主持:Joanna C. Lee 编译:辛时雨
Hitting the high Cs
Joan:It's always a thrill hearing opera arias in a concert setting, because it becomes a purely musical experience.
Valery:There are intricate orchestral scoring and beautiful melodic arcs that are aimed mainly at the ears.
Joan:The audience at Shanghai Symphony Hall last month had a real treat: Joyce DiDonato appeared twice, first in an orchestral recital of opera arias on January 7, then two nights later in her internationally celebrated program “In War and Peace.”
Valery:Her first concert, however, was a pure delight—not just to hear DiDonato, but also tenor Shi Yijie, hitting one high note after another under the baton of Zhang Jiemin with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra.
Joan:Everyone familiar with the opera world knows thatbel cantoarias test singers' ability to hit high notes. DiDonato was exquisite with her high Bs in “Una voce poco fa” fromIl Barbiere di Siviglia, but it's the tenors' high Cs that remain the “gold standard.” Shi hit numerous A-flats in “Dein ist mein ganzes Herz”fromDas Land des Lächelns, then plenty of high Cs in “Ah! Mes amis” fromLa fille du régiment. The audience went wild!
● 即使你感觉身体没在最佳状态,但只要你掌握了正确的技巧,你仍然可以唱出高音。观众们听上去是没有什么区别的。
● 当你的身体没有处于最佳状态时,饮食方面尤其要注意一些。避免任何辛辣的、油炸的或油腻的东西,因为这些食物容易生痰。尽量吃一点清淡的东西。
● 保护声音最好的方法其实是保证睡眠。
● 北京的天气很干燥,一定要在房间里使用加湿器。但在空气本来就很潮湿的上海,就没有这个问题。
● 我从不熬夜,但也不会太早起。过着清教徒一般的规律生活。
● 有时遇上不好的天气,大风或者下雨,或者冷空气即将来临时,我会待在家里。
● 当天气很热时(比如香港的夏天),我总会随身带着一件毛衣。它在如同北极般的空调环境中很有用。
Valery:I've always been curious how singers keep themselves physically and psychologically prepared.
Joan:For that reason, I had a series of WeChat exchanges with Shi Yijie (while he was rehearsingLa Traviataat the NCPA in Beijing). Below are his nuggets of wisdom:
● Even if you're not feeling in top form, as long as you have the right technique, you can still hit the high notes. The audience won't be able to tell the difference.
● You do have to be careful what you eat, especially when your body isn't in top form. Avoid anything spicy, or fried or oily, because they are phlegmatic.Keep a diet that is light in flavor.
● The best way to preserve your voice is sleep.
● When in Beijing, always use a humidifier in the room. This doesn't apply in Shanghai, which has moist air.
● I never stay up late, but I don't get up too early,either. We live like Puritans.
● Sometimes when weather is bad—if it's windy or rainy, or a cold front is approaching—I stay at home.
● When it's very hot (such as summer in Hong Kong) I have a sweater with me at all times. It comes in handy in arctic air conditioning.