Discussion on Standardization Management Innovation of Enterprises

2019-01-23 13:46ShaoXiao
中阿科技论坛(中英文) 2019年3期

Shao Xiao

(Shanghai Aviation Electric Co.,LTD,Shanghai 201101)

Abstract:This paper briefly introduces the status quo of enterprise standardization management in China.From the connotation and significance of enterprises’standardization management innovation,it reveals the significance of enterprises’standardization management innovation,and combines the actual situation of the company's standardization work to put forward the content of enterprises’standardization management innovation..

Keywords:standardization;enterprise standardization;management innovation

With the development of the market economy,competition among enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce.As an important means to help enterprises meet market demand,standardization must get rid of the traditional mode and concept,and innovate from the transformation of business philosophy and mechanism,so as to promote the sustainable development of enterprises.At the same time,standardization,as the technical basis for scientific research and production,is undoubtedly the focus of corporate attention.Correctly understanding the innovation oftoday'senterprise standardization work is not only an inevitable requirement for promoting the rapid transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productivity,but also a basic work for enterprises to create new types of management.Overall,standardization management is one of the important basic tasks of enterprise management.Enterprise standardization management plays an important role in ensuring and supporting the entire research and production process.Enterprises must rethink their understanding of standardization management and establish a standardized management system that is suitable for the actual sustainable development of the company.

I.Current Status of Standardization Management in China

At present,China's enterprise standardization management has achieved a lot of achievements.For example,while implementing the higher standards such as national standards,industry standards and local standards,the number and quality of enterprises setting higher standards are gradually increasing;many enterprises have set up full-time jobs.The standardization management department has established a relatively sound enterprise standard system consisting of product realization standard system,basic guarantee standard system and post standard system[1],and has obtained quality management,environmental management and occupational health and safety management system certification,quality and environment.The combination of occupational health and safety management and standardization management has improved the quality of enterprise management;actively advocated the adoption of international and foreign advanced standards,and currently in the field of correspondence with international standardization work,the ratio of national standards adopting international standards is above 80%.However,some enterprises have no clear planning on how to carry out standardization work,how to make standardization work help enterprises cope with the ever-changing economic situation,and have the right to speak in the international market.In the specific practice of enterprise standardization,whether it is technical means still thinking and understanding,there are still various problems,mainly in the following aspects.

Firstly,companies lack clear planning for standardization work.If you fail to do a good job in planning in the early stage;do not seriously think about whether to sort out existing standard documents or change ideas first;whether the established enterprise standard system will satisfy existing business or include future business;enterprise standard system is Standardize the business,or benefit first.

Secondly,the certification work is formalized.In terms of how to integrate multi-system documents,most enterprises have passed ISO9001,ISO14001,OHSAS18000,SA8000 and other system certifications,but they cannot understand the relationship between enterprise standardization and the four systems in depth,and they cannot talk about mutual integration.Make multi-system documents play a full role in scientific research and production operations.

Thirdly,there is still insufficient attention to standardization work.Some employees believe that the standardization work of enterprises is a matter of standardizing the centralized departments and standardization personnel,and has nothing to do with them;even some leaders have relatively weak awareness of standardization,and think that the approval of standards is of little significance,and they are not willing to spend energy and material resources on standardization management;The standards cannot be effectively implemented,and some enterprises are even in a state of no-standard production.

Fourthly,simple application,lack of practicality,and awareness of adopting standards need to be strengthened.For example,some enterprises in the standardization management process do not proceed from the actual situation of the industry and the unit,and the content specified in the management standards lacks operability.

Finally,the standardization work of enterprises is not strong enough to support the development strategy of enterprises.The performance is not combined with the company's vision,not actually combined with its own;does not pay attention to the potential risks of the enterprise;simply copying and copying the management standards of advanced enterprises,so that the enterprise operation layer is at a loss.

In a word,for the above problems,a more feasible solution is to combine the actual enterprise to carry out enterprise standardization management system innovation.

