Stories of Hubei Doctors in Africa

2019-03-01 08:27EditedbyMaYalunNingFang
Special Focus 2019年2期

Edited by Ma Yalun & Ning Fang

“I’m from the East and have come to fulfill my dream: to heal the wounded and save the dying, and to pursue and glorify the benevolent spirit of the doctor.” This is copied from the diary of a Hubei doctor who has worked in Africa.

In April of 1963, China sent its first medical team of 24 people to Africa at the request of the Algerian government and under the deployment of Premier Zhou Enlai. This team mainly consisted of medical practitioners from Hubei Province and was dispatched to Algeria to help this newly independent North African country. This was the beginning of the history of China’s foreign aid medical care.

Over the past 56 years, the Hubei Foreign Aid Medical Team has carried out extensive medical services in recipient countries and left their footprints all over the land. From resident hospitals to pastoral areas in the desert, they have created countless stories of friendship between Chinese and African people.

Expedition to North Africa by the “Hubei-made” Foreign Aid Medical Team

“I Don’t know when I can come back… If it’s a boy, call him Bin; if a girl, call her Wen...” After 56 years, Xu Xianze still remembered these words he said to his pregnant wife when he was dispatched overseas as part of the first medical team. At the time of departure, he said these words to his wife, bid goodbye to his family, and left in a hurry with a bag full of notes. Now, Xu Xianze is 83 years old and retired from Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

When the medical team first arrived at Saïda Provincial Hospital of Algeria, they admitted a female patient with a lump in her abdomen. After a laparotomy, she was diagnosed with spleen cysticercosis and was treated with surgery. It is understood that this disease is quite common in the grassland area. Pharmacist Lyu Xuexiu successfully created a test reagent in a short period of time, and used it for diagnosing and treating would-be patients.

“My surgery was done by a Chinese doctor!” A patient with gastric ulcer pyloric obstruction proudly announced after he was discharged from Saïda Hospital. This patient had a subtotal gastrectomy and recovered very well.

At Saïda Hospital, the Chinese medical team treated a large number of patients with common and frequently-occurring diseases, as well as epidemics. Moreover, they helped with expanding the hospital’s medical services to various aspects, and gradually filled in the blanks of major surgeries and difficult treatments. Fame quickly spread throughout Algeria, and Chinese doctors became the “most popular people” in local areas. The footprints of patrolling doctors from the Hubei medical team kept extending on the vast grasslands of North Africa.

Saïda Province is on the edge of the world-famous Sahara Desert. All the twenty-four members of the medical team traveled back and forth across the vast pastoral areas, undertaking all the inpatient and outpatient treatments in this provincial hospital with 280 beds. After eight months’ work, they were called “the most reliable people” by local government and people. Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture therapy were known as the “Chinese magic needle treatment.” In December of the same year, Premier Zhou Enlai and Vice Premier Chen Yi cordially met with the team. After hearing their stories, Premier Zhou was delighted and said: “Keep up with your hard work, treat the health of Algerian people as the health of Chinese people.” “Carry forward the spirit of Henry Norman Bethune.”

“It’s been 56 years, and I can still hear Premier Zhou’s voice in my mind.” Xu Xianze was full of emotions while recalling his story.

Miracles Across National Borders

By working closely with local medical staff in Algeria and Lesotho, Chinese medical teams saved countless people and created countless medical miracles with their sincerity and superb medical skills.

In Algeria, the medical team of Relizane Province fought for 11 hours in a strenuous surgery for a printing worker whose right hand was cut off from the wrist by a paper cutter. The hand was miraculously restored and the patient regained the ability to work and live as usual, which was a precedent of replantation in the country. The Médéa provincial medical team successfully performed a leg replantation operation for a 67-year-old farmer, and used acupuncture anesthesia to remove a huge ovarian cyst for an elderly woman in her 60s. The Guelma medical team removed a meningocele that was twice as large as the head for a 4-day-old newborn. The Mascara team performed a total nasal reconstruction operation on a little girl who had her nose bitten off by a donkey.

In Lesotho, the medical team had to face harsh natural environment and the risk of AIDS, yet they still carried out their medical activities with enthusiasm and devotion. Among all the difficult operations they took on, there were hip replacement surgeries, congenital clubfoot corrections, and aorta dissection vascular anastomosis.

When natural disasters occurred in the recipient country, the medical teams always tried their hardest to fight for patients. In 1980, a strong earthquake happened in El Asnam (now known as Chlef) of Algeria. The medical team worked around the clock, collecting 670,000 milliliters of blood and saving 620 wounded people from danger. In 1982, a cholera epidemic broke out in Algeria. the medical team went deep into the affected area, treated more than 800 patients and stemmed the spread of the disease. In 1989, a collective food poisoning incident occurred in Aïn Defla Province, the medical team there quickly acted and rescued all of the patients—more than 250 in number. In May of 2003, a strong earthquake took place near Algiers, the capital, and the local medical team actively participated in the rescuing work.

