李 轶,宫兴隆,于嘉琪,郭敬阳,曲壮壮,张 镇,易维明
李 轶1,宫兴隆1,于嘉琪1,郭敬阳1,曲壮壮1,张 镇1,易维明2※
(1. 沈阳农业大学工程学院,沈阳 110866;2. 山东理工大学农业工程与食品科学学院,淄博 255049)
随着含有重金属添加剂饲料的使用,规模化养殖场畜禽粪便中重金属含量增加。为减少重金属的危害,该文以猪粪为发酵原料,重金属Cr为研究对象,硼泥为钝化剂,在接种物量为30%、TS为10%、温度为35 ℃、pH值为7的条件下进行40 d厌氧发酵试验。研究添加2.5%、5.0%、7.5% 3种比例的硼泥对猪粪厌氧发酵中重金属Cr的形态变化、有效态钝化效果及发酵前后沼渣光谱特征的影响,采用BCR连续提取法(European community bureau of reference sequential extraction)分析重金属Cr的形态变化,采用傅里叶红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, FTIR)对物料光谱特征的变化进行研究。结果表明:猪粪厌氧发酵过程中添加硼泥有利于重金属Cr从有效态转化为稳定态,当添加7.5%硼泥处理时有效态Cr转化为稳定态Cr的效果较好;猪粪在厌氧发酵过程中添加硼泥能提高重金属Cr的钝化效果,且随着硼泥添加量的增加,钝化效果越好;通过显著性分析,添加7.5%硼泥处理时钝化效果较好,达到63.79%,显著优于猪粪单独发酵和添加2.5%与5.0%硼泥的处理(<0.05);FTIR显示厌氧发酵后,沼渣中酰胺化合物、碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪族化合物等有机物分解减少,芳香族等腐殖质增加,且添加7.5%硼泥时有机物腐殖化程度最好。因此猪粪在厌氧发酵过程中添加适量硼泥,可以降低沼渣中重金属Cr的生物有效性,促进有机物转化为腐殖质,研究结果可为减少猪粪中重金属的有效性和提高厌氧发酵质量提供参考。
表1 猪粪主要成分表
本试验以新鲜猪粪为发酵原料,在温度35 ℃,接种物量30%,TS为10%,pH值为7.0的条件下,进行周期为40 d的厌氧发酵试验[22]。研究硼泥不同添加量对猪粪厌氧发酵前后重金属形态分布特征以及沼渣光谱特征的影响。部分研究结果显示[23-24],相比于其他浓度,添加量为2.5%以上的钝化剂对重金属钝化效果普遍较好。Guo等指出随着钝化剂投加量的增大,重金属的吸附率逐渐增大,并趋于稳定。但继续加大投量,吸附率增加不明显[25]。因此考虑到钝化剂添加量对重金属钝化效果及经济性,参照堆肥处理畜禽粪便效果较好的添加比例,硼泥添加量为干物质质量分数的2.5%、5%、7.5%。试验设置4个处理组,每组处理重复3次,试验结果取平均值。4个试验处理为,T1:以新鲜猪粪为发酵原料,不添加钝化剂(CK);T2:以新鲜猪粪为发酵原料,添加钝化剂硼泥,添加比例为干物质量的2.5%;T3:以新鲜猪粪为发酵原料,添加5.0%硼泥;T4:以新鲜猪粪为发酵原料,添加7.5%硼泥。
采用自行设计的厌氧发酵装置。由发酵瓶、集气瓶和集水瓶3部分组成。发酵瓶和集气瓶采用1L的广口瓶,有效容积为0.7 L,集水瓶采用1 L的细口瓶。发酵瓶和集气瓶的瓶口用橡胶塞塞紧,通过胶皮管连接,瓶口及胶皮管接头处密封,保证良好的厌氧环境。将装有发酵原料的发酵瓶放入温度为35 ℃的恒温水浴锅中进行厌氧发酵。试验装置如图 1所示。
1.恒温水浴锅 2.发酵瓶 3.集气瓶 4.集水瓶 5.导气管 6.三通管 7.止水夹 8.排水管
沼液采集:取上清液,离心处理后测得重金属形态含量。沼渣的采取:经过滤取出沼渣,用去离子水洗涤2~3次,离心后的沉淀物在40 ℃条件下烘干,研磨并通过100目尼龙筛,将获得的固体样品用于测重金属形态含量。猪粪中TS/VS采用质量法测量;总磷采用硫酸-硝酸消煮-钒钼黄比色法;总钾采用火焰光度计法;总氮采用凯氏定氮法;重金属形态含量采用分级提取法和原子吸收分光光度计测定[26];物料光谱特性采用傅里叶红外光谱法检测。
表2 猪粪添加硼泥厌氧发酵前后沼渣中重金属Cr形态变化
Note: T1is control group, T2is manure+2.5% boron mud, T3is manure+5.0% boron mud, T4is manure+7.5% boron mud, same as below.
