史上巧夺天工的一次尝试,也是世界公路史上的奇迹。
昆明靖安哨68 道拐位于昆明宜良县城西通往靖安哨的一段公路。
This is the most curved highway in the world. There are 68 turns within 7km. The road fully reflects the dangerous beauty of Yunnan highway. 10S requires a sharp turn on the steering wheel, which is not a small challenge for drivers. This is an ingenious attempt in the history of Yunnan highways, and a miracle in the history of world highways.
The Jing'an Post was the only way to pass from Luo Ping to Kunming, the provincial capital of Qujing during the Ming Dynasty, and it was also a post in the ancient post road that passed through Beijing. The traffic here is inconvenient. The road builders here originally built the idea of saving land, but left a very beautiful thrilling road for human beings in the midst of meditation.
Kunming Jing'an Post 68 Road Turn is a section of highway leading to Jing'an Post in the west of Yiliang County, Kunming.
右图图片来源:新浪微博 单之蔷 https://photo.weibo.com/1220218113/wbphotos/large/mid/4431337538368411/pid/48bb0d01ly1g8al6j6z1hj21 hc0u0jtr?Refer=weibofeedv5