2019-01-24 23:15
浙江社会科学 2019年3期

A Comparative Study of the Tragedy of the Commons and the Tragedy of the Anti-commons(4)

Yang Xiaowei1,Yang Chunxue2

(1.Law School,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211; 2.School of Economics,CUEB,Beijing 100070)

Abstract:There is apparent difference in their property right structure:the tragedy of the Commons is due to the lack of exclusive property rights,which leads to overuse of the competitive resource;while the tragedy of the Anti-commons results from the over-segmentation or even fragmentation of the resource per se or its property rights,which makes the exclusive property rights too strong and further results in underuse or even nonuse of the resource.It can be deduced that the tragedy of the Commons and the tragedy of the Anticommons are symmetrical by mathematical model,while in fields of experimental economics this conclusion seems controversial——under the two different game situations,the subjects showed different or even opposite social psychology reaction,and the welfare loss caused by the tragedy of the Anti-commons was more serious than that of the tragedy of the Commons.

Key words:tragedy of the Anti-commons; tragedy of the Commons; fairness; efficiency; symmetry

The Impact of Tax Rate and Public Service Expenditure on Economic Output——The Theory and Simulation Analysis based on Current Fiscal Policy(14)

Li Dongsong1,Zhao Zhijun2

(1.College of Finance and Taxation,Hebei University of Economics and Business,Shi Jiazhuang 050000;2.Institute of Economic,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100836)

Abstract:The “one drop and one supplement”task of the supply-side structural reform has become the top priority of current economic work.The tax rates are considered as the constraint of enterprises and consumers, given the external influence of public service expenditure on consumption, and consumption tax rate, labor tax rate, capital gain tax rate, and the public service expenditures such as government transfer payment are included in the unified research framework.Then a general equilibrium model is constructed to study the impact of changes in tax rates and the shares of public service expenditure on the economy.The theoretical derivation is carried out under the assumptions of non-independently and independently additive utility preferences,and the numerical analysis is given based on the Chinese macroeconomic variable-output ratio data.The results show that: (1)Output is negatively correlated with each tax rate; (2)The relationship between output and the share of government public service expenditure in the consumption function is different due to different taxes and utility preferences.Finally,based on the research results, relevant policy recommendations are proposed.

Key words:preference; tax rate; public service expenditure;outputThe Transformation from Competition-Politics to Cooperation-Politics(22)

Zhang Kangzhi

(School of Public Administration and Policy,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872)

Abstract:According to Marxism, there has been politics since class and class struggle came into the division of human society.However,the nature and form of politics are varied in different stages of human history.During historical stage of industry society, the constructed politics is competitive, which is called democracy conventionally.The term “democracy” in political system is in contrast to “aristocracy” in agrari-an society.For it is essential to point out the neo-constructed political system is different from monarchy in the early modern context.Actually,it is more accurate to define it as competition-politics from the perspective of the nature and form of democracy.All aspects of competition-politics have been adjusted constantly to a perfect state in the course of several hundred years’development in modern times.Nonetheless,the competition-politics is unsustainable in the process of globalization and post-industrialization,especially confronted with high-complexity and high-uncertainty society.If the globalization and post-industrialization means a new stage beginning of human history, it will be inevitably for the end of competition-politics, and to construct an advanced model—cooperation-politics.

Key words:competition-politics; cooperation-politics; democracy; social transformation

Research on the Write-in Vote in Election System of China(31)

Chen Yichao

(Institute of Human Rights,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088)

Abstract:The right of election has both subjective and objective attributes.The fundamental purpose of the right of election, subjectively, is to protect citizens’ freedom of consciousness, when the objective aspect required the government to contribute several systems ensuring the possibility of the realization of the right.Write-in vote is a complementary system that opposite the system of nominating candidates which restricting the freedom of selection by citizens.The write-in vote in Chinese normative system of election has the characteristics of legality, wide scope and simplicity of execution.However,the write-in vote has a certain contradiction with the system of candidate,and should be different from direct election to indirect election.In order to make better use of the function of write-in vote for the realization of the right of election,it also needs to be improved in electoral system.