图2 猪粪添加硼泥厌氧发酵前后沼渣中重金属Cr有效态变化
图3 各处理组沼渣中重金属Cr有效态钝化效果
厌氧发酵前后沼渣的红外光谱的变化情况如图4所示,FTIR特征吸收带归属见表3。根据相关报告,3 408~3 450 cm-1波段表示羟基伸缩振动;2 850~2 922 cm-1波段代表甲基(-CH3)和亚甲基(-CH2)的不对称和对称拉伸;1 600~1 653 cm-1的吸收带可能是由于苯环、烯烃上的-C=C-或羧酸、酰胺上的-C=O-的拉伸振动造成的;1 400~1 430 cm-1的条带对应于羧酸、木质素的-OH、-CH2的弯曲振动、-COO-的对称振动;1 105~1 160 cm-1处的条带对应于多糖类C-O-C、C-O的伸缩振动[31-33]。
图4 猪粪添加硼泥厌氧发酵前后红外光谱图
表3 FTIR特征吸收带归属
由图4可知,猪粪厌氧发酵前后各处理物料具有较为相似的光谱特征,仅在相对强度上存在一些差异。这可能是因为虽然硼泥的添加量不同,但其主要发酵原料仍是猪粪,这一结果与李荣华的研究结果一致[34]。其中,强度变化较为明显的几处具有代表性的峰值分别是3 408~3 450、2 850~2 922和1 600~1 653 cm-1。
结合图4及表3可知,在3 408~3 450 cm-1,即碳水化合物、酰胺化合物、蛋白质的-OH伸缩振动峰处,厌氧发酵后各处理在该处吸收峰的相对强度均有所降低。这表明猪粪中的碳水化合物、蛋白质和酰胺化合物逐渐分解,导致羟基基团不断减少,物料的内部环境发生了变化。厌氧发酵后各处理在该处吸收峰的强度降幅从大到小依次为7.5%硼泥、5.0%硼泥、2.5%硼泥、CK。表明添加硼泥厌氧发酵会降低物料中蛋白质、糖类等有机物的含量。
在2 850~2 922 cm-1,即脂肪族化合物和碳水化合物亚甲基中C-H伸缩振动峰处相对强度也有所降低。表明物料中碳水化合物和脂肪族化合物等有机物在微生物的作用下发生矿化、挥发或代谢等,导致其含量减小。这一特征与厌氧发酵过程中将复杂有机物水解产生小分子物质的过程一致。其中,添加硼泥处理在该处吸收峰的强度均低于猪粪单独发酵处理,说明硼泥可以促进物料中脂肪族化合物和碳水化合物的分解。
在1 600~1 653 cm-1处,即羧酸类的C=O伸缩、-COO-伸缩以及芳香族和烯烃的C=C伸缩、N-H伸缩振动峰,厌氧发酵后各处理组在该处吸收峰的相对强度均有所提高。这表明厌氧发酵过程中随着纤维素、木质素等有机物料的降解,木质素残体与其他分解生成的有机中间产物聚合生成腐殖质,导致芳香环类、烯烃类等腐殖质含量相对增加。与对照组相比,添加不同比例硼泥处理在1 600~1 653 cm-1处吸收峰强度均有所增加。综上,猪粪发酵过程中添加硼泥可以促进大分子有机物的分解和腐殖质的生成。其中添加7.5%硼泥处理物料中有机物腐殖化程度最好。
另外,在1 647 cm-1(芳香族碳)处的特征峰强度与3 435 cm-1(碳水化合物碳),2 974 cm-1(脂肪族碳),1 406 cm-1(羧酸碳)和1 112 cm-1(多糖碳)的比值可以表示物料中有机物的结构变化,评价猪粪厌氧发酵有机物腐殖化的程度[35]。比值越高表明有机物中碳水化合物、脂肪族化合物、多糖类物质含量减少,芳香族碳含量增加,物料中有机物腐殖化程度越高。厌氧发酵前后各处理的特征参数如表4所示,其中a是芳香族碳/碳水化合物碳,b是芳香族碳/脂肪族碳,c表示芳香族碳/羧酸碳,d代表芳香族碳/多糖碳。
表4 各处理的特征参数比值
硼泥是提取硼砂等硼产品后排放的固体废渣。大量的硼泥堆置,不但占用大量土地,而且对土壤、水体及大气环境产生严重危害。由于硼泥不含重金属和其它有毒有害物质,而且具有较高阳离子交换容量,较大的比表面积和多孔性质,已被广泛用于处理重金属污染等方面[40-41]。从硼泥的来源考虑,每生产1 t硼砂就需排出约4~5 t的硼泥[42]。随着硼砂产量的逐年增加,硼泥的产量也随之增加,不仅使硼泥价格远小于其他钝化材料,也为硼泥的利用提供了原料保证。因此,在猪粪发酵过程中添加硼泥促进腐殖质形成来吸附固定重金属Cr,对重金属Cr进行钝化,降低重金属Cr的生物有效性是切实可行的。
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Effects of boron mud on anaerobic fermentation of heavy metal chromium and its spectral characteristics in pig manure
Li Yi1, Gong Xinglong1, Yu Jiaqi1, Guo Jingyang1, Qu Zhuangzhuang1, Zhang Zhen1,Yi Weiming2※
(1.,,110866,; 2.,,255049,)
In recent years, with the development of Chinese animal husbandry, some heavy metals have been added to animal feed to speed up the growth of livestock and poultry and prevent diseases. But most heavy metals can not be absorbed and digested, resulting in increasingly serious pollution problems of heavy metals in livestock and poultry manure, which seriously affects the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure. Anaerobic fermentation is an effective approach to deal with manure pollution. In this paper, using pig manure as the processing object, the heavy metals Cr as the research object, by adding different amounts of boron mud (boron content is 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% of dry matter content) The anaerobic fermentation period is 60 days, fermentation temperature is of 35℃, inoculum quantity is of 30% fermentation raw material, total solid is of 10% and pH value is of 7. The speciation analysis of heavy metal Cr are analyzed by BCR sequential extraction and the spectral characteristics of biogas residue before and after anaerobic fermentation are studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), effects of different amount of boron on morphological changes, effective passivation effect and spectral characteristics before and after anaerobic fermentation residue. The aim of this study is to provide a scientific basis for the