Chinese and local doctors are close as family in Tiaret.蒂亚雷医疗队与当地医生亲如一家

The medical teams applied Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture in their work and created many “TCM miracles” by combining Chinese with Western medicine. In Algeria, a female patient fell into a coma due to a car accident. Her family drove 150 kilometers and took her to the Chinese medical team in Médéa. The medical staff selected the acupuncture points properly and applied their needles skillfully. Magically, her pulse started to build again. And her tendons began to tremble rhythmically. Three days later, the woman awoke; one month later, she recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

In the process of saving patients, many medical team members have donated their blood and skin. Some dedicated their lives to this land. Three team members now rest on the land forever due to diseases caused by constant and intense overwork and were buried in the National Cemetery of Algeria.

Many of the medical staff joined the team and came to Africa more than once because of their love for their African friends. Tu Dachun, an orthopedic doctor, participated on the medical team four times over 20 years; Xu Changzhen, an obstetrician, came to Africa four times and delivered more than 40,000 newborns in 8 years. And then there is Cao Rong, who’s racing with lives; Tan Qiong, who was close to HIV infections on at least two occasions; Cheng Li, who was called “Angel Doctor” by Algerians; and Shen Ali whose family members came to Africa for three generations, successively.

The 25th medical team to Algeria from Hubei 湖北省第25批援阿尔及利亚医疗队

The medical teams gave their best interpretation of the spirit of “Medical Benevolence” by their work across national borders. They had established a good image for “Chinese doctors” and the “Hubei medical field”—and also showed their love for the world.

Teach a Man to Fish, the New Era of Foreign Aid Medical Care

Over the past 56 years, Hubei Province has dispatched a total of 3,445 medical personnel (mainly practitioners from the department of obstetrics, gynecology, anesthesiology, acupuncture, and surgery), who treated 23.91 million outpatients and 2.32 million inpatients and performed 1.688 million operations of all kinds. At present, the 25th medical team in Algeria consists of 76 doctors, and the 13th medical team of 9 doctors is working in Lesotho.

With the development of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the promotion of the “Community of Human Destiny” concept, China’s foreign aid medical care has gradually shifted from simply exporting personnel and technology to cultivating local capabilities in medical skills and the modern healthcare industry for the recipient countries, so as to leave a local team behind which never leaves the country.

In recent years, to answer the request of Algerian government, the Hubei medical team has undertaken part of the teaching tasks in the affiliated nursing school of Médéa Provincial Hospital. Since Chinese acupuncture is widely welcomed in Algeria, the medical team has held many acupuncture training classes and taught traditional Chinese acupuncture techniques. They have also adopted multiple learning forms such as assistant programs and small classrooms to help improve the medical skills of Algerian staff. The academic reports and surgical performances such as “limb replantation” and “clinical observation of acupuncture-based numbness” were especially well received by their Algerian counterparts. According to certain statistics, the aiding medical team has trained more than 3,000 medical personnel at all levels, most of which have the ability to treat common diseases as well as independently perform surgeries. They have become the pillars of local medical institutions.

In 2014, after consultations with the Algerian Ministry of Health and the Chinese Embassy in Algeria, Hubei Province of China and Algeria agreed to conduct cooperation between Tongji Hospital, which is affiliated with the Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and the Mustafa Hospital of Algeria. The principle of this cooperation is mutual benefit and complementary advantages, the main focus is gynecology and obstetrics, and the goal is to train personnel and conduct clinical research. The two sides agreed to establish a Traditional Chinese Medicine Center in Ben Acron Hospital in accordance with laws and regulations of both the countries and the hospital’s situations, so as to promote TCM practice and technology.

In November of 2017, China and Algeria signed an agreement to establish a cooperative hospital as well as a center of gynecology, obstetrics, and TCM. In November of 2018, in the presence of Hubei Provincial Health Committee and corresponding Algerian government departments, Tongji Hospital and the Hubei Provincial Hospital of TCM signed with their Algerian counterparts respectively two memorandums for cooperation, namely China-Algeria Maternity Center and China-Algeria TCM Center, which officially heralded the substantive cooperation between the two parties. “我来自世界的东方,为了一个美好的梦想;救死扶伤是我的责任与担当,医者仁心是我们的追求与荣光。”这是一位援非医生日记中的话语。


编辑/马亚伦 宁 芳

Yin Xianqin, an obstetrician and gynecologist, delivering a newborn baby with local doctors in Motebang Hospital, Lesotho 妇产科医生印贤琴带领莱索托莫特邦医院年轻医生,共同迎接新生命









Doctors from the Hubei Foreign Aid Medical Team gladly chatting with the locals in their households 援阿医疗队员受邀到群众家作客


“时光一晃56年,周总理的声音一直回荡铭刻在我心中。” 徐贤泽讲述这段历史时感慨万千。




Algerian doctors having acupuncture training under the guidance of doctors from the Hubei Foreign Aid Medical Team 援阿医疗队培训当地针灸医生,学员相互扎针





Ye Xiuying, a Hubei TCM doctor, is conducting auricular treatment for an Algerian patient. 援阿医生叶秀英为当地患者进行耳穴治疗








Henry Norman Bethune(1890-1939), a Canadian physician, medical innovator, and noted communist. Dr. Bethune effectively brought modern medicine to rural China and often treated sick villagers as much as wounded soldiers. His selfless commitment made a profound impression on the Chinese people, especially CPC’s leader, Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong wrote a eulogy to him, which was memorized by generations of Chinese people.

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