Key words:right of election; write-in vote; right to vote; election system

An Empirical Study on the Judicial Application of Core Values——276 Civil Judgment Documents as Analysis Sample(39)

Zhou Shangjun,Shao Zhutong

(School of Administrative Law,Southwest University of Political Science&Law,Chongqing 401120)

Abstract:At present, socialism core values have been transformed into legal terms, which constitute the basic norms of civil law.The statistical analysis of the judgment documents shows the application of core values in the civil judgment theory increasing year by year, its regional level differentiating, level shifting down, as well as summary procedure, sole-judge trial, family case applying and so on.Through analyzing types, it is found that the applicable methods can be divided into sole and joint application, and such applicable functions as valuable declaration, education preaching, reinforcing reasoning and reasoning.The lack of criterions leads to confusing application, unclear function positioning,and even the application of general provisions such as core values etc.in the judgment and reasoning.The legitimacy of the application of core values stems from the two-way shaping of law and politics,the transformation of legal norms of core values,and the objective needs of consensus on value in refereeing.In the process of application,only by insisting on ordering, clarifying purpose and vocabulary of language, and transforming core values into people’s affective commitment and daily habits through judgment and reasoning,can core value clauses contribute to national governance system and the modernization of governance capabilities.

Key words:core values; civil judgment; reasoning; two-way shaping

Three Issues of Prosecutor Legislation:Eligible Elements,Institutional Design and Implementation Space(50)

Liu Lianjun

(Law School,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189)

Abstract:An academic upsurge on urging the promulgation of Supervising Officer Law as soon as possible have formed at present in the academic circles.However,it is not necessary and difficult for the supervising officer to take the road of professional development as Judges and Prosecutors do.For the qualifications of the supervising officer,we can refer to the relevant provisions of the Civil Servant Law to implement them,without the need for the NPC to tailor a law on supervising officer.The core of the supervisor system with Chinese characteristics is the equivalence of power and responsibility.Its specific connotation is quite rich,ranging from the title, rank,appointment and removal, evaluation,promotion and salary of the supervisor to the connection with the disciplinary inspection cadres caused by the joint office.How to design such a detailed system needs to fully absorb the experience and lessons from the reform of supervision system.Without enough experience in the implementation of the Supervisory Law as the basis,to start the process of enacting the Supervisory Officer Law in advance,it is very likely to become a symbolic legislation.

Key words:legislation; supervising officer; eligible elements; reform of supervisory system

The Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Environmental Governance:Realistic Logic and Promotion Path——An Analysis from the Perspective of New Institutionalism(60)

Dong Ming

(Department of Political Science,Party School of Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee,Hangzhou 311121)

Abstract:The development of private economy is one of the most successful incremental achievements since China’s reform and opening in the past 40 years.This is not only due to its explicit economic contribution,but will also continue to be reflected in the promotion of structural changes in society as a whole.The performance of corporate social responsibility is not only an important yardstick to measure the healthy growth of the private economy,but also profoundly reshape the underlying logic of the development of modernity in our country.This paper focuses on the performance of corporate social responsibility in environmental governance,analyzes the formation mechanism of social responsibility of private enterprises from the perspective of new institutionalism,and objectively reveals the present situation and causes of the interactive game between diverse stakeholders in a period of time.This paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the possible issues of corporate social responsibility performance under the “3.0 version” of environmental governance,and then tries to explore the possible path of overall improvement.

Key words:corporate social responsibility;environmental governance; new institutionalism; legitimacy mechanism

The Inherent Logic and Modern Transition from Township Treaty and Rural Construction to Cultural Hall(74)

Yu Yonglin

(Zhejiang Shuren University,Hangzhou 310015)

Abstract:As a local experiment, after Zhu Xi’s improvement,Lantianlü Township treaty in the Song Dynasty,caused the great attention of the Confucian scholars although the effect interrupted in the Yuan Dynasty, but in Ming and Qing Dynasties, there have been constant evolution and change in theory and practice.During the period of the Republic of China,Mr.Liang Shuming was the leader of rural construction theory, his ideal rural social organization is the ancient system of township treaty, and he used the example of Lu Shiyi’s “Rural governance with three treaties” as a mode, trying to achieve the scholar ideal of Lantianlü township treaty.Today the cultural hall construction in Zhejiang has common in ethos with township treaty and rural construction in a sense,to shape the villagers mind order by rearranging the order of rural culture,and the success or failure of them will undoubtedly inspire us to think about the construction of cultural hall.

Key words:township treaty; rural construction; cultural hall

On the Political Nature of Engineering(83)

Zhang Yunlong

(School of Marxism,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710129)

Abstract:As a kind of “necessary politics” that based on public resources,engineering is not only the embodiment of public power,but also the new ideology of modern society through realizing the public interests,and has the functional of the legitimacy to defend national politics.This means that only by starting from the actual political system,we can truly understand the implementation mechanism of the engineering,and only by clarifying the political nature of the project,we can understand the public significance of the engineering from the height of top-level design, and create a “great engineering” in line with the public interest.