treatment of heavy metals in livestock and poultry manure. Through the above experimental research, the following main conclusions are drawn: 1) After the end of anaerobic fermentation, the effective content of heavy metal Cr in each treatment decreased. The effective state of heavy metal Cr decreased by 6.06 percentage points in pig manure alone, and the effective content of heavy metal Cr in pig manure added boron decreased by 11.33 percentage points, 13.40 percentage points and 14.98 percentage points, respectively. It is indicated that the anaerobic fermentation of pig manure and boron is beneficial to convert the heavy metal Cr from the effective state to the stable state. With the increase of the added amount of boron, the proportion of the effective Cr content to the total content of heavy metals is lower. The proportion of heavy metal Cr in the treatment of pig manure added with 7.5% boron is relatively large. 2) The passivation effect of the effective form of heavy metal Cr in pig manure alone was 24.17%, and the effective passivation effect of heavy metal Cr in pig manure was 44.32%, 55.38% and 63.79%, respectively. It is indicated that the anaerobic fermentation of pig manure added boron is beneficial to improve the passivation effect of heavy metal Cr. With the increase of boron addition, the passivation effect of heavy metal Cr is better. The significant analysis showed that the anaerobic fermentation of pig manure added boron had significant difference in the passivation of heavy metal Cr (<0.05). The passivation effect of pig manure added with 7.5% boron was better than other treatment groups, and the difference was significant (<0.05). 3) Fourier infrared spectroscopy showed that the materials of each treatment group had similar spectral characteristics before and after anaerobic fermentation. After anaerobic fermentation, the relative intensity of the absorption peaks of the biogas residue of each treatment group decreased at 3 408-3 450 and 2 850-2 922 cm-1, indicating that the organic matter such as amide compound, carbohydrate, protein, and aliphatic compound in the biogas residue were decomposed and reduced. The absorption peak intensity increased, indicating that the olefins, aromatic compounds and other substances in the biogas residue increased. The addition of boron during the anaerobic fermentation of pig manure is beneficial to the reduction of organic matter content, the increase of humus content, and the humification degree of organic matter is better when the amount of boron sludge is 7.5%. Adding an appropriate amount of heavy metal passivating agent to the anaerobic fermentation of pig manure can reduce the effectiveness of heavy metals in the biogas residue and the risk of heavy metal pollution.
manures; anaerobic fermentation; heavy metal; boron; passivation; spectra
李 轶,宫兴隆,于嘉琪,郭敬阳,曲壮壮,张 镇,易维明. 硼泥对猪粪厌氧发酵重金属铬及其光谱特性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(24):255-261. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.24.030 http://www.tcsae.org
Li Yi, Gong Xinglong, Yu Jiaqi, Guo Jingyang, Qu Zhuangzhuang, Zhang Zhen,Yi Weiming. Effects of boron mud on anaerobic fermentation of heavy metal chromium and its spectral characteristics in pig manure[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(24): 255-261. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.24.030 http://www.tcsae.org
李 轶,副教授,博士,主要从事新能源及农业生物环境工程技术研究。Email:yilisyau2000@163.com