II.Significance and Connotation of Enterprises’Standardization Management Innovation

Enterprises’standardization management innovation means that under the conditions of socialist market economy,enterprises must change the status quo of standardization management,better meet customer expectations,improve enterprise competitive-ness,and achieve sustainable development[2].

In order to solve the problems in standardization management and improve the standardization management level,enterprises must first carry out enterprises’standardization management innovation in combination with market environment,technological development and innovation and the actual situation of the enterprise itself.Innovation is an important way for companies to achieve standardized competitive advantages.Standard is an important indicator to measure the quality of products.Without advanced product standards,there is no high-quality product.As a carrier of technology,standards are effective technical means for enterprises to participate in market competition and to promote themselves and self-denial.It is a'technical barrier'in the increasingly fierce international competition.From a realistic point of view,continuous realization of technological innovation is the fundamental way for enterprises to grow and develop.However,in order to make technological innovation truly effective,it is inseparable from standardization work and innovation.In addition,enterprise standardization management needs to be in line with international standards,so that products and The service has surpassed the international advanced level.

The connotation of enterprise standardization management:Firstly,standardization management innovation is an important component of enterprise management innovation,the inevitable result and realistic choice of establishing a modern enterprise system[2];secondly,in the fierce market competition environment at home and abroad.Enterprises must carry outstandardized managementinnovation,change traditional concepts,mechanisms,methods and models,so that the development of enterprises can adapt to current needs;thirdly,innovation is to better meet the needs of the market and customers,enhance and consolidate the favorable position of the enterprise in the market,realize the strategy and vision of the enterprise,and finally achieve the goal of sustainable development.

III.Approach of Enterprises’Standardization Management Innovation

(i) The Concept of Enterprises’Standardization Management Innovation

Enterprises’standardization management innovation must accomplish concept innovation first.Firstly,enhance the competition awareness of standardization management,establish the concept of“standardseveryone isresponsible”;secondly,have the advanced awareness of standardization management,change from“post-event standard”to“ex-ante standard”,promote standards first,and promote pre-research The early transformation of the project results into standards will allow the rapid development of technological innovations under the promotion of standardization,so that enterprises can always be at the forefront of industry development;thirdly,strengthen the strategic awareness of standardization management,and formulate enterprise standardization work plans based on the vision of enterprise development.Workflows and implementation plans,especially the top-level planning of enterprise standardization,determine the success or failure of standardization work;fourthly,enhance communication and communication with other national experts,and get to know peer experts and domestic competitors by participating in international conferences or events.Hand in hand,form a standardized strategic alliance,and jointly study and formulate technical standards;fifthly,in the field of equipment standardization,it is necessary to strengthen the awareness of the integration of military and civilian,study the connection between military and civilian standards in-depth,and dig into the differences between military and civilian standards,establish a military-civilian standard integration mechanism,integrate standards systems,and strengthen the system(revision)and formulation of standards for common military and civilian use.

(ii) The Mode of Enterprises’Standardization Management Innovation

The traditional enterprise standardization management is mainly led by the government and the administrative plan is issued.This will lead some enterprises to lack market-oriented initiative and be in a“passive”situation.Standardization mainly relies on market traction,technology promotion,product standards to meet customer and market needs,and followsthe“market-autonomous” management model.The standards set by the government are more streamlined and optimized,and the standards independently formulated by the market must continue to grow[3].It mainly includes the following aspects:Firstly,the ultimate goal of the standardized management model adopted by enterprises is to satisfy customers;secondly,strengthen technical exchanges and cooperation,make full use of the advantages and capabilities of existing domestic professional factories,and obtain standards through cooperation.The latest developments;thirdly,we must strive for strong support from the domestic counterparts,because the activities of enterprises participating in international standardization,including the declaration of new projects,expert review,etc.,must be guided and approved by domestic counterparts.