Key words:engineering; public power; legitimacy; ideology

Modern Time in Modern Transportation(90)

Yao Xiaoxia,Sun Dapeng

(College of Marxism,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310021)

Abstract:The mechanical power of modern transportation replaced the dependence of ancient transportation on human,animal and natural forces.Mechanisms have led to a dramatic increase in traffic speed and a significant reduction in travel time.The time significance of modern transportation is becoming more and more obvious in the process of increasing speed.On the surface,the realization of this time characteristic is based on the direct use of modern vehicles,but its internal basis is the result of the participation of modern time in the construction.Modern time is the quantified time to withdraw from life,the homogeneous time far from life, and the abstract time to withdraw from concrete.On the one hand, modern transportation takes modern time as its ontological premise, on the other hand, modern time needs to complete itself in modern transportation,both of which strengthen modernity itself.

Key words:modern time; modern transportation; abstraction

Responsible Innovation:Ethical Meaning and Realization(95)

Liu Chanjuan, Di Yuanming, Liu Bojing

(Wen Zhou Medical University,Wenzhou 325000)

Abstract:There are conflicts and contradictions between the complexity of technological innovation and the vulnerability of technology application all over the world.The uncertainty of technological rationality has aroused people’s infinite worries about their own safety and human health.With the rapid development of science and technology, we urgently need to explore the “technological behavior” of modern science at the ethical and moral level,establish a “responsible innovation”model, rationally avoid the social and ethical problems caused by science and technology, recognize the real situation of human beings themselves, seek ethical norms in line with ethical concepts,and at the same time solve the problems of the alienation of human beings brought about by technological rationality.

Key words:responsible innovation; science and technology governance; new ethical ecology

From Zhang Lvxiang to Zhu Quan——The Inheritance and Characteristics of the School of Zhu Xi in Western Zhejiang Province in the Early Qing Dynasty(100)

Zhang Tianjie

(School of Public Affairs,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121)

Abstract:In the west of Zhejiang Province in the early and middle Qing dynasty, there were a group of scholars who orderly inherited the School of Zhu Xi,starting with Zhang Lvxiang and Lv Liuliang as an assistant.After that, the School of Zhu Xi continued to be inherited by Lv Liuliang’s students such as Lv Baozhong,Ke Chongpu, Yan Hongkui, and Che Dingfeng.Especially Zhu Quan, one of Zhang Lvxiang’s disciples,launched Zun Zhu Pi Wang in order to save the custom and minds of the people.He regarded the School of Zhu Xi as the ideological resource of moral practice.They published and edited Zhu Xi’s and his successors’works.At the time of selection, they were fond of using the academic paradigm of Zhu’s Jin Si Lu.These ef-forts played an important role in the re-interpretation and wide dissemination of the School of Zhu Xi.

Key words:Zhang Lvxiang;Zhu Quan;the School of Zhu Xi in the early Qing Dynasty; the paradigm of Jin Si Lu;Zun Zhu Pi Wang

The Purposiveness of Nature:A Meaningful Thinking of Aesthetics(109)

Li Yongying

(School of Humanities,Zhejiang University,Hanghozu 310028)

Abstract:Kant’s theory of the purposiveness of nature established the modernism value of “Critique of Judgment ”and it is an important thinking way for us exactly understanding the nature.Kant’s theory of the purposiveness of nature, both providing aesthetical value and life wisdom through human’s subject understanding and providing truly science and rational interpretation through sense of beauty in nature’s form and its practical function.In the reflection on the nature,we found that the nature always independent of human being life.Only do human being established wisdom relations with the nature,we can truly be able to have life freedom.

Key words:purposiveness of nature, form, practice,aesthetics

Discourse Form and Theoretical Progress of Western Environmental Aesthetics(117)

Hu Youfeng

(Center for Literary Theory and Aesthetics,Shandong University,Jinan 250100)

Abstract:With Hepburn being the founder of discourse form of western environmental aesthetics, the discourse forms mainly include cognitive discourse represented by Carlson,non-cognitive discourse represented by Berleant,integrated discourse represented by Yuriko Saito and post-modern discourse form.These discourse forms together promote the theoretical development of western environmental aesthetics.The future development of western environmental aesthetics must also establish the position of environmental aesthetics in the aesthetic system and explore in environmental practice and environmental ethics.

