一创社更新是新内容下普通街区更新的样本,它所在的大江苑社区,是广州一个普通得不能再普通的街区。设计把疍民后代的普通轻工业厂房通过升级, 改造成开放式街区,并且由点及面带动了周边整个社区环境的转变,原有的治安和环境问题也开始得到改善。
Renovation of One Creation Community in Guangzhou: a renovation sample of ordinary blocks through inputting new function. The Dajiangyuan community is a common neighbourhood in Guangzhou. The old factories of Dajiang Industrial Company which used to belong to Tanka (residents living on the river) are renovated into an open public space. The site has not only completed the sustainable economic development, but also reenergised surrounding communities.
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 邦华集团/Bravo Group
地点/Location: 广州海珠区/Haizhu District, Guangzhou
主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 宋刚,钟冠球,朱志远,钟展宁/SONG Gang, ZHONG Guanqiu, ZHU Zhiyuan,ZHONG Zhanning
设计团队/Project Team: 梅琬菲,林静文,蒋梦雅,温展俊,白皓文,蔡嘉彬,黄耀俊,黄辉辉/MEI Wanfei, LIN Jingwen, JIANG Mengya, WEN Zhanjun, BAI Haowen, CAI Jiabin, HUANG Yaojun, HUANG Huihui
建筑面积/Floor Area: 约20,000m2/Appox. 20,000m2
设计时间/Design Time: 2015
建成时间/Completion Time: 2016
摄影/Photos: 蔓视觉影像,何志森/Ivy Photography &Production, Janson HO
1 内院立面/Viewing the elevation from the courtyard
2 内院/Courtyard
3 入口街景/Street view from the entrance
4-6 社区活动/Community activities