Wuhan Protects Its Ancient and Rare Trees by “CT Scan” and Redesigning

2019-03-01 08:27TextbyYuJinyiCaoBeiyiPhotosbyNiNaZhaoQin
Special Focus 2019年2期

Text by Yu Jinyi & Cao Beiyi Photos by Ni Na & Zhao Qin

Ancient and rare trees span the past and present. They witness the great vicissitude of a city. They are regarded as scenic spots, historical and cultural symbols, as well as living fossils of a city. According to the statistics from the Wild-life Protection Office of Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Gardening and Forestry (WMBGF), Wuhan now has 1691 ancient and rare trees. Are these trees in a good condition? On December 2, 2018, WMBGF conducted a total physical checkup for those aged around 300 years in the downtown areas. Very soon, this program will examine the ancient and rare trees over 500 years of age in the remaining urban areas. This was the first time the Wuhan government had conducted a physical checkup for ancient and rare trees with advanced equipment.

The most well-known ancient tree in Wuhan is a ginkgo tree called the “Hanyang Tree,” which has grown at No. 12, Phoenix Alley in Hanyang District for over 530 years. It is said that it got its name from a poem titled “Yellow Crane Tower” by the famous Tang-poet Cui Hao (704-754), “By sunlit river, Hanyang trees can be counted one by one; On Parrot Islet sweet green grass grows fast and thick.”

An expert checks the trunk with a needle-ended instrument. 专家用针测仪检测树干。

On December 2, 2018, Ding Zhaoquan, General Engineer of Wuhan Institute of Landscape Architecture (WILA), picked up a leaf from the ground after walking around the “Hanyang Tree.” “The tree has lush foliage, but its leaves are smaller than those of the past few years. Broken branches were rare in the past, but now they are common,” Ding said, “The climate change, flooding, and drought in recent years have been detrimental to its growth.” One researcher pierced into the thick trunk with a needle-ended instrument. This long needle, with a diameter of only 1.5mm, thrusts itself straight into the middle of the trunk, capturing the spectrum ofits rings by the resistance formed between the tree spans. A healthy tree’s spectrum goes even and steady, without any sharp rises or falls. An unhealthy tree, with any hollows or decay in the trunk, can be detected through the spectrum.

Soon, a “cardiogram” was printed out. However, a closer examination required an instrument called a “Tree Section Imaging System.” One researcher attached 12 sensors to the trunk of the tree, which produces images on the condition of any one of them being hit. Shi Hongwen, a senior engineer at WILA, said, “It is like a CT scan on the section of the trunk to check the degree of decay inside the tree, so that different protective measures can be taken.”

About half an hour later, WILA reported the result: The tree was basically in good condition, but some decaying parts could be detected from inside the trunk. Next, they invited some experts in this field to jointly carry out a set of protective measures.

Shi also said that if a tree was in a good condition, the result would come out in a day or two, while if a tree was in a seriously ill condition, it required a 7-to-10-day consultation from experts before the result could be released.

The checkup covers a wide variety of trees, such as the cypress co-planted by Mao Zedong and Kim Il Sung, the Chinese pine planted by Mao Zedong during his Wuhan trip, the camphor planted by Zhou Enlai, and Osmanthus and Chinese viburnum planted by Dong Biwu and Deng Xiaoping. Among them, the oldest tree in downtown Wuhan is a juniper which boasts over 900 years of life, with the “Hanyang Tree” being the second oldest.

In contrast to other first-tier cities in China, Wuhan enjoys less plentiful resources of ancient and rare trees. Ding noted that the high temperature and moisture levels from the local climate and frequent disasters including harmful pests and lightning are a threat to the growth of trees, and Wuhan has been a place of military importance so large numbers of ancient trees were ruined in the raging battles. The development of urbanization, human activities such as deforestation and construction damage as well as deteriorating ecological environment all pose a danger to their growth.

In recent years, the Wuhan Government has placed importance on the protection of ancient and rare trees. Some relevant authorities have coordinated with construction companies in advance in projects where ancient and rare trees are involved.

For example, when the construction of the Wuhan Yangtze River tunnel began, a ginkgo stood right in the way of the Tianjin Road Exit. The construction company required the tree to be removed. However, authorities from gardening and forestry departments found that the tree root was buried beneath the cemented ground, and it didn’t grow very well. If it was moved elsewhere, it would likely die. More importantly, this ginkgo had witnessed the history of Tianjin Road, so the tree would lose its meaning if it was moved elsewhere. WMBGF believed that the history of Tianjin Road could be neither seen nor felt without this ginkgo. Finally, the construction company redesigned the underground pipelines and the exit to save the tree.

Similarly, in the original design of the expressway in the north of the Yangtze River in Wuhan, a lower ramp ran over a Chinese ash with over 100 years of history. After consultation with authorities from gardening and forestry departments, the construction company redesigned the ramp to bypass the tree—and some drains were also built around the tree in order to keep it from being polluted by runoff.

(Translation: Wang Wen)

An expert conducts a physical checkup by recording the vibration frequency from hitting the sensors. 专家通过设备记录传感器敲击的震动频率为古树体检。


文/余瑾毅 曹贝宜摄影/倪娜 赵琴



WILA carries out a general physical checkup for the 530-year-old “Hanyang Tree” by using advanced equipment such as the needleended instrument and elastic-wave tree section imaging device. 武汉市园林科学研究院通过树木针测仪和弹性波树木断层成像诊断仪等先进设备,为已有530多年的“汉阳树”进行全面体检。










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