Key words:western; environmental aesthetics; discourse form; theoretical progress

The Relationship between Natural Beauty and Artistic Beauty and the Systematic Construction of Aesthetics:from Kantian Aesthetics to Environmental Aesthetics(127)

Wang Zhongyuan

(Research Center of the Arts,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001)

Abstract:This paper investigated the relationship between natural beauty and artistic beauty in Kantian aesthetics,Post-Kantian aesthetics and Environmental aesthetics.On the basis above, it revealed the essential relevance of the systematic construction of aesthetics from Kantian aesthetics to Environmental aesthetics with the relationship between natural beauty and artistic beauty.Kantian aesthetics interpreted the relationship between natural beauty and artistic beauty as the identity of the two.The Post-Kantian Aesthetics which was represented by Hegel’s aesthetics interpreted the relationship between the natural beauty and artistic beauty as the assimilation of artistic beauty to natural beauty.Environmental aesthetics understood the relationship between the two as the assimilation of natural beauty to artistic beauty.The systematic construction of aesthetics must answer the relationship between natural beauty and artistic beauty which as a basic question of aesthetics.This answer not only relates to the integrity of the aesthetics,but also determines the truth of aesthetic ideology on a certain level.

Key words:natural beauty; artistic beauty; Kantian aesthetics; Hegel’s aesthetics; environmental aesthetics

How Is the Aesthetic Perception of Ecological Wholes Possible?——On Bateson’s Ecological Aesthetics from the Perspective of Recursive Epistemology(134)

Zhang Huiqing

(School of Art,Shandong Jianzhu University,Jinan 250101)

Abstract:Gregory Bateson, the only great theorist in the 20th century who fully demonstrated the science of holism,put forward recursive epistemology by integrating cybernetic feedback and recursive theory into ecological research and his pioneering thinking on ecological aesthetics in his later years,which provided us with a reasonable way to solve ecological holism from the perspective of “physics”.Ecological world view that bases the change and stability of the ecosystem and the survival and development of human beings on the patterns of relation of“organism plus environment”takes “survival-worthy” as its core value and constitutes the basic theoretical premise of recursive epistemology.The natural form is accordingly the embodiment of patterns of relation of “organism plus environment”, which is interpreted as the mapping relationship between “inside” (mind) and “outside” (nature).Based on the three relationships of“the eternal truth of life and environment”(the sacred and aesthetics, aesthetics and consciousness, consciousness and the sacred)by Bateson, ecological aesthetic forms the core of recursive epistemology, and following which the rhythm of life and death is re-conceived in a way that is accordance with the change and stability of ecological order according to the abstract aesthetic pattern of“pattern which connects”, so that ecological aesthetics can not only perceive the ecological wholes,but also complete the re-evaluation of life, death and beauty of ecosys tem.Through the creation of a model of “scanning the interface”, the ecological aesthetic pattern explains the recursive epistemology from the vision of deep aesthetic mechanism with the “moiré pattern” of conscious and unconscious.Difference,as the index of the change and stability of the ecosystem,makes the“information unit of the difference” become the “meta-pattern” of perceiving the ecological wholes and the ecological aesthetics become the “meta-context” in response to the “meta-pattern”.

Key words:Bateson; ecological aesthetics; recursive epistemology; ecological wholes; pattern which connects;difference

An Empirical Study of Parents’Satisfaction for Primary and Secondary School from the Perspective of Public Service Equalization——Case Study of Zhejiang Province(146)

Zhang Mohan1, Ji Chengjun2,Tian Jing3

(1,2.Zhejiang Provincial Center for Research and Evaluation of Educational Modernization,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121; 3.China Academy of Science and Education Evaluation,Hangzhou

Dianzi University,Hangzhou 310018)

Abstract:This study has a survey of more than 372000 primary and secondary schools’ parents in 91 districts of Zhejiang province from the perspective of public service equalization.The findings are as follows.Parents have a high degree of satisfaction to school education.Further analysis reveals that there is a huge gap of educational satisfaction among schools in urban and rural area,schools in different sizes, different levels of parents’educational degree and income.Parents’ expectation achievement degree is the major factor that affects the parents’ satisfaction of primary and secondary school.Parents’ understanding of school,family-school connection, corporal punishment, expectation achievement degree relate to the degree of satisfaction closely.Based on the findings,this study suggests that government and schools make policies and perfect measures from macro and micro levels to promote basic education’s balanced development with high quality, pay close home-school liaison, and improve parents’ satisfaction to schools’ educational service.

Key words:basic education; public service equalization; parents’ satisfaction; influence factors; suggestions

“I Still Want to Know the Hen that Lays Eggs”——The Different Academic Life Attitudes of Qian Zhongshu and Wu Rulun(152)

Lu Dunji

(Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences,Hangzhou 310007)