(iii) Management Methods of Enterprises’Standardization Management Innovation

Firstly,the enterprise adopts a process approach in establishing and implementing a standardized management system and continuous and effective improvement.The process approach is to divide the enterprise standardization management into system management,resource management,standard system management,standard setting,standard implementation and supervision.Eight processes of inspection,product realization process standardization,document standardization and evaluation and improvement[2];secondly,actively promote comprehensive standardization work.For the purpose of solving practical problems,the work focuses on the standard implementation check-up,collecting feedback information,and revising standards in time to make the standards fall;thirdly,build an information platform and promote resource sharing.As the information age comes,new impetus are injected into the improvementofstandardized working methods.Many enterprises have introduced information technology tools and tools to conduct enterprise standard data and information management,technical documents and pattern review through network platforms.

(iv) Management Mechanism of Enterprises’Standardization Management Innovation

Firstly,establish a market-oriented(standard)system for the establishment of market standards.Strictly standardize the process of enterprise standard(revision),strengthen process supervision and maintenance and update,establish a platform for collecting and publishing standard solicitation opinions,standard materials or documents,so that all relevant departments can fully participate and make the standard system(revision)process more open Transparency;secondly,improve the standard implementation feedback and benefit evaluation mechanism.In the internal website of the enterprise,the standard implementation feedback process is opened,and the standard implementation methods and indicators are established.The feedback results are reflected in the standard project,drafting,review and other work in a timely manner;thirdly,the standardization activity reward mechanism is established.For example,in the research,innovation and public relations activities of the enterprise standardization strategy and objectives,certain special issues,etc.,the work is highlighted and rewarded;fourthly,improve the monitoring mechanism of enterprise standardization management,establish a“standardization managementcommittee”,guide and supervise Enterprise standardization research and management activities;fifthly,explore scientific research,standards,and industry synchronization mechanisms.Develop a standardized work plan at the same time as the R&D plan is developed.In particular,the development of technical standards for independent innovation,through the improvement of the level of independent technology in the standard,so that the standard has a strong vitality;sixth,strengthen the'three-oriented'work guarantee mechanism.Under the condition that the basic unit is unified and universalized,the product structure and function are combined design,and the standard combination unit(module)is utilized to the maximum extent,and the new product is designed to replace the old product,so as to meet the needs of diverse customers.

(v) Standard Innovation

Firstly,there must be innovation in the formulation,implementation,and supervision of standards.It is necessary to adopt the“PDCA”scientific management mode and method,establish and improve the record file,design and formulate the“supervision and inspection registration form for the implementation of enterprise standards”,and report the problems and opinions raised in the supervision and inspection to the standardization department in time to achieve continuous improvement of corporate standards.

Secondly,standards need innovation in the process of establishing.Establish a market-oriented,customer-centric product standardization strategy,and change the way of copying and copying higher standards.From the problems exposed in the standard-setting process,find gaps,improve the quality of standards,and ultimately translate the customer's existing needs and potential needs into corporate standards.

Thirdly,there must be innovation in the contentand formulation ofstandards.Enterprises should closely follow the domestic and international technological development trends to timely modify and improve the enterprise standard system to maintain its advanced nature and effectiveness;products must change with the requirements of the market,enterprises adopt high-level international standards,and develop higher technology of the enterprise.Standards;standard innovation and technological innovation should be kept in sync.When confirming the standard content,we must take into account the reality of technological progress and innovation.While increasing the input of technological innovation resources,we must also ensure the input of standard innovation and promote the enterprise in technology and standards.All aspects are maintained in a leading position;product standards are developed in parallel with new product development to ensure that product standards meet various requirements in the product development process;in addition,environmental and employee occupational health must be placed first in the development of standards,and the implementation of“green”standards is the development direction of the company's future standardization related work.


Enterprises’standardization management innovation is an inevitable trend of modern enterprise development.In the face of fiercely competitive market environment,standardization management must first change the concept,and then use new models and new methods that match the company's own characteristics,establish an effective guarantee mechanism,and correctly understand and grasp the standardization needs of high-tech fields.In short,enterprises’standardization management innovation is of great significance to the survival and development of enterprises.