1 葫芦口区域鸟瞰/Aerial view of Hulukou Plaza
2 改造前片区鸟瞰/Aerial view of the renovation area
3-5 改造前地区风貌/Townscape before the renovation(2-5图片来源/Sources: 理想空间工作室/Ideal Space Studio)
6 片区整体总图/Urban design of the renovation area
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 常德市天源住房建设有限公司/Changde Tianyuan Building Construction Co., Ltd.
地点/Location: 湖南常德武陵区/Wuling District, Changde City, Hunan Province
主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 曲雷,何勍,王强,童佳明/QU Lei, HE Qing, WANG Qiang, TONG Jiaming
设计团队/Project Team: 杨永贵,李忠盛,张慧,李严,王雅萍,许东亮,李廷平,刘军/YANG Yonggui,LI Zhongsheng, ZHANG Hui, LI Yan, WANG Yaping, XU Dongliang, LI Yanping, LIU Jun
建筑面积/Floor Area: 总计200,000m2(包含居住75,000m2,商业65,000m2,文化10,000m2)/200,000m2in total (Incl. Residential Area 75,000m2, Commercial Area 65,000m2, Cultural Area 10,000m2)
设计时间/Design Time: 2011.05
建成时间/Completion Time: 三期2017.09/Phase III 2017.09
摄影/Photos: 张广源/ZHANG Guangyuan (fig.1,8-12,17,19-23),楼洪忆/LOU Hongyi (fig.13,24),何勍/HE Qing (fig.7,14,16),王永刚/WANG Yonggang (fig.18)
7 葫芦口商业/Hulukou businesss
8.9 醉月楼/Drunk Moon Tower
10. 大千井巷/Daqian Lanes business
In a small town in northwestern Hunan,China, architects have spent seven years in a social and urban redevelopment around the ruined shantytowns of the old moat. Within 200,000 square metres, let's look at the following statistics:32 houses, 18 bridges, a 600-metre-long moat, and 1600 households moving back to the site. The "Old West Gate" project is a combination of residential,cultural, commercial buildings and a linear parks along the old moat site that contributes to the surrounding neighbourhood.
For thousands of "shantytowns" projects across China, should the aborigines have the right to be returned to their original sites? Or do they have to move to the farther suburbs of another shabby living area? Is there a design solution that can make "100% moving back" happen? Does monetary compensation mean equity? Facing the history and texture of the old city complex, is there a new context that can take over the past and the future?Is the construction of commercial facilities able to make up for the shortage of funds for relocation,and can museums, theatres contribute to the uplift of spiritual life? In "Old West Gate", the team adopted a different approach from the conventional real estate development, offering a different answer to city renovation.
"It's not just the house that we move back, it's the maintenance of our emotions, the anchorage of our way of life, and it's a spiritual home." (From "the diary of Old West Gate" by HE Qing).
11 大千井巷/Daqian Lanes business
12.13 尼莫桥/Nemo Bridge
14 葫芦口水街/Hulukou Water Street
15 首层平面/Ground floor plan
17 钵子菜博物馆外景/Exterior view of the Museum of Pots
18 钵子菜博物馆内院/Inner courtyard of the Museum of Pots
19 窨子屋博物馆鸟瞰/Aerial view of Old West Gate Yinziwu Museum
20.21 葫芦口商业与回迁楼/Hulukou business and indigenous people apartment building
21 葫芦口商业与回迁楼/Hulukou business and indigenous peple aartmt bidig
22 回迁楼与社区中心/Indigenous people apartment building and the community centre
23 社区中心鸟瞰/Aerial view of the community centre
24 丝弦剧场鸟瞰/Aerial view of Old West Gate Silk String Theatre
25 丝弦剧场轴测/Axonometric model of Old West Gate Silk String Theatre
Jury Statement
The team of architects has been deeply rooted in the local market for seven years, offering various professional services ranging from general planning to interior design and ensuring an impeccable degree of completion for this project.Owing to their creative planning and design, all 1600 original residents in the shanty area finally moved back to the original redevelopment area, affirming the architects' humanistic care. In the 600-metre-long street block, this project has managed to create a diverse culture, active urban environment, and social ecology that allows the coexistence of old and new things in an almost perfect manner. This project is full of praiseworthy originality, and it is a role model for urban renewal design in contemporary China.